Why do people keep talking about the 1%? The covenants will affect everyone

So, so long as it has some specific tools the exclusion based on the group of people is acceptable. So if one group of people has better tools that a person may want. Then choosing only that group of people is acceptable?

idk what’s going on here I just want spooky covenant spells

Dude this is not comparable.

You aren’t not getting invited just because of your class you aren’t getting invited because many 2 to 3k players are insanely lazy and will just sign up to do a 15 to 16 at this point for weekly especially on weeks like bolstering which just aren’t fun.

Think about it this way you are applying somewhere with an associate’s degree but there are multiple phds who are desperate for the position as well at the same salary. Why wouldn’t I take the phd candidate.

Many Torghast abilities are legendary abilities. Look at some of the class-specific Torghast abilities which double as legendary abilities.

We have heard Blizzard previously mention Covenant exclusive legendaries. It’s almost certain that these legendaries will be pulled from the same pool as the Torghast abilities, as they don’t have anywhere else to pull from at this time (unlike classes which have Legiondaries and set bonuses to lean into).

It is acceptable for someone to invite whoever they want to their own group. There are no rules or in game laws on who someone has to invite. You two are rambling about nothing concrete. There is nothing to support your position. You have absolutely no grounds to call any of this discrimination or liken it to racism.

Many posts in the forums as well as players in other places complaining about blatant discrimination in situations clearly not related to toolkits is enough proof for me to define something as a problem that needs to be fixed.

Because I avoid the problem doesnt meant the problem doesnt exist, and it doesnt mean I shouldnt push to fix it simply because it doesnt affect me.

Also, the thing is, if you think making the system punishing to people is going to stop min/maxing…it won’t. It will just make it harder to do, which means it punishes people who have less time than others more.

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You’re confusing elitism with toxicity. Why would I hamstring my group inviting a shadow priest that inherently does only good single target on long fights if an m+ is 90% trash. I wouldn’t invite one on tyrannical weeks when the majority of your time is spent doing trash anyway.

Why not have a standard in order to make a good/skilled group enough to down the content you want to complete with minimal issue. Why not demand that everyone have their weapons enchanted or gear gemmed, can pertain to spec/class and everything else as well.

I run with warriors and or groups with rogues for tricks/md on skittish weeks, why wouldn’t I, it makes the content more comfortable to run instead of doing one aoe and getting killed by every mob.

Just for the record before I go to bed,

I want you to know that I wouldn’t invite you to my group because you’re a Panda.

Report me.


Who are these magical group leaders who message you saying that you weren’t invited because of your class? I’ve never seen a group leader message people they aren’t inviting they just fill the group and start. Offer is still open for about 10 more mins before I get bored and go back to farming Lillia

<1% need to do it. >99% parrot and imitate and assume its the only way to play.


Yes, but no neutral legendaries have been datamined. Some legendaries are inspired by Torghast powers, but they’re still class specific.

To craft Legendary armor, you’ll first need to retrieve specific memories that contain Legendary powers. These memories can be found all over Shadowlands – from questing, running dungeons with friends, fighting against the enemy faction, or defeating powerful foes in Castle Nathria and the Maw, there will be plenty of work for the bravest of champions to do in order to collect them all.


  1. Blizzard didn’t mention Covenants being relevant to collecting them at all. Be kinda weird to not mention such a central piece of the expansion not being relevant in legendary collecting.
  2. If they were Covenant specific, you could hardly collect them all, could you?

What you are saying is “why shouldnt you always roflstomp m+ with 3x BM hunters and instead have a more balanced comp”

And because you dont need to, you can do the same content with an spriest there for example if the week doesnt make interrupts mandatory.

You arent wrong, you can roflstomp easymode most content if you stack broken fotm classes, the issue with that though is that it creates this unhealthy community perception where toxic people aka wannabe elites start thinking “we cant do m+15 without 3x bm huntards”

That is a false statement and mentality as it is factually true that you can do a m15 with any spec in the game.

The issue is these people taking the m29 comb and making it mandatory for a m15, it is far more complicated than “I just want to brainlessly roflstomp my m+ with 3x bm hunters” because it often leads to said community problems.

If the community wasnt so toxic I believe covenants wouldnt need to be locked, but because it is, it is exactly why they are locked and why I am against any attempt to turn them into a talent because it will lead to. “Need 3x venthyr”

Man I hate it when you @ me because I respect you still too much

I think later on we should make a covenant discussion post so we can have a nice gentleman’s talk over the whole situation

I really do like the fact that there is someone with the opposite opinion to me on the subject that isn’t coming from a place of malice at all to the player base and makes it possible to have those discussions

To be honest I avoid oce/aus players, even if they have a 5k io, lag and communication but mostly just lag bothers me the most. Why would I hinder my group with a healer that has 300 ms or a tank the same deal. It’s just habit anymore, it has nothing to do with race but more so with how blizzard connects their realms.

Personally aus should be with eu and oceanic should be it’s own region even if they lack players to queue with but heck just limit them to premade stuff, the only things you can queue for anyway are bgs and dungeons anyway so just make that the only thing that connects people with other regions. Basically all I’m doing is adding an advanced filter onto the already established system to tweak it even further.

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I honestly view it as both as elitist and toxic. But understand this is because I view elitism as toxic. I personally feel it’s a type of behavior that creates an unhealthy environment and is extremely contagious because it is sadly rewarded to be that way. By unhealthy I mean it promotes things like exclusion and judgement. It makes a game start to feel more like the real world and less like a fantasy one where I go to escape such nonsense and just relax and have fun.

I acknowledge and accept our views are different on this. That is fine.

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Anyone ever actually been in these exclusive 3xBM hunter +15 keys that are so common?

I don’t do that, I go by experience/skill and gear which includes raiderio and raiding experience. So yes there are people that require or class stack, most of which that are any good are only going to be 1% of the player base. If you have some noob doing a 15 key tell them they’re dumb for all I care. But most if all people I meet at a 2500-4k rating don’t abide by that at all what so ever, they invite skill, not the class.

I don’t mind there being more of a casual or relaxed I guess would be the better word for it mentality or feel to the game but when you put people together there will be a competitive nature to it no matter what. No matter where you go there will be people that want to do better than someone else in game or real life, there’s no getting around that.

As far as I’m concerned most people don’t look for people in their bracket, they look for people to carry them, then they get booted for being bad and threads like these happen complaining about the toxic player that booted them taking the victim card when it was their own fault.

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Hmm. Well, the interview where they talked about Covenant legendary affixes was more than a month or so ago, so maybe by the time they finalized what they could actually bite off, they realized it wasn’t reasonable to fit Covenant affixes in at launch. To note, it does say “To start”, and Blizzard has also said they’re keeping an eye on what Torghast affixes are popular as future possible inclusions as legendary affixes.

I’m actually kind of bummed. Having said that, Covenants are already going to have a lot of moving pieces, so perhaps Blizzard didn’t want to introduce extra balls too early.