all of these things arnt a result of teaching people to express there emotions.
The batteries seem to have run out, though.
Indeed they’re not. I wasn’t suggesting they were, simply that through the wonders of the modern world it’s easier and more likely for an individuals choices to execute violence to result in mass casualty.
As well as yes, enormous taxing on mental health in ways we as a species probably still aren’t fully comprehending.
in fact id argue the internet it self has been HORRIBLY damaging for people with mental illness and those who are to naive to understand better.
the anonymity of the internet has made people act horrific towards each other because there are no consciences to those words outside of maybe a ban from a platform
Yes. The internet. Great for commerce, passing around information, and learning.
Absolutely terrible for mental development.
That is true, there is a lot of bullies on the internet that try to ruin peoples lives by druding up the past and plastering everywhere. It’s ridicules. All in the name of “accountability” Without any forsight of the damage they are causing real people.
but these things are off topic tbh.
ether way anduin isint his father. he was thrusted into a leader ship position of an entire faction after his father died and he clearly wasnt ready for it. the dudes been through the trenches as a young man leading a war who again was not prepared to do that. people think he is weak because he show’s his emotion when in reality he is probably a bigger man than most of the people who hate him.
but again character Development is a mysterious word to a lot of people here.
i guess people are expecting him to just automatically adjust the second anything happens… not how being human works
There are a lot of old movies where popular male characters suffer from PTSD or something alike. So that can’t be the reason.
waht era of movie?
people’s ideas of what is acceptable changes over time with generations and culture changes
So what you’re saying is people can’t change? Gotcha.
He’s not growing though, same kid he was in BFA. He can’t get anything done without someone acting as his emotional support. Which doesn’t only make him look bad it also is degrading to the character that gets to play second fiddle and only gets to see screen time by comforting poor Anduin.
because apprently conflict stages of characters dont exist in stories anymore
I guess that is a fair point, if we let the conflict stage last how many expansions now. He hasn’t had a single moment where he didn’t need someone to hold his hand.
Where people deal with a mental breakdown?
Everything from “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) to Johnny Fever’s split personalities on WKRP (1978).
And that is human. some people are like that till something comes along for the better. theres plenty of stories where the main character is stuck at a point of major inner conflict and it takes somethign to change them for the better.
this coming expansion might be that case
yea those movies arnt really “popular” any more and that era has long since changed into something where you ether a “snow flake” or a “Man” or something stupid like that
today things like taht would be frowned appon heavily
It’s a Wonderful Life isn’t popular?
go ask people if they have seen that movie ill bet a lot of people these days have not
The song is, not sure about the movie.
take it back…the song is beautiful life.
If you ask the sorts of people you hear about who can’t find their country on a map, maybe.