Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

Mine is two fold.

  1. Dungeons all feel formulaic starting in HW. Sure there are some exceptions. I hope with their new stance of only 1 dungeon per patch they can change the dungeons to be less 4 packs, boss, 4 packs, boss, 4 packs, boss.

  2. Having a house means you can’t unsub when you take a break or you risk losing your house.


This post of yours is also a great example of what Rahovart was saying about you. So I guess this goes two ways lol.

“There’s just a tiny button for the FFXIV shop with no fanfare”

There’s three huge ads on the FFXIV launcher as we speak

“Well those ads are occasional”

At least one (Mogstation, which has a shop tab) is always up, they crank out so much merch I can’t remember a month passing without a big “new items available!” ad

“Well WoW has a BIG SHINY BUTTON in-game!”

No, it isn’t

“Well it’s in two prominent locations!”

It’s a tiny button among a row of tiny buttons and a submenu

“Well players don’t like those options in game”

They were added because players complained those options were not there

“WoW SHILL!!!111”

Par the course, lmao.


Say something positive about a game. Any game. Do you like ANYTHING? Or do you just like to hate things and complain about everything people say?

I only “complain” when people spam the wrong forum with little exaggerations I know aren’t true or the entire truth. Case in point.

Also, I thought “complaining” was only because a person only wants a game to do better? :thinking: lmao.

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So no, you can’t say anything positive about anything. Got it. lol

I didn’t ask a difficult question, it’s pretty easy. Here, I’ll show you:

WoW does a great job of creating end-game competitive-driven content. WoW has done a fantastic job of positioning itself as an MMO targeted towards people with that competitive mindset and competitive drive.

Final Fantasy 14 offers a great story-driven mmo experience targeted at JRPG fans. The devs have done a great job of cultivating a community who are genuinely invested in helping players feel welcome.

Tadaa… positive things about both FFXIV and WoW. I could keep going, were the discussion to trend in that direction, but it doesn’t seem as though it will with you. There’s a lot of positive to say about both without exaggerating.

But you, it seems as though your only contribution to discussions is to complain about what others have chosen to comment on, critiquing their exact word choice in an attempt to discredit their feedback or personal preferences…


From what I gather FF14 doesn’t even really have pvp, well it does but it sucked

Hard dead in the water for me

FFXIV’s pvp technically exists, but it’s little more than a mini-game and definitely not a primary focus. Now I will say that the devs have stated they have intent to improve it in Endwalker, but I wouldn’t count on it suddenly being amazing. So ya, if pvp is an important game mode to you, then FFXIV is probably not the right game. :slight_smile:

That’s true and fair. For someone like me who just hates pvp, it’s a strong point. To each their own.

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Because it’s popular to criticize WoW and have double standards about all the other games.


Since when I’ve gone a few dungeons without gear in WoW and when I still played 14 I always got one piece besides in raid.

It takes a bit longer as a new player and a friend who just started is enjoying it. Don’t compare a long time player who uses addons to level to new people.

You are correct. PvP in FFXIV is hot garbage at best.

I could go on too, except trolls spamming FFXIV on another game’s forums with the express intent of going “nya-nya, this game bad FFXIV gud” gets me persnickety, because they are so secondhand embarrassing and they do exaggerate.

btw, exact word choice is very intentional. “Tiny button without fanfare” vs. “BIG SHINY BUTTON/SUBMENU TOTALLY IN YOUR FACE” was very much an attempt to minimize FFXIV’s issues and exaggerate WoW’s. Don’t want to get called on it? Don’t do that. :woman_shrugging:

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I do not consider those exaggerations. The button in FFXIV is not in a prominent place, it is something you have to seek out to see. Yes, when they add new content it goes into their ‘scrolling banner ads’ but… that is THE LOGICAL PLACE to put an ad for new content. They put patch announcements, expansion announcements, upcoming events, and new releases there. It’s a completely normal place. Blizzard does the same, and nobody complains about that… because, again, it’s in the launcher and it is perfectly reasonable to have an ad in your launcher for new content you have.

