Why do people like WotLK so much?

I couldnt care less how you play and never once said you were obligated to do anything.

The fact that you say someone else can tank says it all. You dont playnlike other people do. And again, THATS WHY YOU DONT GET IT.

You are that type that thinks everyone should play the way you do. Sorry, seems boring to a lot of us. Like i already said, the game has a lot more to offer and if you tried to get involved in any of it THEN YOU WOULD GET IT.

I dont care if you do or dont. Continue to do what you do and remain clueless. Your choice.

Nodody needs any gear out id heroics. They do them for badges, and mats for crafting. Another part of the game you are probably not aware of. Yeah badge gear that will come out in shattered sun offensive. And can be used for epic gem purchases. U probably didnt know that either. Amd the new HEROIC. Will have some bis trinkets. But im sure you are already bis. LOL.

Im not sure why you are offended by your playstyle being casual. But you obviously are. Raid 2 days a week and pvp. That is pretty casual. And the fact that you DONT GET. Anything about wow. Is telling of a casual. Nothing wrong with it.

Can’t speak for all the classes/specs, but the ones that I like to play get even more positive refinement/fixes in WotLK than TBC brought versus Vanilla. I also don’t find 25/40 person raiding very fun, & would prefer to stick to 10-person raiding - which WotLK provides more broad support for than TBC does. I’m also looking forward to Dual-Spec, as playing a healer/tank in Vanilla/TBC sucks & turns you into a raid-logger. I wouldn’t play a healer/tank going forward without Dual-Spec, & I wish that I hadn’t in Vanilla/TBC in retrospect.

I do remember WotLK being an AoE spam fest though, which is sort of what most players today in TBCC like with Paladin tanks. In WotLK I think all tanks can support AoE spammers, & little/no crowd control is needed (even though more classes than ever have crowd control in WotLK, ironically enough).

Lots of opinions.

If you are excited for WOTLK. Have fun playing and enjoy.
If you don’t like WOTLK. Stay in TBCC. Have fun and enjoy.


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I just to BGs in my PVE spec…doesn’t cost any gold!

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at the end of cata i had my pve tab achiev 100% and pve tab 100% achiev and believe me when i say it, the only thing i felt was “what the F*** i wasted 4years of my time over nothing” and right now even if i have cool date on my achievements, it doesn’t even worth it.

achievment was the biggest troll that ever happened in wow, to make you addicted.

No one wants to play Classic Cata.

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Sure they do. Mark my words, you’ll see them popup mid wrath saying how Cata fixed all their issues.

Lol what a joke worst expansion ever in WoW’s history was Cata.


I always totally ignored the achievement portion of the game. Same with pretty much all the seasonal events & even most daily grinds. They just never interested me, regardless of the carrots they may have dangled.

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the only reason Wotlk was loved expansion is that every class & spec could play the game.
However wotlk was thought to be balanced in pve pvp in 2008 but it was actually not, because not everyone knew that very few classic will shine in pvp & range are still in favor for pve specially if you’re going to clear all raids on 10man heroics.

wotlk was a just another expansion that added nice new things, but it doesn’t make it the best 1, i believe that original vanilla was best wow, and after that, each new expansions in order got more problems while trying to satisfying every type of players.

I’ll be an exception then. I quit after the pre-Cata patch in WotLK before and if they push everyone into Cataclysm Classic (assuming of course it does indeed happen) with no option to linger behind on a WotLKC era server (or whatever people are calling them) I’ll quit again. Cataclysm didn’t appeal to me then, I see no reason it’d appeal to me now.

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Partially true. The game was ok at launch. Some if the heroics were a good challenge for an average geared and average skilled player. The problem is the scaling of gear. It doesnt take long before the heroics become very very trivial. And with the gear people will have going in, i am pretty confident that wotlk will be just as easy as ppl remember.

