Why do people keep talking about the 1%? The covenants will affect everyone

Nope and in fact I wouldn’t want to since hunters have long cd interrupts and unlike mdi teams the average pug doesn’t have every kick mapped out crazily enough.

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Me either. And Ralphy is a Shadow Priest so he hasn’t either…

Wonder how he knows they exist?

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Yeah I do the same, dont even both with classes so I focus on if that person is experienced and skilled enough based on their io page so they wont cause us problems since I dont need to stack since I dont do 29s.

For example I was invited to pugs many times and then I see they invite some DH who is perceived to be broken by the community, who had moderately good IO yet somehow was getting outdpsed by an spriest in aoe consistently which again goes to show, community perceptions are irrelevant but when a big number of the community works based on community perceptions we have issues.

The issue is far more complex in the sense that what we do have trickle down effects that leads to average players who are toxic wannabe elitists causing problems to the rest of the community thanks to their ignorance and false community perceptions.

And the idea is, by forcing these people to be unable to be optimal at all situations(aka changing covenats, talents, gear before each boss, dungeon) we might make them realize that you dont need to class stack or have bis covenant to do X content.

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Maybe, except I make these threads too and currently. I’m not playing simply because I don’t really got a lot to do in game right now. I Don’t like the group environment because what the competitive part of the game has created. I don’t exactly get booted or anything but I take each moment in fear that I might make a mistake. As i watch time and time again the guy next to me make a mistake and get chastised for it. It really doesn’t feel good. That type of stressful enviroment in a video game shouldn’t be a thing. It’s suppose to be an entertainment thing. Which means stress relief… not adding to it.

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If this hasn’t happened in 15 years with all the various systems we’ve had that have resulted in many suboptimal builds, how on earth do you think that will happen now?

Optimal play makes completing content easier at all levels. That’s always going to be true and some people value that. You aren’t going to change that. Bring a skilled player on a full BiS character and he will contribute more to the group than a skilled player on a suboptimal character. It is totally okay to want the full BiS player.

You don’t have to, you can invite whoever you want. But keep your hands of someone else’s keystone. You sound like those old men trying to decide women’s reproductive rights for them.


Like it’s not impossible, they still haven’t datamined Rogue, DH or Druid or Paladin legendaries yet. Neutrals aren’t off the table, and they might expand how many exist, like they did in Legion.

But I doubt they’re going to do it, since the Legion Neutrals were incredibly unpopular.

Sephuz was awesome after the buff though

I understand both of your sides, I think both need to exist.

What I personally think is the only thing that will resolve it is to find others that are like minded to group with. The pug and even some guild environments aren’t exactly ideal, everyone struggles with it to a certain extent even if it doesn’t relate to this topic but just finding people that you enjoy being around.

This is the internet you won’t have the most friendliest people on it, hoping for everyone to hold hands and get along is a dream, nothing more in my opinion.

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They’re firmly on the table -

To start, there will be an allotment of 4 Legendary powers for each base class and 4 for each spec. In addition to that, there will be a generic pool of Legendary powers available to all classes.

The thing is that from the sound of it the generic pool won’t be Covenant-exclusive but stuff like Prydaz or Sephuz.

Yeah, but they had to buff it (and Prydaz) by a lot for them to not become memes.

Seems that way. I wonder which ones they’ll actually choose though.

I agree. The internet atm is the wild west still. Very young and beyond the rules of society. Hopefully eventually society rules will come to the internet how that happens will likely be by some form of global accepted police force. We’ll see. or probably not. It takes a long time for new societies to form and create social contracts.

Part of why I was a Real ID supporter. I think that is one of the things that will need to happen to fix the issue. But I think some way to protect people would need to come first. That way we don’t get doxxers.

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Doubt this will fix anything as we ve seen from facebook, people can still say the most horrible and hateful stuff even under their real name.

Especially on the age of the internet when people can hide their hateful beliefs from everyone around them irl, then go to hateful echo chambers to validate each other’s beliefs while thinking everyone outside is just wrong/brainwashed resulting in the occasional outburst of angry and hateful behavior that doesnt care about social consequences because they know there’s a large forum of people supporting them online.

Which is why I repeatedly scream that you cannot ignore problematic and sh*tty behaviors, by allowing that hateful forum to exist it allows such people to spread and become a bigger systematic problem through time.

But polite society always likes to ignore and sweep problems under the rag until they become sand monsters

We are stating to see where those people are having very real world consequences for those actions though Losing their jobs, some their families because it turns out they was dumb enough to share child abuse. Will this have immediate affects? No. It will take time. People will have to slowly watch as time and time again that real world consquences come with your poor behavior.

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Removing crz would fix a lot of that tbh, but I doubt they’ll do that. Personally I just say don’t let what others do or think bother you, report anything that goes against tos, ignore them and move on. You aren’t going to fix the world.

There are very few things I think people should pay for when they bring it up on forums like these or ingame, as far as social media and all that if you’re hired by a company and you aren’t representing their professionalism I would expect they would take that as this is the type of person we don’t want working for us and in that case would be justified in firing them. Many people have made asses out of them self from getting drunk, heck the one lady even attacked her uber and got fired she was even a lawyer.

One example for wow is I met this racist guy awhile back, he was hating on native americans/african americans and I had the script saved but I lost it when my files got corrupted when I moved everything to my new pc, anyway if I could’ve gotten in touch with his boss I would’ve enjoyed getting him fired and personally justified so. It was the worse kind of racism and he works in a field where he deals with those people, I don’t know about anyone else but if I had someone that was a doctor or something that was racist against me as an indian do you think I’d want them as my doctor or even to be working there.

When it comes to games it’s a bit different though in non severe cases in my opinion. You shouldn’t take the internet too seriously, if you do you’re going to be living a pretty unhappy life. the guy didn’t even offend me but I just thought it was disgusting that someone like that exists and hides it otherwise he’d lose clients or even his job. I would revel in him losing it.

god why do they cap edits, it just makes you have to post again.

If Blizzard ever implements a RealID system where everyone gets to know my real name, I’m deleting my account and sending a CCPA notice to Blizzard to delete all data they have on me. I’m not trying to have someone SWAT me or something because I didn’t pick them for my m+/raid/whatever.

It still blows my mind that people use their real names on social media (or have social media accounts at all frankly). If you did that 10 years ago, you’d get banned from whatever forum you did it on just because the mods were trying to help you.


Personally I think the real id was a bad idea, I still have some people on real id but anymore I’m not worried about it. But yeah you shouldn’t have your name/information openly broadcast, there’s so much paperwork when you work in a job that gives you access to that information including ssn/credit card info/phone numbers and the like that it’s no joking matter. Obviously were only talking about the first and last name but you’d be surprised what you can get online just from that, heck just look at one of those hacker youtube/ted talk videos.

Why not just ignore the guy? Just don’t associate with those people.

I did but why not get enjoyment out of their suffering for being openly racist. Yes I know I’m evil.