Why do people like WotLK so much?

The play style I liked best was the LK - MOP one (WOD was still there but watered down some and then nerfed to hell).

*friend wanted to try BFA and neither of us lasted our subs out before uninstalling, even BC is ton’s better that the current garbage. (played it more than I could stand the short time in barf err BFA).

Really not a big fan of Fan of Knives being added to the Rogue class. I don’t care that it makes us stronger, because it makes our identity a lot weaker when we should be focused more on single target.

Also FoK has almost zero interaction with the rest of the kit.

This is not a thing in classic.

The PvE content is definitely not very challenging in WotLK. I did 1 light Yogg in the original and was an awful player at the time.

This is a euphemism for “dungeon content that doesn’t require a brain, any kind of strategy, or 90% of your spellbook. Just chain pull everything and AoE it down.”

Yeah, 10m is a pretty cool addition.

The PvP “raids” are truly awful. The PvP community is near universal in their preference for static, deterministic gearing.

There’s been plenty of time to level alts already. Personally, I have 8 characters 60+ and I didn’t rely on any dungeon boosting.

Who is playing Classic for the story? Anyway, Wrath (and TBC, and basically all expansions after the original) have way too much emphasis on these cosmic scale forces and ultimate threats to the survival of the universe. It’s really hackneyed and cheesy in the same way as the MCU. The writing in vanilla was much better IMO, with an emphasis on the world itself and the stories of ordinary inhabitants of Azeroth being foregrounded.

That really doesn’t explain much of the hype surrounding WotLK classic.

This is sooo true. All I heard in Classic was “I’m just here for TBC” and “bring on TBC, I’m rolling a Pally” or “I can’t wait for Arena and a better PvP system”.

Now we’re over TBC and hyping WotLK.


I’ve been playing classic this whole time just for wrath.
I was never a hugh fan of tbc back in the day but I have enjoyed playing it more this time around tho.
The no duel spec has effected me wanting to pvp tho, so pretty exited about that.

Yeah it’s the same way for Subtlety spec, my favorite Rogue spec. WotLK introduced Shadow Dance which is such an exciting ability. So that is something I’m looking forward to! Basically from WotLK through WoD, the Subtlety spec is a masterpiece of class design that will probably never be surpassed.

I still much preferred playing Rogue in vanilla and TBC to the garbage retail version of it, however.

*ya updated my comment you quoted (BC is still way better IMO that anything current.).

I don’t get this at all. It’s only 50g for a respec. So I respec before my raid on Wednesday. And after my raid on Thursday I respec again, back to my PvP spec until Wednesday next week.

It’s 100g per week. Far, far less than the price of consumables and everything else, it’s really miniscule.

I’m still enjoying TBC a lot. I hate how badly they are rushing us through it. I’m not in any kind of hurry to get to Wrath, and everyone with a brain should show some caution because the future of Classic after Wrath is extremely uncertain.

They arent as excited for wotlk anymore than they were for classic launch or tbc. Each one has been a little less each time. By this time for tbc there were about a million videos on youtube of just what the best rep grind path would be. There are a few ppl making strat guides for wotlk. Not nearly as many.

Ppl always look forward to new stuff. Thats all. Ask most ppl that played all of the expansions and they will tell younthat wotlk was actually not as good as tbc. But they will still want to play it. I think you are making a deal out of nothing.

Dual Spec
Bestehn and Slahtz
Retribution Paladins

Well among the pservers wrath is the most popular and TBC is least popular (among the first 3).

I liked how Arthas, the big bad, was in your face from the moment you stepped off the boat. He appears in several questlines, cinematics and makes appearances elsewhere. He is constantly hounding your every step. I enjoyed having the final boss (sorry, not including Ruby Sanctum) take such an active and visible role in things.

That and I REALLY enjoyed my guild in WotLK.

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Is only needed by poor people that somehow can’t afford 100g per week (but can somehow afford all their raid consumables?)

Twinking is a very small, niche community. These guys also weren’t even necessary until BG experience was introduced.

Max level PvP is way more interesting because of the larger spellbooks. Twink BGs are for people that want to push only 4 buttons and still win because they’ve got the best possible gear. Thumbs down from me.

Are a thing TBCC ? My guild’s Ret is one of our top DPSers. Rets also have some very strong arena comps like Ret/Rshaman in 2s, cupid in 3s, etc.

Maybe if you’re one of those guys that doesn’t even keybind your dispels and you just want to roll face without having to think too much, I guess WotLK Ret is exciting.

I dislike having a big bad at all. I don’t like them in D&D and I don’t like them in WoW. It’s very lazy storytelling.

What does that have to do with classic?

Nobody cares if you don’t like their reasons for wanting WoTLK … even if that’s the whole reason for this thread.

