Why do people keep asking for changes?

ya but then people have no recourse for their grieveances with mishandled ML screwups and whatnot .

there are legitimate reasons that people open loot tickets. especially when the ML missloots something.

My personal opinion would be they remove loot trading and ignore tickets asking for help. ML messes up? Well sorry that’s the way it was in vanilla unless you had a really cool GM


meh i raided in vanilla and even though it was rare , MLs screw up sometimes. GMs were usually cool and fixed it.

really the only concern i have is “loot groups” all rolling need on something and stacking groups against other people who legitimately deserve an even chance at loot.

oh and i wanted to add someone gets a ring that is awesome for quite a few classes and doesnt equip it when they get it and keep it to trade for another item they want later in the run. i would kick someone out of the guild and raid if they did that.

I haven’t been playing WoW for about 8 years now and Im coming back to play classic. IF they change things from what it was it wont be classic and then I wont bother playing. If Blizzards wants to see some of that older money coming back to them they would do well not to tinker with the experience much. It was the garbage that came after TBC and Lich King that made me and a lot like me leave the game.

Just sayin.


although i play retail, i agree with this.

they can either :
not change it and regain people who left because of changes and gain new subs.


they can change it and chase after people who liked the changes and are most likely subbing already to retail.

seriously i know what i would choose.


Hmm yeah, you shame people because you get caught and it’s your only way out.

Shaming people for playing WoW more than you, saying they’re sad, is pretty much against everything vanilla/classic stands for.


It’s annoying and Blizzard already said they won’t be doing any. Why do they keep asking?

Because they want them to polish it a bit. But we all know that isn’t gonna go wrong “rolls eyes”. I mean they basically want money for no work, but at the same time the work they put in can potentially kill the product. The double edged sword of classic. Keep in mind the people working on classic aren’t the original creators of the game although some might be and have an idea on what can improve. Clearly the current state of wow shows they are not eligible to do things actually right instead of thinking they did in their heads.

How did you manage to farm up three hundred 7th Legion Service Medals in two weeks with that work schedule? Which one is it anyways, 96 hours minimum or 72 hours minimum?

asking for changes has become a meme at this point

Better way of putting is…ignoring Classic devs’ words has become a meme.

  1. started 72 now 96.
  2. when I transferred from horse to alliance all my quest stuff reset but my reps remained exalted. I waited till paragon went live to progress stories again. It enabled me to get a bunch of cheap rep gains. That combined with efficient gameplay and 7th legion rep being a joke (half the wq give 7th legion rep; island expeditions give 7th rep; an emissary once every 6 days; and every incursion giving a minimum of 1250 7th legion rep) means that I’ve earned 6 or 7 paragon caches from 7th alone .
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I agree, ignoring Classic devs’ words when they said sharding will only be temporary is meme worthy. Glad we agree, Mogar.


Oh, the great, great irony.

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Fact is blizzard hasn’t even said they were for sure using it


Correct, but they did say if they use it, it would be temporary.

“Classic devs said no to Class balancing, you’re not getting it!”

“It doesn’t matter if the Classic devs said they’ll only use sharding temporarily, they’ll use it down the line because they lie and we don’t trust them!”

Mogar and most no-changers in a nutshell.


cant you see their reluctance to accept another non vanilla timeline change?

how many do they do until its not classic anymore but classic + now?


“Got caught”? What are you even talking about?

BRAGGING about playing more than me is what I shamed. You truly are the worst, most clueless poster.

Wow… I made a big thread.

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What difference does it make? You’re shaming someone in a forum dedicated to the very thing we all support.

Rose colored tint is wearing off their glasses.

I guarantee most of the people you see asking for changes never played in Vanilla.