Why do people like WotLK so much?

Truth of the matter is most players want easy content that’s fun not a real challenge. Partly why Cata is so unpopular. 5 man heroics were dialed up to 11 and many classes got nerfed into oblivion at the same time.

What specifically do you dislike about Cata?

The popular answers are “world revamp” and “talent revamp” which is fine, but rather inconsistent with your praise for MoP, WoD, and Legion considering these expansions didn’t undo the world revamp or talent revamp lol.

Personally think Legion is the absolute worst expansion ever because it permanently ruined class design. And every expansion after Legion has been just as awful (because they came after Legion and followed that same paradigm of class design

You’re the one who said my problem is that I’m playing too casually LOL

And you’re either too poor to spend 100g per week respeccing, or too inept at planning to schedule out your activities for the week and minimize respecs. But I’m the casual one. :^)

We were having a conversation when I suggested ways you could make respeccing less of a big deal. You didn’t respond to any of my suggestions, you just shut down and accused me of having a personal issue lol.

If they do Cata classic, they’ll base it on the final patch meaning we’ll get the nerfed “made for drooling/AFK RDF dummies” versions :frowning:

Everyone has their reasons.
Mine, I think Blizzard finally reached their stride with WotLK. Wasn’t one thing but the combination of all the parts. I had expected another TBC sort of Sony/EQ like.

Agreed. The gear scaling was a little crazy. Its what made the game so easy. Some of that is the entire point of rpg. I mean we want to get more powerful. But it was overkill amd the biggest problem.with all future wow exoansions. It just kept getting easier.

To bad they didnt offer mythics back then. But as a whole tier. Like buff the heroics all at once. The last 3 heroics that came out were also pretry challenging. Again, for an average player in average gear. But by then, instances like gudrak were a joke. The one with the beetle looking boss that would go underground, we were killing him faster and as soon as he was up we would dps and almost immediatly he would burrow. But yeah, at the start even that one was kinda tough. All the poisen and spikes.

Such as what?

I have no idea why you’ve decided to argue these points. Are you claiming that my personal preferences are only valid if you share them? The question was asked, “Why do people like WotLK so much?” I answered it.

Again, not interesting in defending my personal opinion.

I struggle to reconcile these kinds of claims against my own memory of Wrath. My memory is that people with fresh characters struggled with the dungeons, and Naxx and Sarth, until they geared up a bit. In fact, I’d say that I’m having a lot more success in TBC Classic than I had as a new player in Wrath. Part of this was my own lack of experience. But I don’t recall any other players opining about how trivial content was in OG Wrath, at least until they started to be decked out in ToC/ICC gear. We knew some guilds that were clearing Naxx, but they certainly weren’t doing it easily. Maybe there were some guilds that were facerolling Naxx, but they were definitely in the minority.

The percentage of players currently completing raid content in TBC Classic far exceeds the percentage of players even attempting raid content back in OG Wrath, let alone completing it. And sure, maybe full Sunwell-geared characters were finding Sarth and Naxx a bit easy. But that’s hardly surprising. Did players with BiS from Classic have much difficulty when they came into TBC Classic? Of course they didn’t.

wrath was a lot easier then classic wow and classic tbc dungeons were lol steam roll and they added lfd.

Just a note on rep grinds in wrath. With the creation of the rep tabards, this opened up the closed off rep paths available to you. You no longer need to run specific dungeons over and over to get your rep. You can buy the tabard and run what ever you want to and still make progress (albeit slower). Made a huge difference

So you’re excited for zones and music that you’re only going to enjoy for 1 week in all likelihood, or a few weeks at most?

I get with the storytelling there is an element of subjectivity to it, but at the same time I think most critics would say that that the MCU is not exactly refined storytelling. Of course it has made for more profit than any piece of great literature. Does that mean the critics are wrong?

I like to think, and I like to argue. It’s not a personal attack, I’m just encouraging you to think more deeply about your perspective and do you think you’re going to be as jazzed up for WotLK once we’re already 1 month into it and you’re not spending much time with those new zones and music (which I also praised in my OP) anymore?

