Why do people like playing with friends?

If your friendship can’t overcome wow issues, you weren’t friends.

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Cause it’s fun.

I think this is really what it comes down to. I only have fun alone.

You do every time you talk to me.


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Bonus points

Play New World. There you can gather materials all alone for 500 hours.

You don’t have friends, you have rivals.

Playing with friends means all the above is unlikely

Most of the people who tell you that you should “play with friends” didn’t mean the people you know who you met outside of wow, or people you met in wow and like to hang with because you have lots of things in common. Real winners screen their friends as carefully as any HR department screens job applicants.

I’ve been killed by a few Horde friends. 10/10 would recommend. :joy:


Though technically all those things are hurdles to playing with friends, and probably the reason I don’t bother “making friends” inside the game, but play with RL friends is still worth it. I know I drive my brother up the wall with my pacing and character retention problems (he was just lamenting that I’d stopped leveling a character that would’ve helped him cap one of his characters) it still doesn’t make the experience unfun.

I have another friend that at first was segregated away from me by the fact that they were on pvp servers, and over half the time we’ve been on opposite factions (seems like any time I shift he shifts or recently shifted the opposite of me). As a result I really don’t play with him and haven’t in a long time. Doesn’t mean we aren’t still friends though. He just sought completely different experiences in the game than I did, it’s a big game so that can happen.

At the end of the day, if I didn’t have a person to play classic with, I’d likely not be bothered with it as it’s much less solo friendly. For instance, if I want blue gear with spell power on it as I level, I need help from others pretty much period. The solo game back then is mad weak.

So the OP can both have valid points and still not prove conclusively that soloing is better, at least in the old game I tend to think it isn’t. In the modern retail it might well be, I still play retail a lot even though all my friends are on classic or even diablo2 now and not one of them plays retail at this particular point. I guess what I’m saying is that hasn’t prevented me from enjoying it and if I’ve had trouble enjoying .5 it has little or nothing to do with other people being there as I played through it. If I, say, don’t like or appreciate torghast, bringing a friend to it doesn’t really change that.

that’s backwards for me

i meet people because they catch my eye, either because i admire their skill or they have a similar mindset/gamestyle as me

because they’re decent at the game and also play at odd hours like me, the pace will set itself and one or the other will shift their schedule by a few hours if needed, and it’s already been established that we’re both decent players so there’s no drama over personal skill, just improvement and motivating each other to become better

because you’re doing everything together, you either both transfer to the other faction or level together on the new faction and because you’re both degenerates you can just do the entire thing in 10 hours straight together

obstacles only get in the way if you don’t want to do anything to avoid them

Because most normal people enjoy doing things with their friends, welcome to how life has worked since forever. This is an mmorpg, this isn’t a single player rpg. It might be fun to do things alone but things are much better when you have some friends to do stuff with.

Because it’s fun to socialise with them and things in game, i have friends from top end raiders down to people who keyboard turn and do 700 dps but i enjoy playing with them.
Obviously i just do content more suitable for those friends lacking in the skill department.

I see nothing wrong with this.

You just level at the same time, its really easy.

maybe don’t be dramatic.

sounds like you’re the one who won’t perform well then.

my friends just help push me to be better. and petty things like drama don’t ever come up because we are friends.

I…don’t know about everyone else but for me it was always a positive thing…having friends to play WoW with or any game really. Why exactly…well I was just getting to that. It has to do with the fact most my friends were nowhere near me outside of things like oh idk school or work, I couldn’t just stop by their house and say let’s go do something. No sadly…most if not all my chances to spend time with them was online, playing some game, taking down some objective and just… being able to relax doing such. Sadly… I wasn’t the popular kid in school so most my friends just…seemed to pretend to be such at school…outside school they just…forget who I was. I enjoyed playing WoW with friends as…it helps me not feel alone… and for a while I had that… I had a whole guild full of friends and we raided every weekend, we beat the tar out of the lich king we sent Deathwing to the grave, we kicked butt and took names… then… that guild fell apart late into pandaria. Raid nights got called off…people stopped showing up… but I still had a few friends… but then warlords happened I got into the beta and knew exactly how to get powerful quick…my guild… was a wasteland. By the time Legion happened my guild fell apart and disappeared… I took a break… came back tail end of Legion and been a lone wolf ever since thinking hey at least I still had my sister who introduced me to the game… and… now I don’t anymore. I merely play the game to play the game. Long story short I enjoyed playing with friends as it was nice…not having to do everything alone… not being forced to group with randoms…and deal with trolls and idiots who’d sooner complain about every tiny details than do what they came to the dungeon to do. Having a friend along…gave me some chance at control over how things would end up… as hey at least running dungeons with a friend or two means the trolls can’t vote kick me from a dungeon run because oops the other people just jumped off a cliff for no reason and suddenly that’s my fault. I do apologize if I bored people with my story but… still felt I needed an example… it just turned into a story I guess. We…vulpera do love our stories don’t we?

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Leveling with friends never worked for me. I guess if you’re all on the same page and have the exact same goals and the exact same leveling addons…

But I like to stop and check things out. Do professions. Having to skip that stuff in order to stay with someone else took away from my enjoyment of the experience.

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I have one other person I play with and that’s enough for me. I’ve done the big guilds in the past. My schedule is very casual.
It’s a lot more fun when you can enjoy it with someone else. I’ve tried playing alone, did that in Legion, and ended up leaving the game and missing out on a lot of things.

Just my 2 cents.

It’s an MMO. Ostensibly, the point is to share a world with other people. Not people of the exact same temperament, dedication, and skill level - just people in general. The whole idea is to play with your friends and family and meet a diverse set of people from all sorts of backgrounds.

Whatever WoW is now is completely contrary to the original spirit of the genre and, frankly, misses the point.

What kind of friends do you have or what kind of friend are you to them?

Or, while your friend is offline, you play another character.