Why do people like playing with friends?

Or work on professions. I could spend an hour or 2 farming herbs or ore.

I’m weird :joy:


I’m right there with you at the Weird Club. I enjoy fishing.


Fishing was almost exclusively my only gold earning method for bc and wrath until i discovered zap throttle mote extractor in late cata

I only have good memories of fishing savory deviates and stoneskin eels until bedtime

I really wish i still had passion for the game and could do all the legion fishing things

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You’re spare parts bud

This can’t be a serious question…

I’m guessing OP has no friends.
Frankly, I won’t play this game unless I’m playing with friends.
Ya’all a bunch of d-bags and a-holes, why would I want to play with any of the jerks that infest this game? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

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I enjoy having people I can rely on in a game where people are notoriously unreliable.

I prefer to solo instead, of, say, beating my head against the wall in LFR sylvie because for one I know I won’t survive the fight and for two I can’t expect the team to carry me either, so, like, what’s the point. Maybe if I stayed for 2+ hours it would get done, plus every time people start complaining I take it personally because I most often die to either failing to sail between platforms or not noticing the tiny little holes in the bridges jaina and thrall make so I just go down one when we’re not even fighting.

“I am the weakest baboon of all.”

From what I can tell OP is fishing for justification as to why he’s anti-social. I am too, but I still have one person I enjoy playing with more than I enjoy playing alone. So, ymmv I guess. As I said before the idea of making friends within the game is such a foreign concept to me I can’t even wrap my head around it. I’m a very weird guy, very idiosyncratic, with odd beliefs and practices. The idea that someone like me would somehow meet anyone in this game that I could even have a meaningful conversation with is kind of a step too far. It doesn’t happen IRL, why would it ever happen in the internet? I’ve burned facebook at least 3 times trying and failing to connect to people. Even when I had a lot of RL friends that played most of our conversations were “X dropped for me last night.” “Sweet.” Real meetings of the minds, let me tell you.

Even foruming is more akin to journaling than actual conversation. I don’t post on the same character long enough to become a known persona and anyone who does notice me will surely notice that I usually say my piece then don’t even bother to reply further. I’m usually not interested in the conversation as much as just formulating an opinion and seeing if I can write it cogently.

I think I have the OP beat for being anti-social now that I think about it. I wouldn’t even start a thread because it makes things too hot, last time I did that I haven’t logged into the character to even check what went on in there, I just dumped an OP and let it rot in the void of my own self-initiated non-awareness. All I wanted to do was rant at the game for a sec, then I come back and there’s 50 replies, probably mostly telling me my feelings are invalid, so why would I even put myself through it to look. If someone agreed, great, but the thing with me is that negativity sticks and positivity rolls off and I’ll forget it even happened like five minutes later.

Oh well, I guess this is what happens to people who live in a sick society that makes them sick practically at every turn.

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I’ve been playing MMOs with friends since… the day I first started playing MMOs.

Maybe the problems you’ve experienced have had more to do with the friends you’ve chosen or how you treat them and your relationships? I dunno.

I am with on leveling woth friends is a pain, i power through levels but all my friends take their time , they ask to group up but i have to decline most times cause it slows me down, i gladly group up for dungeons and raids but leveling i prefer to do it alone

One of my friends has a very high difficulty with randos after a rather rude past experience (shes a prot pali) but some dungeons are required for storylines. So we group up with her.
We’re all over the place with Ilvl and we are 1 man short of a proper dungeon group but we have a healer and a tank. So, with headset on, we take on the challenge. Of course I die, constantly, but I told them I would probably die, we laugh as she resses me.
Healer yells random things, we do things, it ended up killing us. We laugh again.

I’m very sorry you don’t seem to have friends on the same wavelength as yourself

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To each their own.

I admire ppl who can do things on their own and do need many people or much socialization. Very independent, strong people. Most ppl I’ve ever really admired have these quality’s.

By design - we’re social creatures. There is always the exception to the rule though. Even in the animal kingdom.

When I think of anti social - I think of that “weird” kid in school who ppl shun and does bad things. Not always the case.

It’s my $15 and I’m going to play the game the way I want to. I want to relax. I do not want to stress anymore playing a game. I enjoy being alone most of the time. I do like messaging with some ppl and doing content periodically with others but, most of the time, I want and enjoy solitude.

Maybe that is strange when playing an MMO? Idk.


Why does the title of this thread read like:


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Actually… in vanilla twinking was kinda popular in my guild. We had a smaller, separate guild for level 29 twinks to do WSG with. I got curious one day and made my first horde alt after some of the horde 29 twinks came to stormwind on alts and chatted with us. Wound up joining their pvp guild and my husband came along, also made a horde character and we twinked them up using the neutral ah.

I spent about 3 months fighting on both sides, never telling anyone but my husband about my horde character. We finally came clean though, and while our alliance guild weren’t thrilled that we were doing it, they weren’t really jerks about it. It was all in good fun. But yeah, turns out I enjoyed killing my friends more than actually playing with them.

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Sssooooo… you don’t have many friends?


I don’t have many friends at all left playing this game.

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Lol What? Do… Do you have friends?


Kinda seems like OP’s answer would be an emphatic, “No”. I could be grossly mistaken though.

Here’s a kitty to make everyone feel better:


Short answer, the game is boring solo.

As for the rest, if you and your friend are mature, competition actually makes the game more fun. Just keep your meter posting for you and your friend ONLY.

I’m anti-social but I still like playing WoW with my boyfriend. I mean… I usually play solo but extraverted people love playing with other extraverted people. You and I are introverts, we get exhausted dealing with other people.