Why do people keep asking for changes?

It’s in the spirit of Vanilla to ask for changes. If people didn’t ask for changes, it wouldn’t feel like Vanilla WoW at all.

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How is a game based on 1.12 but with random elements from 1.7 or 1.8 any different than a game based on 1.12 but with elements from 2.* or 3.*? Either way it’s not vanilla.


I doubt they will mix “patches” together. It most likely will be pure 1.12 and they will just open content up as time goes by. I don’t see Blizzard trying to make a linear optimization on itemization.

its not going to be the exact 1:1 replica that people had wanted.

you know this. you parrot it like mad .

still the point is to make it as close to vanilla as possible and to recreate the “vanilla experience” as much as they can.

bringing non vanilla timeline elements is counter to the entire goal.

whereas bringing in vanilla timeline elements IS literally vanilla.

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No it’s not, either you want the game as it existed in vanilla or you don’t. Now there are certainly people who whined about the changes being made during vanilla, those seem to be the same people whining they don’t want 1.12.

Dunno why you even bother with this guy. lol.

meh its entertaining sometimes.

btw go reply to my merry christmas post!

That might be the funniest thing I’ve ever read.


If you can’t understand the difference then you have no business talking about this subject.


So, I take it you’re mad about right-click reporting, sharding, tradeable loot, non-N64-looking water, and functional summoning stones?

Functional summoning stones? When did they say they made this change?

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yes i dont like any of those.

where are you getting the summoning stone garbage ?

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The summoning stone for Deadmines on the Classic test realm appeared to be functional. To be fair, I never used one to summon someone, but when targeting a party member and clicking on it, it did begin the summon spell.

heh there were all sorts of things in the demo that arent going to be in the game. i mean the hp/mp regen times alone were all wacked.

they wont be adding it in.

as a warlock i would be pissed at them taking mah jerb.

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At this point we can only assume he’s being deliberately obtuse.


And afte r playing vanilla retail is a walk in the park.

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Just gonna throw a little nugget out there one of the reason for things like class balance wont happen isn’t because they believe it isn’t needed or they think class balance was fine or even a gem in classic. During blizzcon in the making of classic thing the guy said a particular sentence. “The code is not theirs…”

The one thing to remember completely taking out the close to authentic vanilla out of the equation is that the current devs hired to do classic were hired to take code and gameplay design that was created by someone else and make it work with today standards and infrastructure. There job isn’t to create classic its to recreate something that a group of people already created, not add personal creative touches to it. Which in hindsight we should be grateful for these particular devs as they have to stifle their creative minds and imagination and essentially just take someone else creation and design and make it work. Now for anyone in game development or even has a love to desire to do it will know how hard that is as one of the greatest joy in game design is the ability to create and design a vision they imagined, however they are hired to recreate someone else vision and design.

Everything is a walk in the park after EQ1.

Depends on what part of retail you’re talking about.

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I think I died more times in the demo than I’ve died questing in WoW in the last 5 years.