Why do people idolize Legion so much?

Let’s see here:

  1. Class fantasy was good: the devs looked at the various classes and were able to put together some really good content for people based on their class’s identity.
  2. The artifact weapon: As players, we had a relationship with our artifact weapon that was unique to each of us; the way that we chose to level them, the fights we had with them and beyond that each and every single one of them was a big friggin deal; You had the sword of the first human king, Ashbringer, the Doomhammer, Xala’taph… each of which was designed for a specific spec.
  3. The class hall mounts: these were great with each one feeling like something that was both thematic and truly earned as a trophy worthy of the veritable demigods we were at that point.
  4. The netherlight crucible added extra depth to the customization of our weapon.
  5. Suramar is legitimately my favourite city in the whole game bar none, and it had a fascinating storyline to work your way through.

Those are the big ones that come to mind.


Because it was the last time blizzard thought outside of the box and actually tried things with the game. It was the introduction to m+, which is now a core pillar of the game. Artifact weapons were sick and gave you something to constantly grind and gain power on without just hitting BiS a few weeks into the season and having no more power progression. The transmogs for the artifact weapons are some of the best in game. The mage tower was finally something challenging and engaging for solo players with good rewards tied to it. Class order halls and mounts were also amazing.

Fast forward to what we have now and it’s nothing more than the same 6 months cycle formula they have been using for years now of a new m+ season, a new raid, and a new PvP season with no attempts at actually reinventing anything in the game. Gearing is more boring than ever, the dungeons are becoming more and more pug unfriendly each season and defined metas are worse each season due to that.

They’ve tried adding island expeditions, warfronts, torghast, covenants, etc all of which were half baked and were so not fun it became a chore to do. There has been nothing added to the game in years that has stayed and actually revolutionized it in any way.

It’s like they introduced m+ in legion which became a big hit and said “alright the next decade is set now”.

At this point the next step for them should be a core pillar of the game being a solo experience that rivals the difficulty, rewards, and competitive nature that raiding and m+ has. Personally I don’t think delves will even remotely come close to being that. The game needs to have something for everyone… raiding fills the large group content, m+ for small group content, battlegrounds for large group PvP, arenas for small group PvP. Yet absolutely nothing meaningful for solo players and that’s what the game is missing and can check off all the boxes if they made it happen. Unfortunately they are just coasting with what they have and people are getting bored


You mean the same expansion that retconned “the official Warcraft canon” only months after the third Chronicle book was released?

The key part of this statement is “by the end”; waiting almost two years for your best in slot legendary is not a good system.

Tell me farming Artifact Power for every class and specialization you wanted to play and grinding for your best legendary item every waking moment of the expansion should be considered part of a good expansion, I dare you.

It wasn’t the worst, but it’s far worse than Dragonflight.


Yeah, I still had a good time. DF is worse, for me personally. At least I maxxed out my Legion professions, can’t say the same about DF ones.

Grinded PvP day in and day out, and PvP was still very alive.

Meanwhile in DF, I queue for casual bg, it finally pops 15 minutes later, with only 4 Alliance and 10 Horde, so I just end up logging off and playing something else instead.

At this point in Legion, I’d still be happily playing some PvP and getting mage tower done.

DF is deaaad in PvP. Idk if it’s the age of the game, or just too many other WoW’s to play, but the PvP scene is done and dusted until TWW.

I didn’t farm because I didn’t care about some small gains, that didn’t affect anything in PvP due to templates lol.

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I like the theme of the Legion returning full force and invading personally. Also the class quests were cool at least and they introduced a lot of new themes. After awhile I grew pretty bored of it and stopped playing as much. Did come back for Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus tho briefly.

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The depth of lore and immersive elements were better than anything since Wrath. They haven’t been passed since. The class design was actually light years better than now as well. Not everyone wants to be a pro gamer with 50 keybinds to perform well.


I’ve seen everyone has been giving their points on why it was a positive, but would you do us all a favor and elaborate on why you think Legion was like this?

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if we’re talking about class design it had the best fury warrior to date (if you remove wild strike) do you know how good it felt to rampage>battle cry>avatar>odyn’s fury? 100% crit chance and big numbers popping up

6 million mortal strike btw good times

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People don’t care about my opinions, and I’d just be called a contrarian or whatever, so that’s not important. I just wanted to know why people like it so much.

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You ever think that your attitude and how you respond to those things… are the problem as to why people don’t care?


I didn’t particularly like it and I despised the low polygon green goo zone.

MoP and WoD were solid expansions and Legion began the realm of tedious.

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pretty much all of it.

was a dumpster fire of lost potential. the only people who like it are orc fanboys.

not gonna lie i know another panda with a worse attitude then her.


It wasn’t perfect but it had something for everyone. When I logged in during Legion, I always had something to do. Always. And I actually wanted to do those things.


No I just outed myself as not part of the cult.


You outed yourself alright.



Well, No, because back then Sylvanas was just the leader of the Forsaken, a secondary and minor race, so she could pass under the radar.

Legion made her Warchief, and so all the evil she pulled throughout the year, was now exposed and laid bare for all to see.

Whatever your takes are on either, I think a fair share of us can agree on one thing … That both are at least leagues better than Shadowlands :joy:

It really is just impossible for you to have a thread that doesn’t turn into a “Mahouneko bashes on FF14 players” isn’t it? Stop bashing another community because you want to be toxic.


Butchered what lore?

There’s more than one cult bro.

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