Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

As opposed to “wow is fine, the problem is you”

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Because the people trying to praise FF14 only want to drag down WoW, they don’t actually care.

Honestly I doubt they actually even play it, they just talk about it because they think it’ll hurt wow.

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The truth is they are just done with WoW and don’t want to admit it

tbc is great no need for catgirl simulator 14

shadowlands? eh it can go suck a lemon and FF is an actual prospect if you want modern-ish stuff

Tbc is horrible and outdated. If you have to play play 15 year old version of wow to like it thats a problem not a solution

dont have to
i want to
classic era wow is what i like
retail does not make it for me since WoD
when the classic era is done
wow will be done for good ( to me a at least)

unless something unexpected happens and blizzards learns how to give a soul to the souless grind of retail sistems ill be out

The truth is the opposite. I want WoW to succeed. I want it to learn. I want it to stop stagnating.


I think the biggest problem is people have been paying for garbage content since mists hoping that the next xpac or patch will fix things and it only ever compounds the problem.

Yeah. My subscription should not be taken as an endorsement. But since they only operate by metrics, it cannot be taken as anything else.

If that was their end goal, they could just simply say “Yo, this is done” and pull the plug. What would be the point of alienating the current playerbase?

They couldn’t even get Classic TBC right.

One job. Don’t add boosts or buyable mounts and they still did it.

The players who wanted that Classic feeling, couldn’t live without it. Sure they implemented but they did because they were asked so many times.

I get it, you dislike it, but those kiddies love having money.

The same reason restaurants 86 items a lot of people like. Its not working for them anymore and I think that’s obvious even though it’s their own fault. Instead of telling people it’s over it’s easier and more profitable to let it slow burn. Take sub for example. It plays like trash and has too many buttons and micro management. People have wanted changes to backstab for years and what do they do “20% dmg increase”. K that’s not at all what we asked for. They don’t care.

How? Again if their end goal is to redirect the talent to a more profitable avenue, why would they be waiting on a slow burn and making their current playerbase angry at them?

Because they have something called delusion. Triple A developers rarely make products worth buying hence the explosion and praise of indie titles. From Software is a great example of a company who struck gold with a new concept and then ruined it over time.

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Yo I’m not arguing that a game loses appeal overtime. I’m arguing that they’d never do it on purpose just to move on.

Delusion. Look at all the companies who have gone woke and gone broke. Its delusional business decisions. They rely on the brand name and not the product. Bmw is a good example of a company with a top notch name with horrible products. Gamers don’t run blizzavision, its people in suits who look at graphs and stats. That’s why the game sucks and the way they see it why can’t we all just go play cod and shut up because people like cod according to graphs and stats.

Just off-hand, there’s a button that is ALWAYS visible on your system toolbar and there is also a direct link from the main menu.

I’m sure there’re other places, but there are at least two very prominent places in game. Which again kind of hits the point: People, in my experience, don’t like it when microtransactions are directly available in the game. People are generally okay with games having an online store as long as it is a separate entity. It is when the game breaks that line between ‘store’ and ‘game’ that people start to be upset about, in my experience.

It was done because people didn’t like that they had to exit game to buy anything.

And, really? You call a tiny shop button next to the equally tiny system settings button–and a plain red button like all the other buttons in a submenu–“very prominent”.

Yeah, this is great example of what I was talking about in my original post.

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For the record I’ve not seen you say one single good thing about FF nor one negative thing about wow.

Yet you insult anyone praising FF.