Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

This goes beyond world pvp when the servers are so stacked with players compared to original that any slight faction imbalance of factions makes it so that the other faction is basically paying a sub to walk back to their corpses 90% of the time. That’s when world pvp crosses the line into bad game design and in my opinion is a major oversight of this phase.

Regardless of how anyone feels about this phase, I don’t blame people for quitting when they’re paying subs to run back to their corpses 90% of the time when there are better games they can spend their time and money on. It’s not being a “carebear”, or whatever brain-dead response you choose to go with. It’s common sense that if you can have more fun doing something else for less money, you’ll do something else.

It would be more constructive to criticize the guys creating this environment rather than those who are justifying spending their time and money elsewhere.

You really are overcomplicating pvp on a pvp server.

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Oh, is that what they’re saying?

They want off… not sympathy. And majority of them don’t want to level all over again on a PvE server. That’s it.
They expected PvP. No one ever said they didn’t. They just didn’t expect the factions to be so unbalanced, therefor increasing their odds of running into a death squad by 4000%.


Oh they want sympathy, otherwise they wouldn’t post about it on the forums.

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No, they want an alternative to being ganged every time they log on, in the form of a server transfer.
That’s why they post on the forums.


It’s called a pve server.

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lol, roll alliance. you’re clueless. You can’t use flight points, go anywhere in the open world. “Y DONT U GUIZ JUST PLAE DA GAEM LMAO QQ MOAR”. No one is against PvP, thats why we rolled PvP. But if you dont see an issue with 3000 horde to 1000 alliance then you’re really dense.


Do you have trouble reading? Or is it your narrow mind dictating your responses?
Blizzard severely overpopulated realms, causing a lot of the issues… so Blizzard can help clean up their mess, by allowing transfers to PvE realms… Or they can just kiss a large amount of subscriptions goodbye.


Or they can reroll and deal with the consequences they made?

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Go figure the retail player posts something about autism.

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I’m donating $5 in your name, I hope you make the best of it, god speed lil’ zoom.


No reason to be angry little guy.

Aw that’s cute, the little guy resorts to personal attacks.

You seem rustled friend, relax.

Maybe switch to a PvE server and do some fishing.


You’re a pretty bad troll tbh.

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Do expect some pity if outnumbered 5 to 1.
Do expect some pity if ALL FPs & quest hubs are camped by the dominant faction.

There is NO PvP solution if horrendously outnumbered.
A lot of people simply do not get that basic fact.


The fact is, you rolled on a pvp server.

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Before Classic even launched I knew it would blow to play Ally on pvp servers. On pservers Northdale was like the only Ally heavy vanilla server, all others were Horde dominated so I expected no different here.

And generally speaking Ally are useless on pvp servers, they don’t help each other like Horde do and have a passive attitude like you’d find from pve server players.

Yea ok… generalize every human being that plays one side of a faction.

Because the horde never leaves anyone behind. Get over yourself.