Why do people hate on mechagnomes

I think the excitement of having a gnome “terminator” and then seeing the customization options being incredibly lackluster.


Because they wear diapers.


People hate gnomes and they’re just worse version of gnomes.

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Every race may be equal but trolls are more equal than others. orcs are our near equal and will be spared when the United Troll empire is established.

Sethrak are amazing and quite possibly the best snake based humanoid there is.

I have no issues with Mechagnomes… Just really like Sethrak.

I also recognize that Mechagnomes were always going to be and are fricken amazing and that they in no way took Sethrak from anyone. Lol

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:


I don’t hate them. I hate regular gnomes but Mechagnomes are amazing.

The little ones are brutal, they literally have their own bolted to the walls of their town, that’s pretty BA.

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I don’t hate them there just not interesting to me. I thought there could of be a better race to pick than mechagnomes but I have to deal with it now and thats it.

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I’m honored :smiley:

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because they are godless cyborgs

From all the talk from horde players claiming how AMAAAAAZING Diapergnomes are, you’d think it wouldn’t be the lowest played race in the game.

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I don’t think most hate them. They just weren’t what people wanted I think

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I wish we could be full robotic or a lot closer to it.

I want to add that while doing a world quest 2 days ago, a horde shadow priest spat on me for seemingly no reason. So I picked my nose and showed it to him and laughed in his face but still.

I remember getting crap playing a panda during MoP too.

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What a dumb claim. They’re horde why would they switch to Alliance? I mean sure a passing fancy having an Alt, but this logic doesn’t follow.

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because they’re abominations

they’ve marred the perfect gnomish form

They could have been amazing and yet they missed the mark by miles imo just like most allied races, they just ended up being fluff that could have been added to the character creator screen as options , but time played metrics seem to be a thing these days.

I envisioned Iron man style suits or Cyborg style customization. I could be well off the mark too, but thats what i was hoping for.

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Have you seen the hate on them ?

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Accursed flesh.

Because they aren’t that attractive to the general populace and people are upset that Alliance didn’t get something else.

Vulpera are a niche aesthetic, but they have cuddly charm of a kids movie.

Mechagnomes are a niche aesthetic with no cuddly lovable charm.


This is the correct answer. It’s a wasted opportunity to give allies a more desirable race.

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Wall-E begs to differ