I think I have "Difficulty Blindness."

In fact, I would. I disabled amber alerts on my phone, too. Some people would say that makes me a bad person, but I say I’m just someone who minds his own business. My thing is, I don’t know the situation. What if that guy’s a time traveler and the baby is destined to commit mass genocide? I don’t know anything about anything. I’m just a dude walking by. So, no. I wouldn’t do anything more than shrug it off. I doubt I’d even mention it to anyone. I don’t speak to police, so there’s no one to report it to.

And I wouldn’t judge the man either, because again, I don’t know his story.

Maybe the baby is innocent and the man is mentally ill, in which case, he still isn’t evil.

But then, I don’t believe in evil, so it would be hard to cite an example of something I would universally condemn as immoral. There are caveats to everything, and nothing happens without a motive of some sort. I’d have to have all the information before I acted, and even then, I doubt I would think it my place to intervene in the fates of other people.