Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

I haven’t liked him since Varian sent me to Pandaria to look for the little brat and when I found him, he ran away again.


I don’t think they hate him, They hate the Writers for Writing him that way

its because hes not varian

he crys and he abandoned his people and left them to be stomped on by a tyrannical dictator , whomst is consumed by his blind following of the light

If a character is not screaming and hitting something constantly, it’s too nuanced for some players to deal with.


Until Shadowlands he was tremendously boring. Now he’s had some dirt kicked on him and it opens the character up to conflict.

they are intimidated by the son of the wolf

Varian was FAR from perfect. But he WAS a man of Action. Did he takes foolish actions at times? Yes. That was part of Anduin’s original narrative purpose, to be the Sensitive Thoughtful Guy to his father’s MANLY MAN, the guy who held back Varian from jumping eagerly into doing the wrong thing. But now that Varian is dead, there’s no balance.


I don’t have any evidence but I suspect much like strong Horde preference, distaste for Anduin is a mostly-american thing and is tied to the strong thread of hyper-machismo in our culture.


Because they made me babysit him when he played hooky to the broken shore when I had better things to do…and they never paid me a babysitter fee.

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Sorry I made you cry.

It’s weird that you thought I wasn’t laughing with you.

Ok, so for people who didn’t like him in the past, I could understand why. But you have to understand that when Varian died and he was thrust into the role of king, he was still a baby trying to navigate just becoming a man, let alone being a king. Yes he was “soft” and far from being a tough guy, but that doesn’t mean he cannot grow into this, and yes he had to go away for years to find himself. (Which seems like a lazy thing to do by the writers I admit) but I think for the first time ever they have a direction they wish to go for him, and he can begin to grow into a heroic king just like his father.

Well if you were laughing at me you would have had some sort of rational argument saying that I was wrong. You didn’t and you won’t because the position of mocking Wesley Crusher is undefendable.

He’s shown as a child genius which is us well within the realm of posibility considering that his father was the second officer of a startship and his mother was a medical doctor.

Of course a much worse problem is that the actor playing him, Wil Wheaton, also received a lot of hate mail that was undeserved. After all like any actor he got a script, learned it and played it.

So what was it about that character or the actor that played him that deserved all the hate? Neither you nor anyone else will ever be able to explain it.

That’s all I needed to know.
Next time just say you’re looking to start something and save everyone the trouble.

He’s suffering severe PTSD from all that happened to him from the death of his father leaving him to shoulder his part of the Alliance when he simply was not suited for it.

Varian was also suffering PTSD from his experiences before he became king and had to deal with the alliance.

Seriously Anduin needs years of therapy and to hand over the kingdom to someone else.

That way he and Sylvanas can both get their relationship settled.

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Well now that they made him look like a generic dnd low level paladin drawing, he’s boring.
While most of the characters are starting to get to this point, I feel like it’s been just physically presented in his new design. We can’t have anyone not like their idols. Idols sell well. Idols make money. So make them just vaguely interesting without making them any bit unappealing.
He feels like any generic, “trauma” affected, broken soul secretly still wanting to do good hero. Honestly, it’s just another action hero from any of those ps3/xb360 era of games. Brown, bland, “dirty” (with perfectly white teeth though), and just boring.

This mostly his new design, but the fact that his character story now feel completely predictable sucks.

I miss an Anduin who seem to contrast his dad. He was the more diplomanatic, political, soft spoken king compared to his dad. Which felt natural.
Even if they wanted to take the “My trauma” route, which they have always sucked at, it doesn’t seem right to the character to just be crying mcsadderson. He has no sense of duty and has just given up on the world presumably. Giving up on the Light make sense but if part of the reason your “trauma” is so bad is because of how you fought against the world, it makes zero sense to just suddenly stop caring about the world?
His isolation feels fair, his personal confusion about being king again would be fair, but really? Can’t even listen to Thrall? At all? (Though Thrall’s line about time makes no sense. they knew he needed time but also time does fix anything is oof)

I never expected great character work from a game this old with this amount of characters, but if you’re going to have a poster child character, maybe actually work on them, think about their character, spend more than a paragraph talking about the character design. idk just me.


People, (reasonable people) do not like Anduin because he is not a character who makes sense. He doesn’t make sense because who he is being portrayed as now is too much of a leap from who he used to be, and those, like me, who have followed warcraft storytelling since its onset cannot make sense of the mental gymnastics Blizzard is putting through for this character.

He had a lot of crap things happen in life, but he was a positive kid all throughout despite it, even through Pandaria when he had his bones shattered and was dealing with Wrathion’s constant nagging and pessimism. Suddenly, you get BFA where he has to fight because he’s the king and he doesn’t want to, but he sucks it up and does it anyway. Shadowlands ruins his character because now all of a sudden he has trauma from being dominated.

Like, the dude saw the Sha of Pandaria, he didn’t fault people who were out of control of their own actions, but he’s going to be traumatized at himself for almost the exact same thing? I hate him now because he’s the freaking KING of Stormwind (/High King of the Alliance) and instead of leading his people he’s run away from his responsibility as a monarch. Like, I won’t hate on a guy for crying, but you can cry and do your job at the same time.


No answer. No surprise there. You can’t defend the attacks against the Wesley Crusher character and the hate mail the actor got for playing it.

Thanks for admitting it.

Wesley Crusher was disliked because he was poorly written (as was everyone in the first couple seasons of TNG), and either badly acted and/or badly directed (always difficult to tell which of those is the culprit).

Compare to Bryce from Max Headroom, who was also a boy genius character around the same time. People didn’t dislike Bryce; Bryce was great. Funny, well-written, well directed, had interesting things to say and do.

(Bryce also had Hella 80’s Hair.)