Yeah but imagine if Rambo was like Anduin. I don’t think he would get the job done as well. It’s kinda hard to aim with tears in the eyes. Honestly I’m not sure how Anduin is able to fight at this point.
Anyways I sincerely hope nobody found me offensive, just the Anduin arche type gets under my skin and we see the kid way too often. We have had characters die or become neutral for having less screen time then this kid. Let other characters develop, It gets boring watching Anduin again and again shedding tears over something new each time.
Anduin has no character development. He is still like in MoP, if not worse. He could have become a righteous, strong leader who “does what a king must do”, the “Lion of Stormwind”. But he is not. He showed signs of this at the beginning of BFA, but they were immediately discarded. Then he started begging the Horde for peace again, only incidentally betraying the people he’s in charge of. He has no sense of justice.
That could have been his moment in BFA. The moment when his principles clashed with his duties. Where he has to make difficult decisions that may leave scars. The moment when he experiences the real horrors of war. And where he might also have to deal with the House of Nobles or unwilling Alliance leaders who want to use every opportunity to gain power.
If it had been something like that, this cinematic would have been very, very good. But what did we get instead? Mindcontrol. Hardly anyone can empathise with it because it’s magic. Only theoretically and technically, but not really emotionally. It was said he had done bad things. But what? Where? He attacked the Archon, but she survived. So what? Every Death Knight has done more bad things under the Lich King’s control.
Good catch btw: In SL he was just a cheap and bad copy of Arthas with no backstory. Lazy writing. Like, really lazy. REALLY LAZY. Lazy, lazy, lazy. And they won’t let it go. He mimicked Arthas frostmourne pose again lol.
Oh, and he’s not a weakling because he’s sad, but because he doesn’t cope. He’s a king, but he abandons his people for like, what, five years ? to find his kinks in the Maw. WTF dude.
They do. It’s just that in Anduin’s case, he’s always been in a conflict stage. And that’s fine if he wants to, I just don’t want him leading a faction, because he’s clearly unfit for it.
the game also portrays “the Light” as a form of supreme good. consequently, anything done in service of the Light is good - an ends justifies the means approach.
for a specific instance of this, search for the Legion cinematic “refusal of the gift”. this cinematic and its philosophy is why i have gravitated towards Demon Hunter.
this sort of thing positions the Alliance, and its leader, as on the side of “good” while its enemies must be the opposite. I can’t think of how the Horde has ever been portrayed in this way. the only time the Horde gets a break from being the perceived enemy is when things become neutral.
as the alliance’s titular head, Anduin gets the hate. but he also gets let off the hook.
he got used by the Jailer and forgiven. Sylvannas got used by the Jailer and she got roasted.
It’s not an extreme. It’s very simple. You can’t back up what you say with a rational argument. Criticising a character or an actor is fine, happens all the time, but it’s clear that the hatred of Wesley Crusher and the actor that played him go beyond that.
Of course nature abhors a vacuum so we can only speculate as to why the hatred exists and I believe the answer is clear. Wesley Crusher was not masculin enough which means he terrified the anti LGBT men who hold that position because they tremble at the rattling of the closet door.
For me, it’s not just Anduin. It’s all of the comic-level characters Blizzard shoves in our faces when something big and epic is happening. I’m tired of them all. Anduin, Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande, Baine… I would prefer them all to just sit in their respective capital cities and hand out quests.
I want characters like Magni. There to be the narrative voice, but when the BBEG shows up, he turns and says - “Well… uh… that’s something. You’ve got this champion! I’ll be over here, fiddling with this Titan console and cheering for ya!”
I don’t hate Anduin. I feel bad for the kid, but no one should expect sympathy for him after he lead such an amazing attack on UC. lol I know it’s the writers, but it’s what happened. No one need feel sorry for ya bud.