Why do people listen to Bellular when he doesn't actually play?

You should go on the wowcirclejerk subreddit. They have a bot that spams “Bellular is a game Dev and so his opinion matters more than yours” whenever his name comes up. It’s hilarious.

I’ll never understand the whole:

Poster A: I don’t know who Larry Foxworthy is
Poster B: Yes you do
Poster A: No I don’t
Poster B: Yes you do

What a very strange thing to do.

That all depends on the context.

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I agree, that would be a strange conversation. But our conversation is not verbal, and my “Yes you do” was followed by a link to a conversation the other guy had like 72 hours ago, demonstrating that he did know. Weird hill to die on, but since i only have ~48 hours left on my sub and don’t want to log in, I’m happy to participate in this small way.

I think I’m feeding off of how much this guy cares to keep it a secret that he knows who Mr. Video man is too.

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I didn’t claim it was hard but you did do it. Thank you for at least being mature and admitting it.

Must be buried amongst all the M+ conversations.

I watch him mainly for his lore insights. You don’t have to actually play the game to opine on lore.

He’s just a reasonable dude who shares his opinions, and articulates points well. Doesn’t have to be a hardcore gamer to share an opinion on a game.

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I don’t think linking forum posts that happened in the last week really constitutes stalking though. Especially when the threads aren’t even dead yet. Maybe just because it’s inconvenient to this really bizarre persona you’re trying to keep up with, that you want to turn the conversation to “stalking” and not what we are all really here to talk about. How amazing Bellular and his co-host are, and how amazing FF is, and also why he only has 6 hours in New World? Doesn’t he know Amazon made that?

I’m really glad you said something strange enough for me to remember. This is fun.


The other day, somebody claimed that one of them were the reason why something was implemented and someone else pointed out how the guy wasn’t even making videos when it was implemented.

He clearly said he didn’t even read past the first name. Are you deliberately ignoring that key comment?

But doesn’t it help or make sense?

Yes. While we’re quoting each other though, there’s this bridge I’m tryna sell super cheap, great location in NY.


And is actually quite annoying when its repetitive. Grow up and own your deceit.


Some followers claim their streamer is the reason why people play and other outrageous things. Then when you question them about it, they get angry like my new friend here and dance around the topic. I don’t understand why.

Because he says bad things about something people dont like. Sadly that gets you a platform way too often.

True, he does seem pretty sincere, it’s just too much. There’s like 30 videos on this stuff, seems a little reachy

The implication you make is that someone is saying “I only play WoW because Bellular plays WoW” which doesn’t seem to be the case.

The reality is though, that companies like Amazon and Intrepid and Square-Enix(spelling, idk) understand that when someone has a 100k viewer LIVE audience, having them play their game will significantly increase traffic to said game.

That’s why mobile games pay these guys $50,000/hr to play cookie clicker.

Why are you so hung up on this still? It’s been explained to you many times in multiple threads.


Repeating the same nonsense does not equate to “been explained.”

Empty shells are not the same as normal players who may be brought into a game.

And that’s assuming all 100k will play. Some watch for other reasons. Many people who watch streamers do not even play.

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Basically Sheep following the Shepherd , Bellular only raids logs and does not find anything else interesting.

I don’t know what you mean by empty shell. They paid, right? Passion is not a requirement of a player, nor a sought after quality by a developer, as WoW is clearly showing signs of lately. Sometimes they just want players, and if a massive streamer says “Game X is BAD, game Y is GOOD”, there is gravity there. T-Pain live streams now and if he comes out and says “Buy my headphones, Bose are trash” do you think that means nothing to his viewers? Agree or disagree with the drone behavior, gravity is still there.

And sure, not everyone who watches a streamer plays the game. I watch people play Subnautica and I’ve never played that. Not sure why this is important.

I feel like we’ve had a breakthrough :slight_smile:


You’re pretending right now. Ben isn’t referring to the post he made. You asked

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Game developer? I know he was a developer on a failed game that never was released.

Remember your thread about saying “SEE THE MARKET DOESNT CARE!” not even a full day after all this crap was public?

“it only went down 70 cents!”
Then it went down 10+ dollars.

Just wanted to remind you.

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