Why do people idolize Legion so much?

The problem is that blizz doesn’t turn on a dime. Ion is on record saying that they work 2 expacs in advance (or at least they used to). So by the time the feedback came in about how garbage the systems were in BfA, it was too late to change them in either BfA or SL. Yes, they should have at the very least changed their plans for SL. But they stubbornly went ahead anyway. And that’s on them. But for BfA it was definitely far too late in the development cycle to change anything.

Why you think so many borrowed power systems were dropped for DF? Because of the shemozle that was both BfA and SL.

Literally everyone on the deck of that ship should have been rushing to murder him.

But the lightforged who are a zealous band of demon hunting elite soldiers for whom Xera was functionally god/general flinch only as much as it takes them to causally shrug their shoulders and just keep on keeping on.

It’s even stupider when you consider that the only reason why illidin has frikkin pulse at that moment is because Xera wanted him alive.

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But you can’t point to one thing specifically?

lore was forced to bring edge lord back, some how legion with magical star destroyers killed killed by guys with swords, wq was horrible after the 1st, alts was a no go for most. argus should of been a whole expansion not a patch.

it had mage tower and neat cosmetics and?!?!

Was there another “Legion” expansion that I didn’t know about?

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Something to be said about opinions.

I straight up dropped Legion less than a month into launch because of how annoying all the progression was. Came back for late 7.2 and I honestly believe 7.3- BfA pre patch is the best this game has EVER been as someone who’s been playing since Vanilla. From the “hand of fate” cinematic to Sargeras stabbing Azeroth it was all just so SO EPIC on the story front too. The actual lore wasn’t amazing by any stretch but Blizzard just perfectly captured that Warcraft III feel in a way they never had with WoW and still haven’t to this day. It was truly “rule of cool” from 7.2-end of expansion and despite how annoying the early patches were I think we needed them to be so bland to set everything up for the epic finale.

BfA for me was my favorite start to finish expansion. It fleshed out most of my problems with the start of Legion and the lore (outside of the war campaign) was pretty dang great.

The start of it really was just continuing the trash heap “pruning” that started in WoD. But by 7.3 we had all of our artifact weapons unlocked and by 7.3.5 easier access to legendaries which more than made up for the butchering of class design the expansion started with.

I appreciate the consistency of their trash threads tbh

7.2 when you had proper legendaries made nearly every spec feel really good to play.
7.2 also had a lot of content to do and the open world wasn’t zombie mode.
Legendaries coming from so much content made it so you had a LOT of stuff to do every week, it felt good.

7.2 Legion is the first time WoW actually had content, since then it’s just been a raid logger / M+ simulator, like it’s always been(minus the M+ before legion).

I guess you didn’t play Horde at that time. The Horde was a confederacy. There were no minor leaders, though Thrall was at the head. Sylvanas being the number 2 since the story of the Forsaken joining the Horde had to be told in WoW, because it happened post WCIII.

The Forsaken as a race were also definitely not minor. Maybe it feels like that now because of how the Blood Elves have taken over, but the forsaken were the Eastern Kingdom race of the Horde. They were the dominant Horde Influence from Tirisfal through Hillsbrad.

It was pretty blatant to anyone who bothered to read quest text. Honestly between her and Garrrosh, I figured the 2 were going to square off at some point. Initially it looked like she was going to be the one to go bad and Garrosh was going to have a redemption arc defeating her. Written properly, that would have been better that way honestly.

“Trash threads are TIGHT” - Ryan George

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It was fun.

It was fun while looking cool.

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You mean… like Turalyon had just attempted?
And Illidan had just held him off without getting violent with him?
After having done nothing other than defend himself against Xe’ra?
And made an extremely poignant point that Turalyon even agreed with considering how he reacted when Xe’ra began to sing praises to Illidan’s now long gone eyes?

You mean … like how they kept him under constant supervision and were, at most, just waiting for Turalyon’s signal?

Furthermore, Lightforged Draenei aren’t fanatical light worshippers … but rather hunters of the Burning Legion. Even after Xe’ra’s exploded body, they still go through the trial that makes one into a Lightforged. It isn’t dependant on a single being like Xe’ra but their own motivation, as demonstrated by both the Lightforged heritage questline but also the Warlock questline that explains why a Lightforged would go down the path of becoming a full-blown warlock.

Xe’ra viewed herself as their god. Not the other way around.

Eh, of course Xe’ra wanted Illidan alive … she wanted to enslave him to the “Light’s dogmatic fanaticism.” A topic that the Locus-Walker goes rather in-depth in when he’s explaining the difference between The Void and The Light to Alleria.

Not much of what you said here is all that bounded in the actual game’s lore.

I haven’t read the thread so this has probably already been said, but it was a nice-if-brief upturn in quality after the regressions of WoD.

The fact that BFA and Shadowlands doubled down on those regressions are more than enough justification for Legion standing out.

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Was just going to say, probably looks so good because it came between WoD and BfA so had the bar set pretty low by the preceding and following expansion.

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The catch up system wasn’t a thing when Legion launched. Dual spec meant you were gimping yourself until we got the catch up system.

I know, because I was behind when playing my Balance/Resto Druid. Because I couldn’t split between the two specs and be viable in dungeons. I learned the hard way that I had gimped myself early on and I couldn’t recover from it until catch up was a thing.

Your opinion doesn’t change the fact that every end game zone was time gated, along with class halls.

Some time gating is fine. Legion had way too much.

  1. False.
  2. No one said they hated Legion.

Your opinion was not shared by many.

Keep in mind, no one is criticizing the story or the time people spent playing— although with the time gating, I know a lot of people on the forums complained they’d log in for chores and to complete the weekly questlineand that was it. Legion absolutely had its good points. But it wasn’t until later on that it became alt friendly, dual spec friendly and we were able to to pace ourselves without Blizz babysitting us or gimping us at the beginning.

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People since antiquity seem to think the male lion was the king of the Savannah and it ruled everything it sees, but in reality, it was the female lion that did all the killing and work.

When you start looking into why humans have made animals symbo0ls of strength vs. reality of those animals you start giggling a lot IRL.

Now to make things even funnier, when you start hearing people say, “Alpha,” this or that, just remember that it comes from bad science that the biologists have already swept under the rug for being wrong.

The first week of its release, was worthy of its praise. How each class played different and, most importantly, FELT UNIQUE AND IMPORTANT!

Then, all the multiple walls of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG broke the spell.

People now tend to ignore all the failures of Legion and only remember all the unique class stuff … but I won’t.

But I also would never call it the “worst” expansion. That’s absurd.

It in no way deserves all the praise it gets. But it is far from “the worst.”

Because all the classes were more simple back then. Unlike now

let’s see. the fact that the broken isles never had tauren on them or any other npcs on them other than elves. the FACT that the tomb of sargeras has been uinsubmerged since wc2.