Why do people idolize Legion so much?

And this is why revisionism is a bad thing, and also why community perception is always going to be bunk.

One could duel spec and folks did, because of how the catchup system worked meant that the initial lower costs of each specialization took smaller and smaller amounts of effort to get AP. A few world quests to get enough to get all the baseline stuff needed to perform with another specialization, or grinding endlessly every single source just to get one more node.
People could and did duel spec, but it was a community perception that one couldn’t. And I know that one could because I did it.

And I don’t have a problem with timegating, because pacing oneself is how to get the most out of an activity rather than to rush to “get it done.” Every single player’s burnout and every single expansion to date that have been regarded as having “no content” or “no stuff to do” had stuff to do but there’s a common mentality of “I must have it NAOW!” amongst players.
Forced timegating is a positive for a playerbase that has absolutely no self-control whatsoever. I had a conversation about this with my partner about BFA because BFA had no, or at least extremely little, real timegating and I remember BFA as having a good steady pace where one could enjoy it. Rather than the mad rush to get everything immediately that she reminded me that a lot of people treated it as. And because of that, BFA was a whole lot more enjoyable for me than it was for a lot of other people.

So here’s my point:
The people who dislike Legion were the ones with no ability to pace themselves and merely just … play the game. Not go for a mad dash to finish everything as soon as possible.

(And for the record, my first legendary was Sephuz on my main (Resto shaman) and Prydaz relatively soon afterwards. I still have no problem with how legendaries worked in Legion because unless you were pushing for world first and all of those things, the legendaries were just fun benefits is how I viewed them.)

And you are part of literally every single one of 'em, as long as they allow you to act as a contrarian to something.


Class fantasy, lots of rpg elements long forgotten.

I really liked leggo system. Fun to combine and colecting then just doing content.

Replayability, i made lots of alts.

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I found almost every single spec design more fun (all less bloated). The story and theme were obviously the best since WOTLK, many expansions feels like anime filler but Legion felt like main plot. Class fantasy stuff was awesome. Artifacts were cool. Legendary kinda sucked until they let you target. M+ was the best it ever was.

Overall a great package.

Good content, decent thematic power source/talent tree through the artifact weapons, class fantasy was expanded on, good story with characters like Velen/Illidan/Turalion/Alleria/Dadgar, I got to see Nobundo again in the shaman class hall, better than WoD, zones were pretty neat, legendaries were neat once they added the vendor to reduce rng, really fun raids, and sooo much lore expanded. Having a follower while questing was also pretty neat. Having Chen Stormstout or The Monkey King chilling with me was fun.

It’s also where I started playing monk and it’s been super fun since.

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I did not care for much of the story and lore at the time but some of it was good to me and I’m likely not in the majority with my feeling on this. The characters at least felt meaningful and the world felt better than modern WoW.

I had a ton of fun being a casual mainly doing BG’s and world content with my Warlock, War, and DK back then.

Cosmetics from the expansion were great, Mage Tower was fun, and overall I found it a good expansion.

I did only play the last patch so I got into it when classes I liked felt the best tbf, I’ve hard of many issues from before then that where fixed when I had a chance to paly.

Literally the only thing you talk about. I have been watching for several weeks now, and that is all I see from you. “FF14 cult this, FF14 cult that”. Quit bashing other communities for no reason than to be toxic. All it does is make you look like a tool that NO ONE will ever take seriously.

In this case it’s the “Nothing is wrong with WoW, you’re just bad / a troll” cult.

Stop projecting bro. If you’re that insecure about FFXIV, don’t play it.

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LOLOLOLOL you think I care even remotely about your opinions on anything, and it’s adorable. Regardless, I wouldn’t have quit WoW if there was nothing wrong with the game. Though it’s more because of the ‘community’ that I left. Just waiting till my sub runs out at this point.

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You sure seem to with how huffy and puffy you’re getting.

If you didn’t care about WoW, you wouldn’t be around still. So leave or admit you like WoW.

Legion was fantastic for any type of player who played it , it occupied everyone’s time. I never lapsed in my sub in that expansion.

I think the only viable complain was the rng of the Legendary drops.
Other than that I don’t see any flaws or were just fluff

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I have left. Your reading comprehension is a little lacking, now isn’t it? Waiting for my sub to run out. Till then, here I am. I USED to like WoW. Anymore? It is a waste of time and money. Now who’s projecting, hmm?

Oh boy!

That’s all I got.

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I’m not sure the word “idolize” is appropriate, but I sure did enjoy Legion a lot because it was fun.


They can’t seem to grasp that people are able to have fun with things they don’t like. It’s honestly their whole MO at this point, pretty sure.

No, because they also got negative feedback on both Azerite traits and Covenants that they could have listened to but didnt. So I will thank the devs arrogance instead

If I had to guess this has a lot to do with Illidin who… lets be honest got the most shameless and blatent “my guy” from the writers with how he:

  • Outsmarted the number 2 leader of the burning legion.
  • Was actually justified in enslaving and abusing the people of outand
  • Killed a Naaru on the deck of the Vindicar and everyone was just ok with this.

Well that’s incredibly inappropriate. Word to the wise? Maybe edit out the very obvious thing that is going to get you looked at by mods, eh?

It really isn’t given the level of plot armor they slathered on him, but I take your meaning.


More lookin out for you not getting silenced. Granted I can 100% agree they gave way too much to him through Legion. Especially not having Turalyon actually carve him up for blowing up Xe’ra. Even though she did the bad touch.