A consistent theme I’m noticing in this thread is that a lot of the reasons people state, are not likely to remain relevant past the initial launch and leveling experience. Not all of them, but many.

I’m not asking you to defend it, I’m asking for elaboration because I don’t remember professions being all that different and I’m wondering what it is that I may have misremembered.

I didn’t raid at all in original TBC. I went into original WotLK wearing full PvP gear, joined a raiding guild, and maybe I just lucked out with a great guild (they had some very good players, and probably only recruited me because I had the Gladiator title) but WotLK raids were a breeze for us.

It’s not surprising that you had a very different experience as a brand new player going in with no gear at all. But, that experience probably won’t tell us too much about classic WotLK, as you acknowledged.

There probably aren’t going to be many people going into WotLK on a brand new character in leveling greens.

Yes. Correct. My comment on rep was just an example of the amount of content people were putting out for tbc, pre launch. I could have chosen a differnt subject.

I just saw a lot more hype and content being put out for tbc.

The main reason for that is the player base has changed. People are a lot better at the game, people know more about the game, and above all else people do not approach the game the same way they did back then.

That’s well and good if you do all the raids your gonna do within a few days.
But I do all the raids although the week so its not just two respects during the week, and when you are trying to save and much gold as you can for wrath it feels pretty bad to respec like that.

If anyone really thinks that, I will personally help set up the intervention.

So why don’t you join a guild that has a raid schedule which better accommodates people who both raid and PvP?

As GM of my guild, I specifically decided that we are going to have back to back raid nights, and this gives us an advantage in recruiting.

Even if you do ZA every lockout, that’s still only an extra 100g per week (still way less than the price of consumes) or you can simply bring an alt…

Cata had some nice features like RBGs. Gilneas is a pretty fun BG. Tol’Barad was IMO a nice throwback to Quel’Danas (definitely liked it way better than Wintergrasp). The Cata arena scene is pretty fun as well.

I also enjoy heroics which are tuned to require CCs and using the full spellbook, rather than heroics that are tuned for random groups of idiots who only know how to pull the entire room and AoE.

(Unfortunately, Cataclysm Classic, in the unlikely event that it ever gets made, would probably have the nerfed heroics based on the later patches)

Legion was a bridge too far, but WoD was kinda horrible also for all the other classes. WoD+ is just total garbage

Because I’ve been with the same guild since even before classic, and I like the guild.

Are you aware…even just a little bit…that not everyone plays with the same agenda as you? I used that one quote but basically everything you have written in this post smacks of a blithe ignorance or purposeful disregard for the fact…yes fact…that more than few players are bit less aggressive in their playstyle than you. I mean, you do you, but dude…plenty of people will be running those dungeons the entirety of the xpac. LOL, not as many with no LFD but w/e…

For me, I suppose the Lich King is the only end boss, throughout all of WoW that seems like a name-brand/recognizable character. I don’t know why. I haven’t paid attention to the lore, and don’t care about Warcraft.

Cata was my favorite expansion. Granted, I stopped playing while Firelands was still current. It had the best dungeons and first tier raids of any expansion to date, imo.

Yeah, Rogues had pretty minimal pruning in WoD. I didn’t like losing Tricks of the Trade and Shadow Walk. OTOH I didn’t mind losing Shadow Blades because that was always a pretty dumb CD, and Subtlety’s big CD is supposed to be Shadow Dance. The 1min burst cadence is core to the identity of the spec so they had no business adding a big 3min CD in the first place.

I definitely feel for other classes that lost a lot more in WoD. I know what that is like, because in Legion my Rogue got pruned extra hard to catch us up to how ruined everything else had become.

I don’t care very much either. The writing in WoW has never been good on the grand scale (some of the smaller quests are very well written however). I enjoyed the WC2 lore more than the WC3 lore anyway.

It just seems like this is a very weird reason to get hyped for an expansion. To each their own, I suppose.

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Yeah it was a big suck for the rest of us in WoD…

worst part about WoD was that they pruned the rest of us so hard that it made Combat BiS for arena because they could just Zugzug you all day.

Some blame combat rogues for playing that way but really it was the prune to blame.