It also becomes obvious how easy the tanks job became. There are mobs in tbc heroics that will easily one shot dps and healers if they pull aggro. In wotlk it is common for impatient leroy dps to start pulling for a slow tank and if the healer decides to throw them heals they will easily survive. Time will twll but if i had to bet, i would out my house up that yes, wotlk will be conssidered easy mode.

Nah, that was MoP & everything beyond that. Total dumpster fire. Cata (pre-nerf) was actually (overall) better than TBC or faceroll WotLK IMO.

Hey wait a sec, feral is viable in TBC.

I agree with your list though.

Vanilla was awful IMO, unless you liked playing only a very select few classes/specs in the game.

isn’t that part of being RPG game? :stuck_out_tongue:
like Druids must be healer…etc

MoP - Legion was a ok I would play any of those expansions over Cata any day of the week. The only expansions worse than Cata are BFA and Shadowlands and lets face it Dragonflight will flop too.

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Wrath meta is fine I guess. At least it will be 3.3.5 patch, original Wrath was not highly regarded for PvP at launch with the state of DKs and paladins.

Ele Shamans and Arms Warrior are still gonna be totally busted. I kind of prefer the TBC meta I think, or at least I don’t have a strong preference for one vs. the other.

Now they are apparently learning from some of the many PvP mistakes they made with TBCC. We’ll have to see how that really turns out but there is an opportunity to fix some things that they broke in TBCC.

And most of them will spend very little time enjoying them once we are 1 week past launch.

Another thing that most people aren’t going to spend a lot of time on after the initial grind.

Hard disagree. I’m not interested in saving the world over and over again. I dislike that hackneyed, MCU style writing, it just makes me cringe. Rather than being the ultimate god-hero that saves the world, I just want to be out there in it.

Interesting, could you elaborate on this point?

So, you’re just talking about the leveling experience?

What about the raids? I remember Naxxramas being stupidly easy in WotLK. I remember Ulduar hard modes being not that much of a challenge either. And I absolutely sucked back then.

You did call me a casual when you’re the one still running heroics LOL.

So, are you tanking for random morons in trade chat, or are you tanking for your guildies? Since you play so much and you’re so hardcore, have you considering leveling an alt to tank these so that you don’t have to constantly respec your main? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, I don’t think everyone needs to participate in both raids and PvP. Some people don’t want to raid. Some people don’t want to PvP. Some people don’t want to do either. Personally I do both, and I find that spending 100g-200g per week on respecs is way less than I spend on my raid consumes, so the complaints here are way overblown.

If you’re not playing these things competitively you don’t even need to respec lol. There are so many solutions to the problems you’re describing.

  1. you could stop being poor and go farm some gold (after all, you play the game SO MUCH, clearly you could do AT LEAST as much farming as a casual like me LOL)

  2. you could stop being lazy and level an alt for when you are needed to help out with heroics etc. (or is this incompatible with your HARDCORE playstyle, and only for CASUALS like me? LOL)

  3. you could get more strategic about the way you plan your week, in order to complete content at the time that you are specced optimally for it, and minimize the required number of respecs.

Yes, but that’s the point. Of course players with full Sunwell gear will be able to cheese mechanics and find fights easy. Just as a tank with BiS gear from Classic found the normal dungeons in TBC Classic pretty easy.

Having said that, I felt even during OG Wrath that the gear scaling was poorly done. Character power scaled up too high by ToC/ICC, and even heroic dungeons were trivialised as a result. Do I think Wrath heroic dungeons are as hard as TBC heroic dungeons? Of course not. But neither do I think they were as easy as people remember. Because I think they only remember what they were like when people had ToC/ICC gear. I don’t think they remember what they were like when they had fresh gear.

You have personal issue dude. Get over yourself. U play wow ffs. And u think parsing is telling. Lol. Gosh. Pretty sad.

Go ahead. Get the last word. Its important to you. If it helps you have a better day, you win. You are the best. U own at wow. You are the best wow player. U r a wow hero.

Lol. Damn. U say you dont get it, like u were wanting to have a conversation. Then get all butthurt over it. Whatever son. Chill.