Why do people keep asking for changes?

funny how that works isnt it?

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All the parts between character creation and the tough parts. The less optional it is, the more of a ridiculous insulting unfun cakewalk it is.

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That seems like an accurate summary.

Anything below heroic raiding and mythic+ dungeons. Aka what the mass majority experience.


I’m pretty sure over 50% of the playerbase kills bosses in Heroic (25% or so have cleared Heroic) and over 50% have completed a Mythic keystone +10 as well.

I’m pretty sure your wrong about both of those stats.
28106 guilds in the world have killed heroic taloc. Even if we use a conservative number of 30 members per kill that’s only 843180 people. There are over 5 million 120 characters between the us and eu alone.



Ahead of the Curve: G’huun 25.7%

Plenty of people raid without a guild, btw. Figures Mogar would like your post, another low skill player with very little knowledge or experience with content outside of fishing and clicking mining nodes.

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The guild I left because of work got it’s heroic ghuun almost a month before yours did but I’m low skill…

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Guild =/= player.

If I wasn’t pulling my weight they wouldn’t have let me in the guild…

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Uhhh, you have absolutely 0 kills in Uldir. What kind of weight were you pulling? Farming herbs?

Back in legion. You know before I started working 12 to 16 hour days?
When I was actively raiding and got aotc all the time.

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Your mistake is thinking that those players are in ANY way relevant. They are incidental byproducts playing a game not designed, intended, nor balanced around them. Much like rated arenas doesn’t attempt to balance the game around the 1500 or even 2k rated players.

The game was designed to get out of it what you put into it. Post 60, that means spending about a day /played running a few dungeons and then raiding. The fact that most players couldn’t or wouldn’t do it is irrelevant. We already have confirmation from the Dev interview that this was how the game was designed and balanced. Not even PvP was really considered in the design decisions beyond allowing it to happen. It was all entirely a trickle down effect from raiding and raid design.

@ the thread in general…
People ask for changes because despite what the vapid #nochange forum trash continue to believe, Vanilla was hardly a perfect game…

I was active on the forums back then trying to get fairly common sense balance changes pushed through, and I’ll remain active here doing the same, as there’s always some way the game can be improved (and contrary to #nochanger propaganda, these are things that can be entirely done within the context of how Vanilla played).

One could easily make the argument that many of the potential changes can, should, and/or even WOULD have been done during vanilla’s actual timeline, had TBC not existed… Class balance largely got put on hold because of pending TBC release being a primary example, but even game additions like X-Realm BGs, which where entirely a product of an upcoming TBC release, and where implemented specifically because of the addition of a 4th battleground (each BG would split the population of a single server further and further) as well as the rated arena system (further splitting the pvp population), had a drastic impact on how the game was played.

The game would have been a VERY different beast with no TBC launch on the horizon, and it would have continued changing itself with patches to better improve balance. It’s frankly nonsensical to advocate for features you already know are broken simply because they happened to occur during the vanilla timeline, and yet there’s no shortage of #nochange morons here vomiting that opinion forth and purposely trying to sabotage their own game/experience.


Then why even bring up an Uldir kill from a guild you used to be in? I could go find my old guilds and guild mates that joined top guilds and start listing off their kills to “prove” my skill too. Like, what kind of crap is that?

Top guilds have casuals that they carry along too, you previously being in a guild that killed a stupidly easy heroic boss a month before my casual guild doesn’t mean anything.

The whole point of my argument was that vanilla has a higher skill floor then retail. Retail also has a higher ceiling.

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The whole point is your trying to discredit my argument because you consider me low skill becayse I’m not raiding. It’s not that I don’t or won’t raid. It’s that I can’t. But you go ahead and work 96 hours a week on minimum and tell me what happens to your ability to raid.

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I never said that. I consider you low skill because you have exactly 0 prestigious achievements denoting proficiency at any part of the game that requires skill.

Well when you consider that my entire ability to play wow has been fragmented since day 1 by military obligations and working 72 hours a week minimum…

But I guess tg at depends on what you consider prestigious too.

I have no desire to raid mythic. I was raiding at higher levels then most vanilla through wrath despite said obligations.

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Apart from early-max difficulty spikes (the wonky result of mobs scaling to level and being overtuned against a fresh 120), questing is ludicrously easy. Even the elite World Quests (bosses with 1.7 million health, roughly) can be soloed by most of the classes in the game with moderate gear levels.

There’s no challenge while leveling–quite a few classes can pull 3-4 enemies at once in under-leveled gear and pulverize them in a couple of rotations. Vanilla was often an endurance test, letting people flex their mana and cooldown management skills in order to solo harder enemies.

In BfA, there are very few fancy tricks to be found. Everything is streamlined to an insane degree.


I would guess because they never played the original game and jumped on the bandwagon that the current one sucks.

Now they are looking at it and realzing how many things changed over the years.