Why do people keep asking for changes?

Blizzard asked for your opinion a year avo. They have since made their stance known

That’s true but the tone of the forums was exactly the same. Actually, with people like Falathrin/Ladalrus and Champlainz and his army of 10+ accounts it was probably worse. Even when the book was slightly more open, the forums were extremely volatile.


What that most people wanted vanilla to be vanilla? Both back then and now? Surprise!
It’s almost like they asked for vanilla.

You know that a ton of people that signed that petition and were huge proponents of the Classic WoW movement were never part of your no-change movement, right?


Well I mean let’s look at it logically.
People asked for vanilla be cause they didn’t like what retail has become.

It took a decade to get blizzard to agree to vanilla and just when they got what they fought for you get people asking to make vanilla not vanilla. People who clearly arent interested in vanilla at all, but instead eant retail set to level 60. Sound fair? Because that sounds like a load of bull to me.

now youre just trolling.

The majority do seem to be no changes. Show me proof that says otherwise.

Furthermore there is a difference between someone wanting this or that changed and someone like saqe who wants everything changed.

Nah. If sharding persists I’ll vote with my wallet and blizzard won’t get my money.

Wait so the other hundred times you accuse me of trolling you didnt really mean it? You can only cry wolf so many times amigo…

no im quite sure when i called you one you were trolling.

i just wanted to point out that one wasnt something you could say oh but im not trolling , you guys are the trolls.

Luckily mat our 15$ vote has equal value, even if you are a hall monitor.


Just because you’ve got a large set of vocal extremists screaming very loudly, doesn’t mean they’re the majority.


Yeah, that wasn’t a troll. Crying wolf again…

Edit- Galdor what does the link say? I cant open it on my phone

That may be so but I guarantee you mote people will ubsub or not sub if you get your way then the other way around.

Just a very large poll discounting what Matcauthon is saying.


Would it be fair to ask you for a source or is that just your line.

Thanks Galdor, cant wait to read it. This thread is the most informative I’ve read here!

And most of that stuff there is talking qbout later on after vanilla comes out. Most the stuff saqe has asked for got shot down hard.

Most of the stuff there seems like people want classic to reboot wow and go a different route.

Does this not also apply to you?

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It doesn’t. Rational posters are in the minority in this forum. There definitely isnt a large set of them.

They talked about sharding for a week or two at most at the beginning…and this is not even confirmed. I’d hardly call this a “change”