Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

People complaining because the game isn’t fun if they can’t do anything due to being ganked, and saying the reason is overpopulation. People who answer reasonably (i.e. trying to prove that overpopulation is fine, that class balance is fine, that faction imbalance is reasonable) are at least TRYING.

Saying “reroll PvE” is the dumbest argument anyone can make - yeah, the solution to your woes is to spend another 600+ hours (i’m over 21 days played) to get back to where you are now, as though that is a fair or reasonable solution.

People are saying “I want to be able to enjoy some aspect of the game” - they aren’t saying they want to stomp the other faction, but that if they can’t win in wPVP that they at least want to be able to PvE without spending an hour getting camped. The response is “well who says you have to have fun”.

We made a mistake rolling PvP - that mistake (particularly given that blizzard does not post realm balance / exact numbers to let us make informed decisions, that they allowed imbalance to happen, and that they hid overpopulation by using layers and doubling node spawns, so it FELT alright when leveling up) should not be worth 600 hours (or, at minimum US wage of 7.25/h, $4350 USD).

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This argument is silly, but I will need $0.24 from your paypal account for the 2 minutes it takes to explain why.

Sure - send me the $4000 (rounding down) since you want to tell me to reroll, and feel free to deduct $0.25 (rounding up) for your explanation.

I know it’s a silly argument, i’m arguing that the statement that requires that answer is also silly. It is trying to prove that just saying “reroll” is a ridiculous request to ask of someone who just wants to have fun and play. Obviously there is some fun to be had in the level up process etc… but for many people WoW is an endgame content game - you level up (even if you enjoy it) to get to 60 so you can gear so you can do the stuff you enjoy with your friends, to prepare for the next round of content so you can enjoy that too. “Reroll” is the equivalent of saying “throw away all the work you did”.

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Where blizz say that server will have balanced populations? Why you expected it with zero policies or player base control with that approach?

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Where did Blizzard say that the population would be unbalanced? If I’m someone new to the game (and you don’t need to be a retail / vanilla player to want to play this game) why wouldn’t I simply assume that, since there are 2 factions, that the 2 factions would be balanced? Why wouldn’t it just be a coin flip?

I expected it to be…Bad. But not this bad. If you didn’t have spy when the honor system was added, you most likely left because a lot of the players are using it for the sake of earning fast HK’s. Which is dumb. With how it works, it’s a hack. I don’t care what you say about the addon, it’s a hack to know someone is with in your area without even being able to see them.

It’s almost impossible to level now, for players my level. We can’t really level unless we just run dungeons. If we are even lucky enough to get in a grp that can wait for everyone to get there with all the FP camping and spawn campers and dungeon reset campers happening. Yes you can force dungeon resets through someone else when everyone logs out, but that’s kind of…idk more of a waste of time then it is now.

You players on pvp servers that rushed, you are going to stomp the enemy faction so hard, you have no one left to fight and then wonder where they are at. I have no pity for you for the problem you caused in the first place. Take a chill pill for once.


They didn’t. They don’t promise anything, because they won’t enforce it. Servers could be balanced/unbalanced and it will be pure luck. Some server are more balanced than others, thats for sure, but its not by blizz hand because they just let it be.

Nobody rolls human for an op racial dingus.

Because of basic human psychology? Look, a lot of people talk a mean game, but they don’t want a challenge, or even a fair fight. Not really. They want to be on the winning team, because losing sucks.

And Classic isn’t like most other new games. It is a 15 year old rerelease playing heavily on nostalgia and returning players. Most Classic players will have played WoW before. And all of them would have access to the internet, where sites like Reddit, Youtube, and these forums have been talking about the faction imbalances for months. Hell, they even told you at Blizzcon to finish up any quests you had in Hillsbrad, because sh!t was about to go down.

The only reason you would expect a coin flip is if it was a competitive game, like a MOBA or FPS multiplayer. Something like LoL or Counterstrike. Open world PvP has always been inherently unfair, and always has unbalanced servers. Not just in WoW. This happens in any game with PvP servers. Hell, one of the most (in)famous gamers of all time made his name by being on a hillariously unbalanced PvP server on Everquest: Fansy the Famous.

If you wanted fair, you should have stayed in Retail, and queued Arenas or BGs. If you thought Phase 2 was going to be anything but a slaughter for those who chose to be on PvP realms, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Honestly, it has been a little better than I expected it to be, given some of the faction imbalances out there. I mean, at least the capitol cities are (usually) safe. I was expecting it to be so brutal that Stormwind became permanently painted red.

Blizzard gave people a place to play, and let the players run wild. This is what the players, through their collective choices, caused to happen. Free will is a b!tch, ain’t it?

I’m 62 years old. I’ve played something real. I’ve played all the games that make up real life. And frankly it’s all been more fair than wpvp in wow. But we’re talking about games and every one I’ve played is more fair than wow wpvp

Of course they are for real, and so am I. This is not going to end well for the pvp server populations, you are going to see tumbleweeds on the alliance side and struggle to get any sort of BGs going. Are you really so shortsighted OP? You don’t see what is going to happen here? There won’t be any PvP happening on the PvP servers.

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Why don’t you reroll to a PvE server?

It seems like a good fit to me. You won’t bother us with your attitude, and you surely won’t be killed by the clear fools who flagged on a PvE server, because after all you are just so much better at winning 2v1s, 3v1s, and 4v1s than us.

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Pvp happens and people are mad

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I always mercenary queue if i do AV on retail lol. And mercenary mode is always up because alliance doesn’t queue much. Roll horde and get the best of both worlds baby!

Because we can’t do anything on our toons on account of you need a solid three hours to do anything that gains xp. Half an hour to find a group, half an hour to an hour to corpose walk, then the length to do the instance.

Got two hour to play? Check it out. Boat is camped, can’t get across to turn in quest. Other toon tries to quest? Hub is camped. Log out, get characters unstuck, spend the game time complaining on the forums. It’s my blizzard time, and it’s all I have left.

Too bad when there are easy answers to balance the populations. If the population was balanced, then everyone that says “reroll, carebare, it’s pvp, transfer, etc” would in fact be correct!

But alas, it’s not. PPV is a streetfight, a gang war. Too bad someone sent the army in to take the whole gang out.
If your in the wrong zone, on the wrong team, your in a police state where you can’t move. The war is over, the other side has won, and your only option is to die.

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Why is it that Horde are the only ones posting about how fantastic PvP is and calling out all the loser alliance for rolling on a PvP server and then complaining???

Ohhhhhhhhh because Horde dominate a majority of the servers on a 2 : 1 or 3 : 1 ratio… It is easy to talk ***t when you are dominating PvP due to numbers. What you don’t realize is people are literally quitting the game in massive quantities because of the state of the game.

If you had any actually IQ you would realize people quitting the game is not good for anyone. Horde make it worse by bringing massive amounts of people to any actual fair pvp fight that happens. Talk all the ***t you want but people quitting the game is not good for anyone. Open your eyes.


No pity required. I just wanna play the GD game. I’ve spent more time holed up in a city or afk in ghost form in the last week than probably half of the time it took for me to level to 60.

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All i wanna say is, I’m with Krognoc on this one.

Quit your crying, PVP happned. Players have options. Don’t like it reroll lil snowflakes.

You must enjoy warmode in retail playing on horde are you happy classic pvp is the same thing?

I mean… arenas and battlegrounds say hi…

But if 100 people are on the server, 80 are horde, 20 are alliance. You don’t see that as a problem?

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