Why do people keep asking for changes?

Everything is a walk in the park after Zork.

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We are all impressed with you. Now take your classic hating butt back to GD and BFA where you are more comfortable.


Love those Infocom games. Still have most of them.

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Yes yes, troll. I hate Classic because I don’t fall in line with the no-change ideology :roll_eyes:. I played Vanilla more than you and I’ll play Classic more than you will too.


I played quite a bit. Playing more than I is not really something to be proud of. In fact it is a little sad.

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the fact of the matter is that by making changes to classic your more likely to ostracize all those who are unsubbed and waiting for classic then you are to draw them in.

would changes make the game cater better to the retail audience? absolutely. but blizzard wouldn’t be making nearly as much money as if they just delivered the authentic experience.

i readily admit that classic was far from a perfect game, but then again, at no point has this game ever been perfect because frankly everyone has there own ideas about what perfect is. perfect to me is not perfect to you or to random guy z over there. even in my favorite times in this game the game wasn’t perfect.

the problem with changes is where do you draw the line? why does person a get his change but not person b? furthermore like i said, you ostracize those who would actually make money for blizzard off this project by changing the game.

the best bet, IMHO, is to let classic be classic, and if it succeeds you can go from there and we can see about getting BC and Wrath servers and have the best iterations this game has ever seen.


My point was, I don’t play games I don’t enjoy. That’s why I’m not currently playing BfA, it’s boring.

And yet you want changes for classic?

edit: removed “modern”
Does not compute.

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i don’t think galdor wants modern changes to classic. i think he, like apoc, wants more in the realm of bc changes with regards to balance. ie make hybrid dps better able to actually do damage. which in a vacuum is not a big deal to me. the problem comes then you get people like saqe, akaidian and ziryus who would want full on wrath or beyond balance.

i mean for gods sake, i for one, have a change i think would be for the better of classic as a whole - guild banks.

I prefer the idea of reverting/adjusting warrior aggro holding ability to allow hybrids to compete DPS-wise. The answer is already within the span of vanilla.

Well you and I do not view GBs as a gameplay change. They merely allow people to play the game rather than play with spreadsheets outside of the game.

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oh i believe that would be for the best too, but yeah. good luck getting blizzard to agree to a frankenpatch.

I want the option to use updated graphics, as numerous as Blizzard is willing to be with them. I play a ton of old games and always enjoy their remastered graphics. I’m currently playing a bit of FF6 and FF5 in my spare time on steam. Some people hate the new graphics, there should have been a toggle in those games too, like there is in Starcraft: Remastered or Halo Anniversary.

In the Brack interview, he posed the question: “Is this a remaster?” They haven’t said no in any certain word, yet. You can give a completely authentic experience with the option to use remastered visuals. Loot trading is going to change the gameplay more than updated water or temporary sharding is, yet there’s hardly a peep from you no-changers in comparison.

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i am not opposed to a graphics toggle so long as old models is the standard. those of you who want your toggle can deal with all the issues the toggle brought in warlords before it was removed.

I don’t want any balance changes, lol. From the very start of this forum, I’ve been advocating for only two changes: Guild banks and optional graphics toggles (three if you count multi-item mailing, which may be in Classic anyway, if you watch the panel with Ion). Roughly four or five months ago I changed my mind on Guild banks and no longer care if they’re included.

I’d also prefer 1.5/1.6 AV tuning or minor changes to it in order to get matches to last as long and feel close to how they did in 2005, if it’s necessary. However, after Blizzcon it really seems like it’s unlikely that anything other than 1.12 AV will happen.

hard to keep track of who wants what. honestly zero issue with guild banks being included. zero issue with graphics so long as old is default.

honestly i’d prefer a frankenpatch with old av too.

You keep saying this in an antagonistic fashion. There were no issues that I can recall with the toggle (I used it) until it became a reskin that no longer changed the skeleton in the Legion pre-patch.

there was issues before. its why it was removed in general. there was issues even during warlords. armor clipping more then normal, running and mounted animations being off, etc.

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People keep saying this without even a shred of evidence. On the contrary, I can provide video evidence that it worked fine:

Then you should have no problems with the old graphics being the default, if Blizzard were to add a graphics toggle.

that shows me nothing about the model in action. all it shows is them switching between models standing still.

Look, i experienced issues with it, so did others. i’m not going to sit here and argue with you on this.

and if you really think there was zero issue with it, you should have no problem at all with old models being default.

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