Why do people like playing with friends?

ya’ll are spending a lot of time replying to a guy who said he’d sit back and watch a child get murdered because of time travellers.

So… a child murder that would never happen cause time travel doesnt exist? :thinking:

I too would watch that and not stop it from happening, if child’s death had to be by time traveller. o.o

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What have I missed now? o.O

Edit: Saw the post under mine and at first, honestly thought we might be on the moral dilemma of “do I kill baby Hitler or no”. But that… is not that… at all.

nah the baby might be the time traveller edit: oops no, the murderer is the time traveller and the baby could potentially grow up to be hitler. or some nonsense.

shocking, that this guy doesn’t have friends to play with.

Completely disagree.

No I do not agree with that at all. Also, I think OP says he believes in communism. I do not agree with that either. But, he has made points that I completely agree with as well.

I don’t agree with that at all.


Or the next 45.

This is healthy. I wouldn’t want us all to agree on everything. Life is a tapestry of many colors. Yes, the thread that stitches my politics is chaotic anarchy set in Commie Red - but that doesn’t mean I want the entire tapestry to look like that. I don’t ask that we agree on anything in particular. All I hope for is an environment where every statement is considered honestly and evaluated by each individual who reads it. So long as my name does not turn others away from new ideas, I welcome both agreement and disagreement with open arms. This is a forum, after all. We should all speak our truth.


The other points you made, are not really anything I’ve encountered challenges with; especially the criticism of each other. My friends and I certainly talk about builds and discuss gameplay, but we’ve never criticized or exercised any kind of judgment over how the other person decides to okay.

The leveling thing can be somewhat jarring at times. Often it can relate to time zones where it just doesn’t align proper and maybe I spend more time just raw leveling so it’s out of proportions. On occasion I’ve had to just put down that particular character and leveled some other random character just to let a friend catch up. Not entirely sure if it’s a good solution to this.

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Reminds me of the edgy, derpy shiz people used to spout off in high school, to make themselves look cool.

This is one of the many colors the tapestry has.

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I love that scene.

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All good, I should have said “for me”.

There was a time I could roll solo for hours on end. But now, it’s more fun to have a running buddy to keep things interesting.

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Shreds. Do you need a new pal?


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You know, I was wondering who in the Hell thought up this topic. Lo and behold it’s the same guy that just posted how he just dropped $9000 on ATVI stock today. I just have one question for you:

How out of touch with reality do you feel right now, and if you don’t, why?

I guess I never really answered your original question though.

I do understand the appeal. But, as I wrote earlier - I like to be alone most of the time. I also do not like engaging with a lot of ppl i.e. raiding. I’ve changed a lot personally the last couple years, wasn’t always this way.

So, I am not a total recluse and do like to do some content with peeps, just not a lot.

Where? I do not like ppl who brag.

Usually when friends play stuff together, they play the same faction this is because even finding your friend if they are a different faction these days is really difficult (sharding). So I’d recommend making two toons, one to play when your friend is around, and the other one to play when they are not online (that can be your other faction one).

Friendship is about more than worrying about “catching up”. WoW has this feature called Party sync, so if you advance faster than your friend, you can just sync down to their level and redo quests with them.

Although I never found this to be an issue. If my friend is not online, I do other things or play other toons.

Only if you’re 10 years old. I have never had a moment of drama with my friends.

you’re not describing a friend here. A friend would help you improve not criticize you, so I’d recommend if you run into “friends” like this, you go out and seek better friends. I’ve raided with my friends for 12 years and not once has any of us been rude to each other.

Some people are not cut out for playing with friends, and that’s ok, I have a friend who loves to play solo and we respect that. We still ask if she wants to do stuff but don’t feel slighted when she says no, because she enjoys doing stuff by herself.

Most of my friends in WoW, I met through playing this game, and I value them greatly! I consider myself very lucky to have found them!

That’s the first item that should obviate itself? Im pretty sure if i get friends to join me in anything, its because they wanna be with me, not against me or do their own thing.

Ummmm yea. A good friend that values the friendship more than the game itself, would actually do this instinctively.

Sure. If youre a self-absorbed idiot, that potential is high.

If it’s constructive and in a helpful manner, and still the friendship falls apart, i would question the foundation. If it isnt “over” then it was likely received in the intended manner, as a means to help them realize their own potential.

Truth be told, and its not really a personal attack, i just think you dont value what an actual friendship is.

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Here ya go.


I don’t believe for a second you’re popular lmao.

It’s not a brag, it’s a risk. When I saw how low ATVI stock had dipped, I sold 8 shares of TSLA and put it into ATVI. I sold all my ATVI back in December of last year and didn’t see a reason to buy back in until now. I could still lose a lot of value in my portfolio though. So no bragging here. I’m just doing what I believe in the smarter movie, same as I always do.