its free cuz its old and cuz of the money the game shop makes
This might be the first reasonable thing you’ve said so far.
It likely is free because it’s older content.
seeing how you just started 2 days ago on your posts for ff14. whos your main?
Even as someone who doesn’t really care for shadowlands it’s getting almost comical watching people here act as though ff is some perfect and flawless game.
I mean it really shouldn’t surprise anyone who visits these forums regularly. Exaggeration and hyperbole are pretty much normal here.
Shadowlands has many problems and there are ample things to complain about in my opinion without holding up some other game as though it’s perfect which it isn’t.
Well, at least I never claimed 14 was perfect… Then again, I don’t think anyone said the game was perfect as most people come with just as much to complain about as they have to praise.
It’s a matter of more how people voice their criticisms. Point out a flaw and it is acknowledged, either as a deal-breaker to some or something that can be overlooked for what the rest of the package offers. When the criticisms devolve into semantics or ‘hurrdurr is bad cuz it is bad’ then it just drives that usual forum train into the trashcan.
and its on the wow forums. ff14 forums are pretty dead
I don’t see anyone pretending it’s perfect. It isn’t. No game is.
It’s just that WoW players don’t ever ask about the flaws. Most don’t care. They just defensively make stuff up to deflect and justify their choice of MMO.
There’s a weird tribalism in the WoW community that I really haven’t seen in any others, where WoW is “the one true MMO” and if you like others and have any criticism of it? Then you’re a heretic.
It’s a bit crazy, and kinda sad tbh.
i like how you came from nowhere 2 days ago for ff14 posts
Oh, you mean how I came back to play though Shadowlands, looked at the forums to research tank choices for an alt, saw XIV topics and decided to participate?
Real suspicious.
Lies and bull. You wanna see toxic. Go there. Wow needs a solid reboot with allied races included in story.
yeah alt hoper
I play both games and people don’t really talk poorly about FF because it’s basically the North Korea of gaming. One poor word and you’re suspended/ banned.
No for real.
People that actually play FF14 will be the first people to bring up the issues. Loudly and often.
People that have heard about the good of F14 second hand and never actually played, come to the WoW forums to troll.
No one is getting banned or suspended for complaining about issues. They do it all the time. If this was true? I’d have a lifetime ban.
Well we are going to touch on the important issues “the economy in an MMRPG” “The Level up” and the “End-game”.
Broker Wow VS FFXIV.
FFXIV still has “Economy” in the broker, you still need to save money to buy your equipment and farm it in dungeons vs WoW every time you finish a dungeon they give you a “Loot-box with blues”. Blizzard killed the economy in level 1-60 game
Level up WoW Vs FFXIV
In wow you can reach level 60 in 12 hours, it’s so fast that you can’t even “Enjoy” it. In FFXIV the dungeons go by Level and give fixed exp, if you are lv 50 and do a dungeon lv 20 it will not give you good exp. Even buying the potion for Skip-Story will take you 2 weeks of dungeons to reach lv 70 playing “All Day”
End game Wow vs FFXIV
We have been without content in shadow lands for more than 200 days. While FFXIV releases patches every 4 months of end game.
FFXIV is still an MMRPG and wow it is already an RPG-ONLINE type pso2*. This is not classic-wow in retail nobody cares if you buy potions of “Skip-story” or “Boost level”
Actually one of the reasons why I didn’t level my priest max
Was hurtful and accurate
Mostly because the playerbase largely has goodwill for the development team. They’re passionate and humble. They’re always willing to engage in dialogue with players, and admit when they’re wrong. They’ll even apologize for their mistakes - and those apologies are actually sincere!
Blizzard… they’ve been running on goodwill for the past decade, and that needle is finally bumping against the E. The relationship is antagonistic and patronizing, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change anytime soon.
“literally 1984”
It’s not that people are ignoring FF’s issues. It’s just that FF is doing more things right than wow.
TL/DR: The world is full of many different people with many different opinions. What you find to be an issue isn’t stuff I find to be issues.