Why do people keep asking for changes?

im a dark iron dwarf. of course i would win.

You actual loser. I have 3 kids who are all nfl starters a wife who is a Victoria secrect model who was a virgin until she met me and also a networth of roughly 2.5 bill gates.

Also I’m a gladiator so sit down loser

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I haven’t lost my virginity because I never lose.

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Also just want to point this out really quick like.

  1. not worried at all about what people think on a forum

  2. says he is better than everyone here and talks about his property/personal orchards.

Choose one lol

This is the most ridiculous post on this forum. And thats REALLY impressive.

“How is a game based on vanilla patches 1.12, 1.7 and 1.8 any different than a game based on Vanilla TBC and WOTLK patches”

But you know I think it perfectly explains the logical disconnect with the posters asking for stuff like LFG… You guys are on a completely different planet.


You talked about not posting because you were moving into a new house or something to that affect. I was replying to Gnocci who was claiming I was bragging about my play time, as if that makes any sense. I instead gave an actual example of something I could brag about.

You’re just as egotistical as I am or more. You’ve constantly thrown out personal insults towards people on this forum, you’re not a good person.

  1. That’s really creepy that you remember something like that.

  2. Someone asked me if I got banned and I said I wasn’t on because I moved into a new house… how is that related to you talking about how much better your life is than everyone here because of your orchards and how good you are at the video game than everyone else.

Honestly the fact you think those are similar doesn’t really surprise me considering you’re the type of person to brag on a video game forum hahahah.

Putting words into my mouth, you’re a joke son.

you two get a room. :smiley:

I mean I can quote you if you would like me to? But aren’t you the one who said it? I would think you would know what you said.

Quote me saying this:

I gave an example of something I could brag about. I’ve had to deal with people like yourself that trash talk behind your anonymity without repercussions because Blizzard has seemed to slow down on the banning on this forum.

Why am I even feeding you what is my problem? I’m out lol keep those orchards watered friend.

Being better at life in general doesn’t always correlate with having a better life. I’ve been good at the things I’ve done but I’ve had an incredibly stressful life. It hasn’t exactly been an enjoyable ride until fairly recently.

Maybe I used the wrong words, I’m having to fight with multiple people in multiple threads and it was only a matter of time before I made a mistake.

Someone who inherits 50 million dollars is probably going to have a better life than me. Is he going to be better at life? Maybe not.

Why do people like you keep bringing this up like it is some hot take? Very few people like the idea of it, many myself included spoke out against it in the loot trading thread, and we were not given a choice about if it will be in or not. Same with sharding. There were no threads asking blizzard to put in sharding and loot trading, and a thread that was overwhelmingly against both. Not sure what more you want?

Some like myself view the sharding and loot trading things as simply yet more boneheaded and shortsighted decisions of blizzard. I wouldn’t trust blizzard with the task of taking out my trash at this point without jumping a shark. Pretty certain I have made that abundantly clear.

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Boneheaded? They didn’t implement it thinking it would go over well, they implemented it because they need to make money off this deal. Surprising as it may sound, they aren’t doing this for you, they’re doing it for them. As soon as this isn’t profitable for them, they’re pulling the plug. Them having to financially support GM’s to answer copious amounts of tickets due to mis-looted items for your ‘enjoyment’ is a ridiculous ask.

What are the reasons for caring if loot can be traded? The only people I can think of that should be upset are enchanters that like to conveniently ‘forget’ to share all those shards at the end of a dungeon/raid.

The system can be abused through ‘rolling on items for your buddy’ but PUGs beyond 20-mans and the occasion Ony were super rare. I don’t see this being a meaningful issue.

It completely changes the dynamics of loot distribution in a raid setting. Not sure if you should roll/bid/master loot out that Quick Strike ring to that Rogue? Just hold onto it and see what drops off the next few bosses, maybe something else they’re interested in will drop.

I keep bringing it up because the reality is you either trust Blizzard’s word, or you don’t. If you don’t trust them, then you’re not part of a solution, because you’re arguing against a belief; a hypothetical situation that they’ll use it beyond what they said they will. I’m arguing against their stated intention in regards to loot trading.

The crux of the matter is, they’re probably going to use sharding, temporarily. They’re going to have loot trading, permanently; unless we convince them otherwise.

aye this is true.

simple fact though is they are going away from human GMs (probably having alot less of them) and going with more automation which is evidenced by the fact they are going with the right click report function and auto squelch. so it stands to reason they will be keeping loot trading and not caring what we think about it.

they are all about cutting costs nowadays .

thats a battle we wont win sadly enough.

sharding is different but they also dont want a launch day disaster as well so i dont know.

“Copius amounts of tickets” are going to occur regardless, and as a direct result of ninjas abusing loot trading. Yes, boneheaded. And you do not have to remind me that they are doing it for themselves. The days when they did things for the clear love of making a great product are long passed.

The reality is that I do not. I expect the worst and hope for the best at this point in Blizzard’s timeline. Under promise and over deliver used to be the way of things in the past. Now it is over promise and under deliver.

Sorry, I am not so naive.

And how do you imagine we should do so beyond posting on the forum as we already have in the loot trading thread? If Y hasn’t passed our displeasure along to the powers that be, then it is his failing.

I think there’s a better way of handling loot tickets than loot trading. Put a disclaimer up when a player opens a ticket saying “The ticket system is NOT to be used to request a miss-looted item be transferred to another character. Abuse of the GM ticket service may result in account penalties.”

Or something along those lines.