Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

yeah you show how bad it is to play all classes on one character. no one laughs at sv hunters ppl laugh at archer. classes either end or start at a higher lv. ff14 forums arnt active nothing ff14 related stuff is active.

im looking at ff14 forums its pretty dead

I told you. The so called community Is fake

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where is the active playbase i dont see them on ff14 forums or sites

Pretty much the entirety of the 14 community is on Discord. Square is good at making games, they are not good at making websites.

Explanation on how the class/jobs work, I’ll do this with one class one that I have played THM/BLM. When I start out the game I am a THM I go to my respective guild to learn about my class and once I’m level 30 I have all the basic knoweldge of a THM. However, at this point you “graduate” as you’ve learned everything about the class and now you move onto a job. Jobs consist of arts that have been lost to time and are much more skilled and more powerful than a regular of a class. I’m still a THM but when I become a BLM I’m a more powerful THM that has discovered skills that have been lost to time. I still have all my regular abilities from being a THM but now that I’m a Black Mage I have opened a path that opens more skills to me. The reason this system is in place is because unlike WoW the game isn’t just a kill sim, it’s an RPG. The graduation from class to job is a part of your progression as a character in the story of FFXIV.

yes i know classes end and become something else or you need to be a higher lv to begin a new one

When the core of one’s argument is semantics, they clearly have nothing of value to say.

But yeah, both games have flaws. WoW’s flaw happens to be content droughts of legend, “Complete the raid? Get KSM? Well, guess you get to go on break for a year.”

I’ve pretty much been playing FF14 and DnD until the next raid comes out.


The reality is if blizzard shut down the servers tomorrow you’d all be devastated. Reboot this series with a mix of old and new, a new engine and advertising and people would play it. Keep it simple keep it cool. We liked dragons, we don’t like soul ash

If they shut down the servers like, 6 years ago, I would have been devastated. Now? Ehhh.


ff14 has no content. it needed years for the game to be out to have content. like gw2

I cannot tell if that is a guy or a girl in that gif and it weirds me out ._.

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It has received more content updates than WoW, even when only comparing Shadowbringers and Shadowlands.

no it hasnt its like gw2 it needed to be out for years for the game to look like it has content.

That is part of the joke of the character, as she has an identical twin brother and thus causes confusion in comical ways.

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This guy is clearly a troll, or… well lol…
Quit while you’re ahead.

Yes. It’s one of a set of twins one boy one girl.

My biggest pain point is how they butchered healing making all three brain dead and boring all in attempts to appeal to accessibility, but sure.

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Play a tank

when a game needs to be out for years like gw2 to have “content” it really doesnt have any to begin with you are playing old stuff and on “catch up” to everyone else