Cartman also recommends hello kitty island adventures. I heard.
no, I disagree there- MoP’s main conflict was a Horde civil War, and included the infamous ‘robot cat’ patch. And then it was followed by the VERY Horde-centric Warlords of Mother####### Draenor expansion. The main focus on Alliance was really only in Legion.
Spotted the guy who played Alliance in MoP!
I’ve always played both sides. In fact I mildly lean towards Horde simply because it’s (was/supposed to be) a different experience than the Traditional Stereotype Fantasy of knights wizards elves and dwarves that the Alliance offers.
Alot of the Anduin complainers are manchildren, I’ve noticed. With the biggest one being Asmongold. I just find it extremely laughable to see people who’ve never actually experienced extreme hardship preach about how someone should or should not act after being traumatized. Literally armchair “warriors.”
He’s a cry baby. His archetype is exactly why I gravitate to taking a liking in female characters in anime… because there are a lot of crybaby archetypes in anime too
It’s because he has not done anything to become high king like varian who had to solve the dwarf problems, the night elf problems, and show decent leadership as well as grew as a person over a few expansions. Anduin represents everything his dad stood against in the beginning and has only ever asked for peace. Which is fine until you send your people to war, or don’t end kill actual war criminals and try to understand them.
The first time was fine, he should have learned from his mistake. Remember when he tried to reason with Garrosh and Garrosh slammed a metal bell on him and than shattered it leaving him for dead. Than when he tried to reason with garrosh again, who than went to another timeline and started to make an endless army. Than he tried again with sylvanas in bfa, and than he tried again with her in Shadowlands…The guy tries to talk to much and it never works. He is not naruto.
Well that’s rather subjective. But even if you feel the writing is sub par that’s not a reason to hate the character and send hate mail to the actor.
we hate Malfurion for the same reason.
when he’s awake, that is.
I don’t dislike anduin because of his characterization. I dislike anduin because he is taking up spotlight that could be better put to use. Imagine instead of a heart to heart with thrall and anduin that could’ve taken place in-game with ease we get a more political look (game politics not IRL politics don’t get triggered folks) into something that is currently happening or a look into what our antagonists are plotting. Their conversation took up what could have been some early world building for the war within zones and people or some political intrigue and for that reason it sucks.
in every scene he whines and someone else (Greymane, Thrall) has to come along and stir him.
boy’s a beta and a half tbh…
Maybe because the title of the game is World of Warcraft, not Anduin’s Depressing Adventures?
IMO there are far too many of your type of players. I wish Blizzard would let the bronze dragonflight open up a 1 way portal to the glorious alliance and blood horde time rift alternate reality and let you all live out your endless and senseless war. The rest of us can hopefully get a game that has some actual deep characters who actually have complex/complicated storylines that are more than just “me hate other faction. Me go kill them now”.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
Yes exile the original fanbase, and idea of the game because the new blood wants a softer more “Emotionally Intelligent” game.
Or because someone rich and/or influential wants even more wealth and influence and as a bonus they get to send off their own undesirable sorts to go fetch it for them (and no big loss if some of them die or get maimed/traumatized in the process).
As one of those original fanbase personal, I reject your assertion. The faction war/tension has long since been a total farce that has lost any logical reasoning for continuing since at least MoP. There is only so much logic to be found in fighting over a flag in a gulch or some wood in a basin after all and only so much gameplay reasons for why the factions would still be continuing to fight years and years later.
Your right, only so much logic, thats exactly why the real world continues to fight the exact same pointless wars and conflicts even though there is bigger issues at hand. I’m sorry if the reality that deep seeded hatred is a thing is so hard for you to understand but it is, and it’s a driving plotline for war-based sagas. And that is what the game is a War-Tragedy. It’s not some Soap Opera, or it didn’t use to be but there seems to be some constant push to turn it into one because… Everyone has to like everyone and things, lord forbid there be racial conflict or any real conflict in a video game.
I don’t know about anyone else but for me, it’s the way the universe bends itself around him to make him the super special gud-boi who never faces any lasting consequences.
Ffs they turned him into a death knight and just let him go back to being alive again afterwards. Up until that point being turned undead was a one-way street but I guess everything’s an exception for our special boi.
On the positive* side, it looks like he finally actually HAS been effed up by what’s happened to him, but the trouble is it’s far too late for me to give a damn about him.
*for a given value of the word ‘positive’