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Because thats all you do is one change. Thats why you dont get it. You have a very casual playstyle.

Try playing the way the rest of us do or more realistically, want to.

Pvp spec. See someone needs a tank for daily heroic. Respec. Run. Want to pvp again. Respec. Time for raid. Respec. Pvp. Respec. Gdkp needs ppl , respec, pvp, respec, daily heroic, respec. Pvp, respec, zul aman run, respec, pvp respec, on and o. And on.

Play the game more. Try to get more out of what the game is offering. Then you would get it. You must be bored as heck the way you play. There is so much more to do.

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This. I NEVER liked TBC so TBCC has been nothing more than a waiting room/preparation phase for me. That and I needed to look for 24 other shmucks who had similar goals in regards to WotLKC as I do. Not planning to miss out on the plagued/black proto this time.

The question was, “Why do people like WotLK so much?” and part of why I enjoyed WotLK so much was because of the guild I raided with. English much?

The cost of 2x respecs per week is about the cost of 6x haste potions on Benediction, lol. I spend that many times over for my weekly raid consumes. So objectively speaking this is a pretty stupid reason because dual spec is only needed if you both raid and PvP, while just raiding alone is already far more expensive.

lol, I am without a doubt parsing higher than you and have a higher arena rating.

They can find another tank, I’m not obligated to save the day. If we’re talking about helping guildies here, alts also exist for a reason (maybe if you weren’t so casual, LOL)

My guild schedules our raids on back to back to back nights so that I only need to spend 1 day and 2 nights in my raid spec.

GDKPs are gross. I’d rather run with my guild.

I stopped needing anything from heroics in P1. Maybe your playstyle is too casual LOL.

I already have everything I need from ZA. Happy to help the guild run them but I don’t need to be there. Usually we’ll do a run after our main raid nights, so if they do need me to fill it’s only an extra 100g per week. Which again, is less than I’d spend on sappers, haste potions, scrolls, and all my other consumes for that ZA anyway LOL.

I’ve been playing Gulch, Basin, and Nagrand Arena since they were first introduced to the game, and I’m still not bored of them all these years later. These are SIGNIFICANTLY more fun and challenging than the heroics which I outgeared several phases ago.

For me it’s the PvP.

Achievements were (another) good idea allowed to be ruined by the playerbase with Blizz’s blessing. I wouldn’t be one bit upset if they were axed for WotLK Classic.

There are many things Blizz may or may not do, but what they have proven since 2004 is what they will never do is anything to curb toxicity. The main thing I came into Classic hoping for was that Blizz, having the benefit of hindsight, would not let the inmates run the asylum but they seem perfectly content to do just that…again.

  1. The zones are amazing.
  2. The music is amazing.
  3. All classes worked well.
  4. I really like the dungeons. There’s more to a dungeon than the difficulty of the combat. It should look good, and have a natural flow. It should have a uniting theme. It should, in short, be a pleasure to be in, regardless of the difficulty of the fights. This is why I rate Cata, Wrath and TBC dungeons as my favourite dungeons. Not because of how hard they are, but because they’re fun.
  5. The storyline was surprisingly satisfying. Storylines in MMOs don’t need to be particularly complicated. In fact, as BfA shows, it helps if they’re not (or at least not TOO complicated). A simple plot, well executed, with the players being at the front and centre, rather than spectators as NPCs do their stuff, just works well.
  6. Professions worked well, and were interesting to get into. The economy functioned pretty well.

I think what we’ll find out is that Wrath Classic content will be about as difficult as Classic and TBC Classic was. I think the important thing to keep in mind is that in original WoW and original TBC, most players were still finding their way. Even in OG TBC, most players still didn’t know what they were doing. In OG Wrath, people started figuring out ways to trivialise content. Addons. Voice chat. Strategy videos. BiS lists. Class guides. And when we applied all this, in a modern organised way, to Classic and TBC Classic, we found that much of the content wasn’t as challenging as we thought it was going to be.

So when Wrath Classic rolls around, I’m not expecting as massive a drop in difficulty as people are expecting. I think players (particularly those with fresh 70s, rather than 70s with full Sunwell gear) will struggle with Ingvar in Utgarde Keep, Skadi in Utgarde Pinnacle, Loken in Halls of Lightning. Just as they did with Nazan & Vazruden in Ramps until people figured out that Nazan is accumulating healer threat as he hovers.

I think the simple reality is that TBC Classic has proven to be less hard than people imagined. And I think that Wrath Classic will prove to be less easy than people currently imagine. Of course going in with full Sunwell gear will trivialise things somewhat. But on fresh 70s, I can guarantee there will be plenty of character deaths, and even wipes.

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