In WoW it is the SECOND option in the main menu. Anyone who does ux design will tell you that the first few menu options are what you deem most important that people see. The button GLOWS when new things are added. Again, you don’t make something glow unless you want it to be prominent.

Those were not exaggerations.

Edit: As a side note, another thing to note in terms of the difference between the games… The FFXIV team at Squenix tacitly and intentionally refused to advertise during the pandemic. They did not want to feel like they were taking advantage of it.

Blizzard has tripled down on ads for their various purchasable components. I can’t watch three youtube videos without seeing at least one, if not more, Blizzard ads for WoW.

This isn’t to say advertising is bad - it obviously isn’t, but things like this combine with the general difference in approach to communication between the dev teams and their audience… to create situations where the playerbase sees similar activities differently.

There’s no “agenda,” and no one’s saying FF is perfect. We’re just pointing out that FF is eating WoW’s lunch, and WoW stuffs more and more into that lunch bag with every expansion. Please quit being defensive about this game, and acknowledge that most of its wounds are self-inflicted. We’re just pointing out the stuff that FF now offers that WoW abandoned:

  • Compelling professions
  • Gear vendors at the end game that take currencies accessible through untimed small-group dungeon crawls
  • An actual leveling experience that doesn’t immediately funnel everybody straight into raids
  • Flying immediately available upon (sometimes even before) zone completion

All this is stuff that WoW used to have. Players get defensive and say we’re trying to make WoW into FFXIV, when we’re just saying that FFXIV is now what WoW used to be. Why can’t WoW just go back to being fun to play again? Why does it have to lean more and more into an esport mentality with every new content drop? Since when did an optimal MMO experience involve deadlines, merit-based raises, and performance reviews? No other game treats its playerbase like employees except for WoW.


Again, you were pushing the narrative it was something players do not like, that it was invasive to them, when the reality is that button was added because enough players complained it was not there, and they had to exit game to make a purchase. A.k.a, they listened to their playerbase at that time and made a desired change. But why would the actual context matter? I can’t imagine. (Hint: it doesn’t follow the spammer narrative.)

You exaggerated the size of the button in the tray, walked that back in a hurry because it’s easy to see that it’s not big nor shiny, but even now you cling so hard to that submenu it’s like Mimiron told you not to push it, lmao. It’s easily ignored, but you left that bit out too.

Maybe you’d have an easier time if you posted your FFXIV praise over on the FFXIV boards. They don’t like FFXIV being criticized either. :woman_shrugging:

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I do not ever recall seeing feedback to the effect that ‘man I wish I could pay money in game’. I can’t say for sure it was never there, but I can say that I have VERY STRONGLY heard feedback since it was added that it felt intrusive and cash-grabby.

Perhaps our experience is with different corners of the community, but I can’t speak to that.

Oh no, I have plenty of success with criticism of WoW here because about 2/3 of WoW’s playerbase, unlike you, is open to feedback about the game. They recognize that WoW has flaws and are willing to engage in those flaws rather than simply criticizing the wording.

The only reason I engage with blatant trolls whose sole contribution to discussion is criticizing wording like you is because the forums are more than just a 1 on 1 conversation, they’re a public debate in front of an audience who passively consumes the content. And, well, the audience deserves accurate information rather than just criticism of word structures.

(And I think this discussion has run its course, so I’ll put you on ignore now as anything we say from here will likely just be running in circles as you repeatedly target specific wording choices I made rather than the core substance of the posts while I continually try to direct you towards the substance in stead of just the specific wording choices so we can have a real discussion and fail because you are a troll)

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Aw, I was about to point out there are blue posts on the reason the cash shop button was added. Darn that context! :upside_down_face:

Oh look who it is. Quality > Quantity. Rather have better content in smaller chunks than a lot of mediocre content.

It’s only popular to criticize wow because there’s a lot to criticize.