Real talk, for PvE it may not be a big deal, but for PvP it’s literal pay to win.
You can be absolute trash at the game but if you’re in 2100 gear you will demolish a player in full Honor or 1400-1600 gear while barely lifting a finger.
The massive PvP iLvl gaps leave little room for outplays in its current state. Right now PvP is a massive gearcheck & win/lose at matchmaking.
Uh actually, I hate to be “THAT” guy but blizzard reduced the item level gap this patch drastically. So you can’t use that excuse anymore, my guy. It’s time to knuckle up and farm that rating. Get that Duelist finally.
Lets say you worked all summer long to earn enough cash to buy a new car. You finally get it and it feels awesome, a real accomplishment. Then your friend pulls up in the same care that his dad bought for him on a whim because he’s loaded with cash. Normally, you should still feel good about the work you put in to get that car but somehow the achievement is diminished.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love that they’ve uncapped Conquest & added BoA Conquest loot boxes, but this just “makes the rich richer.”
Problem with PvP right now is it’s extremely unwelcoming to newblood.
Why would someone new to PvP stick around when they get globalled over and over, finally get their full honor/233 set. step into rated, then rinse and repeat against boosters.
Players like me are doing fine, what we’re worried about is the overall health of PvP as a whole. Casual PvP’rs vastly outnumber Rated PvP’rs, if you start killing them off then you also kill our content.
So i’ll probably get roasted for making this statement, but I mean it’s the arena forums so meh.
But that is why you want to push you’re rating as high as you can early in the season. I hit Duelist 2100 about two months ago and now just sitting rating for the rest of the season and just reaping the rewards.
All in how you see things. I personally wouldn’t value my friend’s car the same as the one I worked for, so my feeling of achievement is greater since I did it myself.