Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

Better than letting all 50 horde log in and only the 3 alliance players.

The players make and fix the problem.
The real problem is the lil special people, prolly around college age or under, acting all, well…entitled and whiny.
Might be them schools doing something.

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Players might create the problem, but blizzard can limit if not correct the problem.

Say, okay, no more horde on this server until alliance catches up.

Otherwise, players take it upon themselves to leave and the problem gets worse…

Krognac speaks the truth. PvE players thought they could hang but the reality is they are on the wrong server.

I will admit Blizz is partly to blame with layering causing an easy out for soft players far too long.

In his scenario, 50 from each are logged in though…

There’s always a way… re-roll!

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Why would you expect anyone to care about your worthless opinion? Same reason they give others pity.

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Arenas? The same place that has some abilities locked out and forced blizzard to nerf everything. Yeah keep fooling yourself.

The problem is not pvp but retail players. Retail players has always been a thorn in regular players side.That is why classic was not suppose to be an expansion. Just a release of an old game to bring back subscribers.
How do retail players ruin the game you ask. They always want to get a jump on everything. By camping players for hours, trust me i’m stubborn enough to last hours.They want the latest, the best, they just want their names to be know. (legends in their own minds) They always over do it,Then poof their gone. They move onto another game and the regular players are made to suffer by low pop servers exc. ext…

Pity? No. Don’t need pity.

Just want fairness. Just want an even playing field (at least in numbers).

Just want to be able to move around the world for mon that 30 seconds before an army of the opposition rolls over you.

Just want to be able to do anything that doesn’t require a four hour commitment, most of which is spent dead corpse walking to the instance, the only safe place you can go.

Just want to have a viable option of playing instead of complaining to deaf ears on a so called customer service side.

Just want investors to know how much INTV is screwing some of the best, and most loyal customers.

Just wish all my friends that I got back into the game would have known how much the last patch would have turned what was fun and nostalgic into a unplayable nightmare. I wish I could have taken that back.

As for pity, I could care less. I don’t blame the other faction for farming kills. They are incentivised to do it.


If you wanted fairness, you should have rolled PvE, and flagged yourself. PvP servers are inherently unfair, and always have been. Anyone who walked into Classic thinking that PvP servers were going to be fair was either hopelessly naive, or willfully ignorant. The information was out there. It wasn’t even hidden. People were shouting it out from the rooftops on youtube and reddit, even on these forums.

‘Im sure someone else will roll ally, why should I have to and give up my advantages?’
‘I want to PvP and have the best racials, Im sure someone else will roll ally’
‘Im sure someone else will do it, why should I?’
multiply this across the entire horde population, thats why putting the balance in the players hands will never ever work.

I get that exact experience on Herod as horde, a predominantly horde server. It’s almost like even with imbalance, ganking happens regardless of what faction you are when ppl decide to go out in a grp and wPvP

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and denying ppl choice among available options will work even less. it wont go well if blizz says you cant make a specific faction char to play with your friends who are part of that faction because the opposite faction is complaining. all complaints are a result of player created issues and blizz is implementing what they did in vanilla to help alleviate it.

To start, this is nothing like how vanilla was

which is open xfers that horde players would never take? back to the ‘someone else will do it’ mentality

server xfers are a choice yes, they then implemented cross realm BGs because imbalance led to endless Q’s. it helped on the BG side, but severs were still imbalanced in vanilla-cata. The best thing they ever did was CRZ, but ppl almost had aneurysms at the mention of it because of “muh community”. Ppl even rage about the idea of paid transfer and claim blizz being greedy. well, now they have to deal with perpetual imbalance and are finding out what “you think you do, but you dont” means.

vanilla-cata was imbalanced. its just after vanilla when subs blew up you didnt notice because most ppl pvp’d in arena and BGs with cross realm BGs already a thing and arena only had to select 3 ppl from a pool in your battlegroup.

The perpetual imbalance is because a majority of the players think they need a crutch to pvp ie stun resist or wotf. In vanilla and tbc most servers were more closely balanced but that happened accidently.