Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

why dont you like me?

It’s called story telling. Life is not made of candy.

I like that they put some real world drama and character progress to the story

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I think some of it started when he was written into being a Priest. Early on his life his father tried to teach him to be a warrior or at least a fighter, which Anduin didn’t do well at. However, he had a strong connection to the Light. If he wasn’t a good physical fighter (and not everyone can be) then he couldn’t be a Paladin (and anyway, that would have mirrored Arthas a bit closely). That left being a Priest. But it seems that somehow wearing cloth made him soft, so people didn’t like it in a racial and faction leader.

He has always been one of my favorite major characters and I am pleased to see him grow over and learn over every expansion. After all, when I first saw him 14 years ago he was a boy, so he has actually grown up as I’ve played.

Extremely fast development? My guy, Anduin has been king since Legion, which came out SEVEN years ago. Plus, there was a 5 year time skip after Shadowlands. Anduin has been dealing with stuff for a while.

He tried to establish peace and was almost killed for it. He lost his father and had to become king and fight off the Legion. Then he had to try to manage a war with the Horde, and eventually Sylvanas. Then he was captured and forced to commit atrocities for the cosmic god of death. Now, he’s been wandering by himself for years. That’s… a LOT.

He’s not “weirdly violent,” he’s been fighting for years. He wasn’t changed into a “PTSD veteran” into a single expansion, it’s been multiple. He’s actually had really good character development.


It’s almost as if blizzard kinda suck at making the primary character not an unlikeable mess. Either by making them too op, making them idiots or screwing over everyone else to elevate them.

Only one i can think of so far in WoW that hasn’t suffered from this is Velen. And that’s because they insisted on bringing back Illidan and push him in front of Velen without making him really do anything.

The type of people who hate Anduin are the type of people that can’t watch a movie if it doesn’t have an explosion or fight scene every five minutes.


Not to mention that so many people are looking at it with ONLY the events of Shadowlands in mind, plus the fact that no one here seems to understand what being a ten year old boy (at the start of WoW) in a world that is in a CONSTANT state of war for TEN YEARS (up until the start of SL) is going to do to such a mind.

I covered this in pretty good detail in another topic.

Anduin with PTSD. What am I missing? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


People are whingy. Especially on the forums. :person_shrugging:
— That being said, his statement in the new expansion trailer when he was referring to being controlled by the Jailor with “What after I’ve seen! After the things I’ve done!” … What he saw & did wasn’t really all that much if I recall correctly :joy:

Other than that, I don’t really have a problem with him. :grin:
He put his money where his mouth was in MoP — Looked at the big beefy boy Garrosh in the eyes and essentially gave him the bird when he purified the bell that he planned to use, then got every bone in his body broken as a consequence and continued to push forward. Mists of Pandaria built me a lot of respect for Anduin. :fist:

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You know, reading the comments has reminded me that Anduin is a pretty chad character considering he personally “cucked” Garrosh by destroying the bell back in MoP before then personally surviving a violent encounter with him, arguably doing more damage to Garrosh’s war campaign then any member of the Alliance during that time period.

Personally also, I got nothing against him and nothing wrong with disliking him either, but there is indeed that corner of men and possibly women that make it really weird because he isn’t written as “The perfect masculine man” and doesn’t look like he does 5000 sit ups everyday.

You’re expecting emotional maturity from a bunch of emotionally immature adults. They dont like him because he’s not some bloodthirsty “DEATH TO THE HORDE!” type.


I don’t hate Anduin, I hate how he is being written. He should’ve had his jaded war-veteran arc during BfA (which, IIRC, is what Metzen wanted before he left, for Anduin to become more hardened from experiencing war firsthand), but instead, they made him TOO naive, to stupid levels. In Before the Storm, Anduin acknowledged at the end of the book that Sylavans is too far gone to be reasoned with after she slew her own people. What does Anduin do in Lorderon? You already know…

I know Anduin is naturally a kind of naive character, but Danuser didn’t handle it properly at all.
In the end, it isn’t necessarily what was being done to him in the story that was the issue, it is how Anduin was written to act/react. They flanderized him, basically.
Anduin was my favorite character up to that point. Wrathion then took that spot because he was basically the only interesting dragon character to me (also he is a dragon, so win-win). And… well… Dragonflight ruined his character because Danuser can’t write for :poop:.
Flanderization and mischaracterization strikes again!


I like a man with fire in charge, like his father once did. These sensitive characters are so boring. Give us a masculine warrior type please thx.

Hmm,let’s see one he’s human people don’t like humans in fantasy games it seems.
Two, seems weak because of personal issues.
Three,no one cares .
Four,he’s a king that he rejects.

Yeah, totes normal breakup behavior

I don’t think its a bad idea to give players their pound of flesh.

We’ve been denied it as far back as late BFA.

I’ve said it elsewhere, but Anduin suffered a lot from the static nature of the world. If Blizzard could tailor the storytelling of certain EK leveling zones around Anduin’s rule, such as manifesting the apparent “man of the people” anti-noble corruption of his policies in actual visible gameplay, there’d be a lot more opportunity to flesh him out as a character.

Garrosh by contrast took control in Cataclysm, during the one and (more or less confirmed to be) only multi-content scale world revamp in WoW’s history. There’s a significant number of Horde questlines that really serve to flesh him out as a character and give us as players a direct window into the kind of ruler he was, what his goals were and what material changes he effected in the Horde to reach them.

Personally, I like Anduin’s character and I’m excited for where they seem to be taking him in TWW.

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I don’t hate Anduin.

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Aduins a crybaby female dog having a ptsd fit to someone that gone through way worse than him its just gotten so old with his soyboy writing he was almost good in bfa hes so pathetic compared to his father meanwhile all the real men of warcraft get deleted one by one

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Because, in an ensemble of caricatures, he’s the most human of them all.


Your tone remind me of Andy Samberg when he said “WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME” XD

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