Why do people like playing with friends?

I never understood the appeal of playing WoW with friends.

The first obstacle is obvious: what happens when your friend joins the Alliance and the only way to interact is to kill them?

The next is pacing. You usually either have to slow down for them if you’re leveling together or wait forever for them if they’re trying to catch up to you.

The potential for drama is super high.

And when you’re finally both max level and running max level group content, how long will it be before one of you criticizes the other person’s build or performance and the friendship is over?

I don’t know, playing with friends just seems like a terrible idea to me and always has.

Anyone feel like sharing an alternative viewpoint?


We talk it out and decide which faction we want to play first. Or they’re already in my guild.

Not if you’re doing it together? I don’t understand this.

How is questing in any way dramatic?

I’m sorry, what? Who even does this? Are we ten years old?

Be respectful and nice to your friends and just have fun.


But you can do that solo. :confused:

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Its better than playing with people you don’t like?

This is about the opposite of a logical idea. Surely there is more drama dealing with strangers who can be totally unpredictable and unconcerned about you or what you want to achieve? At least friends can generally be assumed to care about you.


Not everyone thinks like you.


[We ding level 12.]
Friend: “Whoa. Six levels in one day. Okay, time to log off.”
Me: “I still want to level.”
Friend: “I have to get up early tomorrow, so I’m going to inconvenience you by making you wait on me.”

Usually the drama comes from a guild you both end up belonging to.

I guess?

Because it’s fun that way. Playing in a group with each other talking and enjoying our time is the best thing to do. It’s like how irl if we’re traveling the world together, it feels like that.

Or if we’re on different factions. It could be cool sharing our experiences from our different factions together.

I’d be honor in killing him and talking crap about it as we have done before in other games. It’s just trash talk not like we actually mean it.

That’s fine. If I’m slowing down and they’re leveling faster, I’ll accept it. It’s the journey for me. And besides, they won’t stop questing until they’re done with the zones quest line or if the friend hit max level.

Criticize? Then they’re not really a friend. If one gives feedback, that’s fine. I’m willing to accept it and see how it goes for me.

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So you’re selfish and can’t support your friend.

No it doesn’t.

You haven’t shown much of an open mind or respect for your supposed “friends.”


Now that’s a shame.

No. It’s much better that they don’t. This game sees enough bad attitudes as it is.


I think you are wasting typing energy. This looks like a pure bait thread. Either that or its so vacuous its not worth using valuable life minutes to add to further.



Best according to whom? What makes it fun?

I love traveling the world, but I wouldn’t want to take anyone with me.

I play through casual content with irl or old in game friends, but I tend to only push harder content with a guild.

You can do both or neither. I try to just chill and play with old friends when we get together. Have already been through the drama with those friends trying to keep up and not being able to when we were guilded together, and then being left out when I want to do more. I don’t think it’s fair to always expect someone to do every single thing in game with you, and I won’t be bullied like this again if people throw fits about it. It’s happened too many times. I pay to play the game. I’m going to play it how I enjoy. But I also like being completely alone sometimes too.

I won’t join guilds with people I know irl anymore, though. At least not to push higher content. They always quit or things like this happen.


Just say you don’t have any friends and move on.


I mean, the friends I play the game with are people I made friends with… in the game. Meaning we were already doing similar content.

Playing with IRL friends is hit or miss. It can be fun to start together, but whether or not playing together every time you’re online makes sense or not after that is another story.

Played. Everyone I know quit during 9.0 and haven’t come back.


Op, it sounds like your version of playing with “friends” is a lot different than mine.

If I were to play with an actual friend I wouldn’t mind having to slow down in the slightest. It’s just a momentary set back with a pretty much guaranteed pay off in the end.:man_shrugging:

It can be pretty difficult to find people who want to do the same things AND at a similar pace AND also click with online.


I’m hoping so. lol

My husband is playing TBC and a new Character on Season of Mastery…He hasn’t played retail in ages. I play alone, do all my achievements alone, and I like it like that. I don’t need to compromise with anyone at any time, to play the rotation in which I do my (whatever it is I do ) …even got my Epic Shoulders on my own. :wink:


Playing with friends is fun, unless of course they’re a gnome or a demon hunter.

Nerf DH, makes them all gnomes.