Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

I’m super hyped for Anduin arc. He gonna pick himself up and by the time this craziness is over he’ll return to the throne.

All hail the return of the king!


Seems they gave Anduin a great looking Chris O’Donnell from NCIS look on his character…

Because they want someone omniscient, who copes with stressful and traumatic situations right away and in the best and most optimal manner, of course! …even though he’s, like, what, in his mid-twenties and didn’t really get to be a kid to begin with and now all of a sudden he’s got this job to do on top of having to deal with doing bad stuff in the afterlife. And, because vulnerability is bad, and leaders need to throw temper tantrums and behave like they have the impulse control of a toddler because apparently that’s badass or something.

I could probably bandy the term “media literacy” about for a little bit and get away with it, here


Listen, man, I don’t think you quite understand what 7 years* of Maw dailies does to a person…

*Is of course assuming we’re accounting for the time-skip between Shadowlands and Dragonflight.


I hated him in MoP and afterwards because he’s old enough to have seen the Horde break its word more than twice and yet keeps crying about peace. Like even newborn goats know not to touch an electric fence more than once and they’re dumb as hell.

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The answer there isn’t to jump at any chance offered to ‘strike first’, it’s to ‘trust but verify’.

The problem with peace is it keeps getting subverted by bad actors. By and large, the peoples in both factions do actually want peace. It’s just that bad apples keep sneaking into leadership positions within the factions that sabotage the whole process.

Hopefully Anduin, Baine, and other peace-minded folk can make the reins of their war machines robust enough to resist a yank by some as-yet unknown mad-person.

I think alot of people are still associating Anduin with the overexposure & burnout of Sylvanas during Shadowlands.

It is the forums though so people are never going to be happy.

Some people here just hate everything.

Others really hate the deterioration of the mythos of the stoic man as a foundational pillar of the male gender identity which is actually doing a lot of real world harm to young people by denigrating those willing to explore and express their emotions as being somehow less masculine than those who repress themselves until they explode in outbursts of grotesque violence.

They really hate anything that challenges that toxic patriarchy, whether it’s a male character like following a capable female leader or Anduin acknowledging a lifetime of constant horrors from demons to becoming a prisoner in his own body.

Others just got triggered AF from most of those words.

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I have never once liked anduin in the series, and just can’t bring myself to care about him as a character, a person, or a leader. Frankly im tired of seeing thrall because they just can’t send him back to his little house on the prairie with his family, wherever the heck they’ve been all this time and let him be, but at least he is a complex and interesting character.

Frankly because outside of his emotion, what else is there to him? Thats freaking it. All he does is emotion. And generally its all emo sadness and junk. Yeah he’s got legit reasons here and there for being that way occasionally, but come on, THATS ALL THERE IS to his character. Not to mention his writing inconsistency but thats meh.

Take his emotion whether you love it or hate it, and what else is there? Literally what else about him would you care about after being around THIS long, we literally watched him grow up and this is it, this is the best there is to offer, his emotion? Like everyone else has no emotion or reasons behind it and still arent as insufferable. Boo-hoo.

You could plug anyone in his place and be the exact same tragic little boy or whatever angle they are swinging him for. Truly, what about him is there to care about or like?

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No one likes a crybaby other than other crybabies. Worse yet, before he became a crybaby, he was a weak leader.

The storyline is being crippled by tropes and two dimensional characters. Technically the only character the story has with an actual story arch is Thrall, whom if he were a Human, would be a great character but as a leader of a Horde? Nope. He should have been put down by his own people.


She has some weird cult following.

One-note character with the tactical leadership and combat experience of a goldfish. Yet somehow winds up giving orders to other leaders who are veterans from centuries, if not thousands of years of warfare.

Not that Varian was a deep or intriguing character either but at least he knew his way around a battlefield without having an emotional meltdown unlike his son.


Because hes a boring annoying dork and blizz literally payed hundreds of thousands of dollars to make this cinematic of him crying. Its so lame.


I don’t hate him.

I just wish they would make up their minds about what he’s going to be and what his skill set is. He’s all over the place with them.


He’s not a fox so I don’t care about him. :fox_face:
Also I think it’s kinda obnoxious that he’s the main character (or, comes across as such). The story feels too Alliance-centric.

Mind you I also don’t pay much/any attention to the lore so I don’t really know the story despite being around since TBC days. Just something about the gameplay (the story isn’t front and centre).

(also I can’t say I hate him either though, just disinterested)


A streamer told them to hate…everything, and here we are.

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We should all hate everyone equally. It’s only fair to share the hate.

All the characters in current wow suck.

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I think this is the one place I can agree. This is the major flaw with having more than one writer working on a story.

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People see a man express emotion and it doesn’t compute with them, apparently.