Every time you play “Random dungeon” at the end they give you a “Bag” when you open it they give you BLUES with your correct ILV and not only that, all the items that come out in the dungeons are adjusted to your level automatically. FFXIV does absolutely nothing like that, in Final you have to buy / farm your gear while leveling up, the game do not drop “Blues from the sky” or the objects are “Auto-Upgrade to blues of your ilv by magic” like wow it does.
Any player who has played an MMRPG without any problem will do level 10 in 1 hour with the quests so simple and brain dead. In one day I did level 35 playing for about 5 hours. In FFXIV even if you play 12 hours a day you will need 2 whole weeks or a little more to reach the maximum level
Only while levelling it doesn’t happen once you hit around 50. It was created as incentive for people to do dungeons.
Duh exiles reach was design to let you hit 10 to try out a class as a new player. New players haven’t always played mmos before either. Not everyone has time to play 12 hours a day anyway and at that point you have a problem. Its why the same friend that just started playing wow wouldn’t try 14 as a final fantasy fan.
There are players who have done in wow-retail level 1 to 60 in less than 12 hours are there the “Streams” look for them
In FFXIV even if someone plays 12 hours at day on the most hardcore way posible it will take more than 2 weeks to reach the maximum level.
That is why I made the comparison.
By finishing from level 1 to 50 using “Random dungeon” you can make absurd amounts of gold and have enough money to equip your character decently from level 50-60.
I tell you Wow-retail has no forgiveness of God to “give you blues” and “mountains of gold”. This already looks like phantasy star universe or monster hunter world not an MMRPG Lol
If you want to play with friends the 2 weeks minimum of levelling sucks.
Hilariously I had more blues in classic by the time I hit 60 this this time around and more gold that I did the first time I played the game. So no its that players learned to be more efficient with their time.
50-60 gear costs thousands of gold. Levelling through dungeons alone wouldn’t scratch that cost.
“The grass is always greener” is the simple answer. Most folks claim to hate “grinding,” yet they leave WoW for FF which has more grinding. I understand wanting to try something new, and that is why people do leave, but when they find out it is more of the same, if not worse, they do come back.
Considering I play it too? I know that if you got suspended for 2 days for “mentioning” a site? You didn’t just make an off-hand comment about it lol.
The only way that happened is if you were toxic about it and got reported.
Disclaimer: I didn’t really enjoy FF back in the day, and really have no interest in it now. Nor do I wish it ill, and if you enjoy it, hey have at it. Don’t really like the bashing WoW that some people must obsessively do, but there’s nothing wrong to me in liking FF or even preferring it.
Though I’m honestly curious. Everyone loves to talk about the devs that care, and aren’t antagonist of players. While simultaneously everyone seems to acknowledge that ARR is just…awful(…mind you I remember when it was held up on a pedestal by people ).
So that kind of raises the question. If everyone knows it’s an awful slog, and the devs truly care about the player experience, why has it never been addressed these many expacs later. Is it addressed in the new one coming out at least? WoW’s new player experience was pretty awful, but not really in the slog way, and Blizzard attempted to fix it up. Whether they succeeded or not is up in the air.
But are they addressing ARR being awful outside of providing ways to pay to skip it?
They did, yes. Notably reduced the amount of questing to get through ARR.
When a lot of people talk about ARR being a slog, they’re referring to similar issues WoW still faces- low ability count, overly simple rotations for the level you’re at, etc.
Plus some people think it’s meant to be rushed through, which it’s not. They did add retroactive flying to all ARR zones once you complete MSQ for ARR, though. So there’s that, for those times where you go back.
Well ARR does set up very important world building. On top of that there’s 50 levels to get through so I think they felt the need to pad it out so you’ll definitely be 50 by the time you get to the end.
Granted they COULD keep the world building by cutting out the padding and increasing the xp gained. I also think it would be a similar undertaking as what the wow devs did in cata where they changed the entire base content. As we know the end game suffered quite a bit because of the resourced needed to do that. I don’t think FF devs are willing to detract from what has been pretty good end game content.
Now that’s just speculation and opinion on my part.
It is somewhat telling that people really go out of their way to ignore FF14’s flaws to tear down WoW.
Every boss fight occurs in a circular room. There is no challenging dungeon content. It is even more lobby/queue based than WoW is. While the content patches are frequent, they’re generally very tiny consisting of a single dungeon or a handful of bosses with an hour of story.
I get 1-2 months of fun out of it every expansion, but it is simply lacking in content.
They offer preferred servers, where you get double XP for 90 days. That means no side quests are ever needed, a second job zips along, and crafting is pretty painless.
If you say so. They’re like human, human, big human, human with animal ears, creepy kids, and cat dudes with hair/faces you have to pay $$ to change.
One of the bigger turn offs I’ve had to the game is the lack of racial variety. They don’t have anything cool and ‘out there’ like trolls or undead. And a couple of them can’t even wear hats!
They’re all busy making threads on the WoW forums.
I said ‘appealing’, meaning they are pleasant to look at. There are no “grotesque” races, that is true. Personally, I’ve never understood the draw of that sort of thing, but to each their own… and that is a level of variety that is, unquestionably, missing.
Patently untrue. Although most of the raid fights are in circular arenas, they are not ALL in circular arenas. Although, having a relatively consistent arena based does have the advantage of making fights easier to learn.
This is a true statement, although I would wager that most FFXIV players do not see this as a ‘flaw’ as ‘challenging dungeon content’ is not something that most ffxiv players would actively seek out even if it existed.
But yes, it is true that there isn’t any.
I think this is something we’ll have to agree to disagree on.
I’ve never personally felt the urge to start counting the number of times I’ve run in circles in the Crystarium(nor to just stand there running in circles in the crystarium at all), but there is very much an addon that does that for trips around the hub in WoW.
When I am waiting for a queue in FFXIV, unless I am a class with a near-instant queue, I find things to do. Whether that be hunting for sightseeing logs, crafting, leveling alt classes, etc… I never FEEL like I’m constrained to just waiting for my queue in ffxiv.
For my part, when I think of FFXIV’s flaws, most of them are UI related. Buying a house is pure stupidity, the inventory management is awkward, a lot of the menus are really sluggish and unresponsive, I find ‘clicking’ on things to be difficult sometimes, tab targeting is less reliable than some other similar games… things like that.
In terms of content, I’m relatively content with FFXIV.
I take it you don’t spend a lot of time on the FF forums? People complain over there all the time. Just as people complain here about WoW… it’s the nature of things