Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

I haven’t played tanks at end-game, so I can’t speak to tanks. I DO have all healers near-max and the healers are VERY diverse in terms of kit and style. I am planning to level some tanks, so I’ll get back to you if I find they feel homogenous.

As far as Glam goes… not gonna lie, while glam is a ton of fun, the systems that support it are frustrating to deal with.

The end game is subjective I guess. I’ve been really enjoying myself at max level. But it’d really depend on what you want… so shrugs if you didn’t like it, quitting was absolutely the right decision for you. But I am eager to learn more difficult content and continue exploring the end game with my guild and my friends.

There is not a single class that genuinely ends at level 30 and cannot be leveled beyond that. And there is also not a single class that does not evolve into an advanced combat class at level 30, unlocking more abilities.

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you can be all classes on one toon cuz they all dont start at lv 1 or end at 30. the story is like playing swtor story good one time around. Nostalgia content good one time around. the so called community is afk in the main hub ff14 forums aint active. it took years of content to make people even notice the game.

Patch came out literally 4 weeks ago?

I mean, I have every job at max except blu and while I only tank on PLD usually, all the tanks do feel really same-y a lot. They have different combo set ups and different self healing, but they basically have the same set up when it comes to defensives and aoe.

yeah thats why you can play all classes on one race(human)

Obviously some didn’t ‘start’ at 1, because the expansion classes exist. Unlocking those classes (SAM/DRK/MCH/RDM/DNC/GNB) requires being at that level to acquire them regardless.

But here you go.


No class ends at level 30. Not one.

Gladiator becomes Paladin at 30
Marauder becomes Warrior at 30
Rogue becomes Ninja at 30
Conjurer becomes White Mage at 30
Thaumaturge becomes Black Mage at 30
Arcanist becomes either Summoner or Scholar at 30
Pugilist becomes Monk at 30
Archer becomes Bard at 30
Lancer becomes Dragoon at 30

All of those classes continue to max level and gain new abilities all the way to max level.

thanks for proving my point thats why you can play all of them in one race(human)

I’m very sad a out this because as much as I’ve played ff14 this Is a wow forum. If they rebooted the game with a new engine and story including allied races that might help this game a lot. 14 had a lot of problems trust me but it cares about story which wow gave up on after wrath.

so it ends

No, it doesn’t. You continue leveling your base class all the way up, you just also have an advanced job that overlaps it.

I am both Conjurer AND White Mage level 80. And I can choose to be a conjurer at level 80 if I so wish.

That’s just semantics. You don’t buy a book and say it ends when you reach Chapter 2.

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you chose one class to become another. the one you chose from lv 1 ended

No, it didn’t. Oddly enough, you actually don’t gain ‘White Mage’ experience, you ONLY gain Conjurer experience. So technically the ‘job’ is just a piece of gear you equip that gives you extra skills that only the base class can equip. If you want to get REAL technical.

This is actually most easily apparent in Arcanist, which becomes Scholar AND Summoner. If you only unlock Summoner but not Scholar, you’ll continue gaining arcanist experience up until max level. If you ever go back and unlock Scholar after having an 80 summoner, your Scholar will be a ‘max level’ Scholar, because it is based off of the base class of Arcanist.

what? no the book ends at the end. your ff14 lv1 class ends when it changes

To compare FF14 Jobs/Classes to WoW, getting the ‘Job’ unlock is like getting your Specialization in WoW. Just there is only one specialization for ever class.

The base ‘Class’ continues to exist, because when you gain experience, it is to the class, not the ‘job’ it upgrades into, and most of the abilities you have from the 1-30 still continue to be used.


it does not.

no its not. classes have specs on wow. you dont transform into something else.

yeah your class changed
thx for proving my point on why you can play all classes on a one race (human)

…Yes, it is.

Look at every class in WoW. When you pick up a spec, something noticeably changes. Hunter, for example, when you become a Survival Hunter, you forsake being a ranged class entirely which is a farther leap than any change that happens when a class upgrades to a job in FF14.

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