Why do people hate on warriors?

If you think he is the reason why warriors run rampant then you are delusional.

Now i dont know much of asmon or streaming in general, but him being a warrior main did spark alot of new warriors who want to play/be like him.
He’s 100% not the ONLY reason warriors are like that but i would say he is part of it. Just imo though.

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In terms of DPS, sure, but in terms of utility it isn’t even close.

I think there could be arguments made that SoD is both dumbing down warriors, and increasing complexity of Feral playstyle, so it’s not hard to see where someone like Ronarion is coming from with a statement like:

Now, you could argue that the druid’s toolkit overall gives several tradeoffs that don’t warrant having a higher DPS ceiling given the complexity of snapshot management (that may come to sod later, but isn’t quite there yet). And that’s probably debatable, as I’m sure people would like to separate out Feral from druid for this discussion (that’s a side topic of its own, imo).

Anyway, P1 warrior seemed to me to be an attempt to teach people new to the class how to manage and pool rage (which is not completely dissimilar to energy pooling on feral). The rotation using Raging Blow is also not too dissimilar to the playstyle that we see in Phase 3 with Overpower procs thanks to Taste for Blood, imo, but this time without the rage-pooling training wheels.

Feral now has some interesting mechanics, but I really wish Gore wasn’t a chance to reset TF, but rather a flat reduce CD by 10-15 seconds, or an on-use we could manage. Having Shred refresh Rip durations does indeed make snapshotting and keeping up the beachball a very real part of feral playstyle complexity, even if the differences in doing so well vs not at all aren’t greatly highlighted in logs.


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I didn’t know who he was when I started playing Classic, but I had heard some younger players say he’s the reason they picked up the class.

The private server scene had been on the brown kool aid for over a decade though.

Highest DPS spec is wearing a shield and pushes ONE BUTTON.

Yay Warriors are now frost mages :frowning:

They’ve always been “I get to set the pace of things” “you will listen to me because you need me”. That kind of thing. Nice to see them as plebs like the rest of us.

This you? Showing that you didn’t understand how things worked in Vanilla?

Is this also you? From the same thread, insinuating that you have me on ignore?

I’m relieved to know that I’m not on ignore. We haven’t even had our final battle yet.

I made the same argument earlier to a different person who claimed that Warriors were the hardest class to play in Vanilla. Ferals are an example of how difficult a class was to master. Even so, mastering a feral druid in Vanilla still meant that you were B-tier.

Utility in vanilla?

I don’t even.

This you deflecting about how you’re flapping about a game you didn’t play?

You’ve been especially brain-leaky lately, so I put you on a time out. Welcome back to my good graces! You’re on your way to losing your privileges again.

It’s hilarious you post a single mistake I made about a mechanic that barely anyone knew about because it was completely irrelevant in Classic, then also show where I edited because I realized I had made a mistake. xd

You got me!

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It’s okay, buddy, lemme explain.

Druids can resurrect players who die during combat. They can also use a 5m cooldown to give healers or damage dealing casters more mana. :slight_smile:

OK GUYS, lets not get into huge personal arguements. If you have something to say about the subject say it!

You keep this attitude up and you’ll be demoted from “Nemesis” to “Forum nuisance”

Have to remember that warriors made a disproportionate amount of raiders in classic. You had guilds running with 20+ brown guys.

“Let’s vote on the hardest class to play…
Oh in a shocking turn of events the brown guys have it!”

Now in hardcore WoW - they are the hardest by far.

Brez isn’t needed for most of WoW classic. If you have a druid healer, you don’t need a feral.

Why bring another brez when you can have another warrior DPS!?


Obsessed with me. Cringe.

You’re only my 3rd most responded-to person on the forums. But I’m only your 4th. We’ll get those numbers up, don’t worry. Although I don’t think I could topple Ziryus.

I know you guys just want to argue, but for real, if you think it’s interesting to compare who is taller, there are tools for that, e.g. a measuring tape.

Context is very important. Few would argue that playing a mage in a raid setting like MC where you’re spamming Frost Bolt is difficult, complex or even engaging play. However, the ZG mage solo farm by comparison is something that makes powershifting seem like Duplo compared to Lego.

Put a framework, and constraints around what and how you’re measuring things, otherwise, this is really just a:

“My dad knows karate.” argument.


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We’re talking about a raid setting with other players.

Considering we’re talking about parses, top 3 DPS, wanting gear over other players… I thought this would be obvious given context clues.

Oh OK. So raid rotation complexity in Vanilla WoW (any specific encounters? Patchwerk perhaps? or…) specifically optimizing for melee DPS as a Warrior vs a Druid?

Is that correct?

It isn’t even obvious whether we are talking strictly Vanilla, conflating with SoD, or other versions of WoW, so no that isn’t obvious at all. If it was obvious, it would probably be relatively easy to point to some hard-number-based, measurable numbers.


For me stance dancing was a hard thing to first pick up, and for druids that would be powershifting. The arguement between which is harder to play would be tough because you have to switch stance/form. Warrior in sod has to keep up on sunders, shouts and their new rampage(and maintain rage). While druids have to keep up on mana, forms, their buff wouldnt be to hard, but mana alone makes it quite a bit more difficult. I dont know their new runes but i know that feral is struggling.
So even as a warrior player id say druid is probably moee difficult to play.
(This made sense in my head so take it as a grain of salt)