Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

The seed came from Ardenweld so I don’t know where you got the idea that it came from the old tree

Anduin has been my favourite character since i first met him in mists of pandaria.

Im excited that my man is back in the action! :smiley:


I think people just want to be genuinely excited.

What’s there to be excited about a man emptying his laundry all over us?


Clearly you didn’t pay much attention to Varian when he was alive, guy was a massive hot head.

not yet anyway

Because he is a sissy compared to his dad who was a real leader.

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Varian was based. Anduin was cringe. Though the fact he grew some facial hair and seems like he is less naïve is promising. Jaina got better after Garrosh proved her father was right, so Anduin isn’t irredeemable.


Same reason why people Hated Garrosh, his emotional and mental capacity has been all over the map as has his personality traits. Kid needs to pick a lane.

Ya Ptsd can do that, Anduin has been through ALOT, in MoP he got crushed by a bell from MoP Wod Happened he was afk for wod. From WoD legion happened. His dad was killed in Legion. From Legion BFA happened where he was in charge of a war, where one of his allies homes got burned down. From BFA he went to the Shadowlands and got Controlled and forced to do things he didn’t want to do.

In Vanilla he had to be the King as a child and Ony was constantly telling him lies.

Anduin has been through ALOT. so ya him being the way he is makes 10000% sense.


people on the forums are the absolute worst and not an actual representation of people that play this game.

that said I’m here so that must mean something.

I thought it was super cool.

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Cause Varian Uther and Arthas are dead and someone should let the main man at blizzard know so they can stop regurgitating them every expansion for “reasons”

Same reason people hated Wesley Crusher on Start Trek STNG. There’s a ton of ex high school jocks that washed out of community college who are terrified that the world no longer sees them as the alpha males they use to be.

They are great at doing jobs like carrying cinder blocks up a ladder but ask them to do advanced arithmetic or deal with human emotions and they quickly realize the world has passed them by.


Probably more of an issue of the character’s being bland and uninspiring than anything else.

Queen Talanji taking over the horde and getting homebase to zandalar interior org would have been cool.

Yrel coming back to lead the alliance in purging the void (fine all the nonbelievers) maybe we get in midnight.

Neither was Joffrey, but he was at least entertaining to watch.

I like Anduin for what he could be. I dislike Anduin for how long its taken him to get there.

But I like Anduin where he is now because he’s so close. Anduin has always suffered from being a rather obnoxiously optimistic character despite how awful this world can be sometimes. Crushed under a bell by Garrosh after he gave a speech about how he was going to conquer the world, and still Anduin wanted his father to show leniency.

Now Anduin is in a position where he’s starting to develop Varians mindset where yes, peace is good, but that ain’t gonna come without blood.

I don’t hate Anduin - don’t really have any strong emotional feelings about him at all, I just feel like he’s become a wasted character due to inconsistent writing. My problem with the new cinematic is that Anduin is feeling sorry for himself…again. He’s basically a good looking, wealthy, powerful king with a network of powerful, supportive friends hiding out so he can feel sorry for himself…again. If I knew him in real life, he’d be ghosted in a flash. In WoW, we are forced to continue seeing/dealing with him, and it’s gotten old.


I guess I feel the opposite about him. I like him more now that he’s not the guy who literally can’t do anything wrong. He got some much-needed character development over the course of a few expansions. After BfA, he needed to be taken down a peg or two. For all of our sakes.

She turned her back on Arthas. Her fault everything bad happened.

Frankly, he was alright when he first got his first meaningful moment in the spotlight in MoP. But as it did so very many things, BFA sprayed him with a thick brown coating of NOT! chocolate, then SL gave him an another one. Plus, his father Varian, his narrative foil, died in Legion, leaving Super Pure Good Lord in charge of one entire Faction, and any character who disagreed with Super Pure Good Lord was therefore inherently WRONGBAD.