Why do people like WotLK so much?

I played every expansion since launch and I didn’t think WotLK was very special.

The zones and the music were very cool and well done. But we already raided Naxxramas in vanilla/classic. Ulduar was the only really exciting WotLK raid I think.

Why are people so excited for this expansion, and is it just because WotLK was the first expansion they played?



  • I loved the zones & music, aesthetics & lore.
  • Warcraft 3…duh.
  • I actually really liked Wrath dungeons. Not all, but most,
  • Class Balance - after TBC, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Almost every spec is viable in PvE, including Feral Druid.
  • RDF and leveling alts with it.
  • Warrior’s Warbringer talent (charge in prot stance)
  • 70-80 questing experience, imho, is much much better than TBC 60-70.
  • Dual spec
  • Raid difficulty modes - allowed all types of players to find raid spots.
  • Though not a fan of Ulduar myself, I loved ToGC raid. That was like the perfect raid for me.

Its where casuals from retail (note, not all retail enthusiasts are casuals by any means, just there are a lot of them) get their classic version of the game. Its kind of weird to think we will be going through the whole wrath baby meme again this time too.


honestly I am gonna try and get all achievements in wrath, looking forward to the challenge.

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You’re not getting Gladiator.


I dunno. Same people were hyping the F out of TBC Classic at the end of Classic saying it was the golden age. Look how that turned out. People always hype the next thing and never live in the moment. You can bet that during wrath we will hear these champs saying “I can’t wait for Cata”.


It came out Q4 of 2008. Most folks were looking to escape reality


I think after watching what happened with classic 2019 and TBCC, it’s safe to say that many people are going to be very disappointed with wrath and their expectations will come no where close to matching reality of what the game is. I’ll highlight the trouble areas.

  1. Heroic dungeon content is super easy.
  2. Raid content is super easy. (even the heroic versions)
  3. Scaling in wrath is no longer linear and there is huge power spikes in the game from each raid tier to the next. By the time ICC come’s out you’ll be playing a very different game.
  4. GDKP’s going to be ever present due to how easy the content is. Which diminishes the value of joining a guild.
  5. Boosting will still be very popular even if they put RDF in the game for leveling.
  6. Achievements will motivate toxic player behavior.
  7. There will be a variety of unexpected bugs in the game that blizzard likely never fixes.

That’s the short list, we’re very likely to see similar issues as in TBCC like terrible honor gains, skewed consumable/resource economies, faction imbalances due to community perception that are much harder to predict. Which blizzard will react very slowly to or not at all.


People don’t really like wotlk… they just like “the next thing”

People wouldn’t shut up about tbc and how it’s the greatest expansion ever… yeah that lasted about 10 days.

How you remember it ≠= how it will play out in classic.


Personally, I loved Vanilla and I’ve loved TBC.

My only complaints are

  1. They rushed both way too much
  2. They badly mishandled PvP in TBCC

I’m not really looking forward to WotLK as much.

God I had forgotten about people intentionally making awful plays in BGs because they are pursuing some dumb achievement.

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I’m looking forward to Wrath, because I want to see how the game design shapes up in that xpac.

I dislike the group comp meta from TBC that makes some classes (cough Shaman cough) too important.

That being said, it will come when it comes. Let’s do Sunwell first and enjoy it. It finally looks like it’s going to be a raid tier that we will actually progress on.

It’s funny to me how all these people rushing to wrath seem to be posting from retail alts or low level toons.


High Level Likes

  • Music
  • Zones
  • Story Line
  • Raids
    The raids were fun including the tournament and I know that seemed to be a love it or hate it raid. I haven’t been back to Northrend much in retail and when I was there on a character I leveled very fast thus ‘out growing’ the zones themselves. ( guess that is not a factor these days). The majority of the dungeons were fun and myself I did not mind Occulus though most would exit immediately when picking up an extra via LFD. I have very fond memories of this expansion for many reasons and hope to create many more.
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It doesn’t matter, Blizzard will find a way to ruin it lol


*resub just for LK (started building up some toons on BC when it was first lauched just to get ready for it.
A: being able to play my main of 10+ years again Ranged survival hunter
B: I hate scaling (some games do it better than others but WOW is the worse by far).
C: IMO in general almost all the classes were better designed along with the general game play.
D: not having some spells and skills locked behind warmode (stupid idea even the original dev’s said they should not be different between PVE vs PVP. )

*I like playing WOW but the crap that is now retail is not WOW to me, its just crap and not worth the sub$.


That’s just as much a community problem and it’s not going away in Wrath unfortunately.

The hardcore guilds are probably not running more than 1 Shaman in their raid. They will only want Prot Pal and DK are their tanks. They will want at least 2 Hpals.

The community cares a lot more about the perceived ordering of the specs on a tier list, than it does about the actual magnitude of difference from tier to tier.

All of WoW is for casual MMO players. That’s why it became so popular.

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I understand this because I refuse to play retail since Legion absoluely desecrated the entire Rogue class.

That said, you didn’t really need to wait for WotLK for that. SV is still a ranged spec in vanilla and TBC, lol.

Agreed 100%. Retail is truly awful. That’s why I loved classic vanilla and TBC so much.

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Incredible class design. Perfect combination of refined, improved mechanics and new abilities. Open communication with devs.

PVE accommodating both world-class and beginners. Dungeon content that was truly consumable and entry-level. The 10-man “squad” venue made hundreds of guilds, and helped as scrimmage for hundreds more. Gearing paths combining luck and long-term planning. Ultimate alt-friendliness.

Story befitting a final chapter in a setting that was both consistent and varied with startling depth at the same time.

It was a textbook “third try,” improving in everything learned from one attempt to add to the original, with the most enthusiasm and confidence Blizzard has ever shown.

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Oh 100% agreed that the meta and min maxing will be a huge part as always. However the fact that most buffs are raid wide will alleviate some issues that less hardcore guilds have in terms of recruiting. Right now every guild is recruiting shamans. Heck guilds will take just dinged lvl 70 shamans and run em through stuff.

I don’t think there is a class like that in WoTLK and I’m looking forward to that. I like that multiple classes bring the same buffs and they can be somewhat interchangeable. I’m sure Progress will have a meta comp, but “normal” guilds will still be more flexible.

Just wait until the off the rails RMT, botting, and GDKPs inject even more toxic behavior into WotLK.