Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

Genuine question, I’ve seen a lot of hate for anduin since the new cinematic released and it always boggles me. I don’t understand why they are angry at him when his character is one of the most logical ones in the game. Being controlled to kill people probably is very traumatic and very violating as well. Suing for peace is very logical, everyone wins with peace. Of course a leader who came into power as pretty much a teenager isn’t going to have the tactical strategy of a genius or the strength of a seasoned warrior. And not wanting to lead itself is a pretty reasonable thing to want as well.

I really do not get it. Is it really just because he’s not the character that will leave hundreds of corpses around him? Or is there more to it?


They didn’t like Varian either. They also don’t like Thrall, Jaina, Baine, Sylvanas, Calia, and more! I know I listed more Horde than Alliance there, but I’d bet my bucket a ton of people can’t remember who some of the current Alliance leaders even ARE.


If you’ve played MoP, or were around for much of Anduin’s story, he’s almost always been a peace advocate and sympathizer.

He was always a priest.

They basically changed him, over the course of one expansion, Shadowlands, into some PTSD-war-veteran like Saurfang.

He’s also weirdly violent now, and that wasn’t at all what he was before.

Dude tried to peacefully reason with Garrosh in MoP, and got stepped on, slapped, and almost killed.

He seems more like a warrior now, like Varian was.

It just probably doesn’t seem “earned”, especially in such a short amount of time.

TLDR, 180 degrees for his character. Not totally out of the blue, but extremely fast development.


I don’t hate him but he has been unevenly written over the years. However i think they are finally working toward making him a man rather than a whiny peace loving at all cost child. He couldn’t help Tyrande when she asked for help but then Saurfang ask and he puts all his resources into helping Suarfang.


There is a giant subset of “Warcraft fans”, they may not even be Warcraft fans, it’s hard to tell, but there’s a giant subset of people who are, sorry to be harsh, basically Warhammer mouth breathers.

They don’t care about any of the emotional or deep lore things like Void Lords or Sargeras creating The Burning Legion in order to fight the Void or World Souls, they literally only care about seeing “RARRRG WAR, RARRG ME BEAT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH ORC WEAPON, FOR THE HORDE!”. “The war in Warcraft is gone”, That’s basically these people. They aren’t satisfied unless there is just a giant, spastic war cinematic with someone going “For the Horde!” at some point.
It is what it is is. Simpletons are always going to exist. Nothing you can do but ignore them.


He clearly does not wash his ears, and people take great offense to this.


That scene was hilarious. Garrosh almost killed him by throwing a huge bell at him.


Some people Just Want to see the World Burn … Joyless and without honor


every character that starts to get more story and character development gets lots of hate.


From what I’ve heard originally it was insecure cishet dudes who didn’t like that Anduin wasn’t Masculine enough or somethin.

As for like now honestly no clue whatsoever.


I believe this to be the case. It’s like they think men dont have emotions or something?


They are confused. But they’re also on this “Omg, everything in Dragonflight is talky emo talky talks emotional talks” so they’re going on a “boycott” against anything that resembles emotion, even if it’s actual Varian Wrynn and Arthas related. How you could boycott stuff that’s connected to Varian, Uther and Arthas is just ignorant in my opinion, they don’t know or care about the lore, they just want RARRRG ME SMASH, FOR THE HORDE!


IDK it seems more honest than the self-righteous, back-stabbing faction looking for ways to say FOR THE ALLIANCE. Anduin wouldn’t help the long-time allies (the Nelfs), but yet he embraces the Horde. He went all out for Saurfang and he is aligning himself with Thrall. I think the new tree needs burning too. Why? If I recall correctly, the (corrupted) seed was taken from the old corrupt tree.

What are you even trying to say? Wtf? Looks like another “disagree for the sake of disagreeing” post with no point to it.

He is not stoic and masculine. Not looking for an argument, that’s just me being honest. We want someone like his father, not someone who is emotional about everything.


idk what cishet means but ya, Anduin is soft. Sue me lol


The amusing part is was Varian was very seldom stoic. That man as super emotional lol.

It’s a reason why he was so loved; he was a hot head.


Anduin doesn’t strike me as soft. But I could see how you could think he’s soft compared to the rest of the Wrynn family.

Chromie is soft.

Someone a few posts above me just tried to explain how bad and how much of a backstabber Anduin is… So which is it? Is he “soft” or a vicious backstabber who loves Thrall and the Horde???


I disagree. You compare Varian to Anduin and there is a major contrast

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Chromie isn’t just soft, she should be a side (and i mean waaaay to the side) comic relief character