Why do people keep asking for changes?

Hahahahahahahahahhahhahhaha remember what happened the last time we tried to make the game ‘better’?


whose idea of better?


To some people transmog makes it better. To some people lfd makes it better. Why specifically ask for something the exact way it was just to ask for it to change it makes no sense.

People who ask for these changes are the same people who posted the wall of no.


eh even i have ways i think classic could be better. i just rather leave pandoras box shut.

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Wait, now you’re shaming people for playing WoW?

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Sure, why not? I’ve even stated in the past that if there was simply a model toggle for player characters, I’d use the old models because I’m going to be playing a Male Human Paladin and I hate the jumping animation with the over-exaggerated head bob.

I do like the new animations they put in for Paladins in 8.1, though. Casting from a Libram is really cool.

Is that not the old troll model being used at the start of the video? Anyhow, I’ve linked video evidence and everything you’ve said is anecdotal. Show me video evidence that the toggle didn’t function properly during WoD.

I shame only those deserving of shame. Him for bragging that he played more than me, and yourself because your lack of reading comprehension, bad logic and overall trollyness is wholey deserving of derision.

I was countering your claim that I somehow hate Classic, by making a more than likely factual statement about the amount of time I spent in Vanilla and will spend in Classic. If I wanted to brag, I’d show you some pictures of my property or personal orchards. Walnut and Cherry trees, Black currants (which we use in a couple dishes when in season) and a few other select trees and bushes.

Oh my god dude delete this. My left eye is twitching from the cringe here.

Nah, I’ll leave it. You’re a troll and a poor one at that. I’m better than you in-game and better than you in life? Problem?

I’m enjoying this thread as much as the next person, but let’s at least try to be consistent here…

Shh, don’t scare them off. This is hilarious to watch.


Hahaha oh man please keep going. Please keep this rolling I was just trying to help you out but if you knowingly want to embarrass yourself by all means, ignore me lol

Embarrassing myself on an anonymous forum full of people who will literally cry if there’s an option to use higher quality water textures. Oh no.

Like I said, ignore me friend, keep it going.

People need to keep posting in order for me to keep going.

my yacht is so big it has a lake in it… with another yacht in it.


Let’s just get a tape measure and be done with this conversation. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I wouldn’t even be winning 3rd place there.