Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

So yes, I am now 100% convinced you are just a troll and will no longer take you seriously on any level.


Oh ya, definitely.

sv is still hunter and you are still hunter. you are hunter
archer ends at 30 archer has no max lv

These are the people who moved to 14 and why I came back to wow. These same people can’t dodge aoes and can’t understand how to play a class when every class is played 1 way.


And if you look at your spellbook in WoW, you have your ‘Hunter’ spells, and your ‘Specialization’ spells. A Job in FF14 is just the forced Specialization.

your are able to be all classes on one toon(human) cuz the design is poor

I mean it’ll have issues, they’re just not as glaring as the beast you already know.

archer isnt a class at max lv. sv is still hunter

Most items no. But basically all the seasonal/holiday items are moved to the cash shop after their free giveaway period. No one cares because players are given a chance to get those items for free by simply playing.

But I’ve also noticed that the XIV community is much less concerned about cash shop items in general. There isn’t the same disdain for the company, so people don’t see giving them money for mogstation items as something to be reviled. Instead they’re just an option for people with money to throw around.

Also, while WoW doesn’t do gender locked races? They lock Race/Class combos behind expacs instead. :upside_down_face:

Yeah this is the real annoyance. No one really cared about them being gender locked. People wanted the opposite genders added, but that was a bonus, not a point of anger. But everyone was mad about the continued lack of helm options.

I’d argue that for most of the people on the forums at least? It’s the opposite.
People are trying so hard to ignore the faults their current spouse has… And they get extraordinarily upset and defensive when their friends suggest they should leave that seemingly abusive relationship and maybe go out on a date with that cheerful neighbor.

But maybe both are true to an extent.


You can play an Archer at max level. You can even do the dungeons as it. Sure, people might laugh at you, it’s the same as how they’d laugh at you for playing a Survival Hunter.

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This thread is as toxic as 14 PF and should be closed.

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nope you have to be a bard. no one laughs at sv unless you are clueless. classes end in ff14 or begin at a higher lv. their is a reason you can play them all on one toon on a controller.

It’s not terrible if you ignore the people replying to the hunter.


that ff14 is nothing but fake hype true

I don’t know why you are even still replying to them at this point. They’re going to contradict everything you say.


why isnt the ff14 forums this active or anything ff14 website

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Did you guys ever think wow might be dead because the player base is always looking for a reason to hate it? Then the devs do and you’re done.

I mean, I offered proof. I’d totally stream myself running a dungeon on a level 72 Archer (and not a Bard) just to laugh at him, but I’ve been preoccupied with leveling my gathering/crafting classes.

Even if you did he wouldn’t watch it and would deny it happened. He’s a troll. Stop feeding him.


The same reason forums are dying in general:

But despite that, people still use the XIV forums for some discussion and (mostly) tech support, etc.