Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

“Lok’tar Ogar- Victory with honor or death!”

You’re high bro. There is no real honor in 10v1 combats


Because people rather be a victim. Than take responsibilties for their actions, learn, and grow from them.

Much easier and validating to come to the forums to talk about how oppressed and victimized you are.


It’s not going to take long for all of them to become PvE servers, at this rate.


They didnt in vanilla or up to their decision to kill off dedicated pvp servers…
Within the first couple of months servers back then where faction lopsided.
This was a problem then and everyone knew it was going to be a problem now.

Seriously, dont worry about it, and just spread the good gospel from a wow community manager from back in the day in those posts.

Community Manager

This is going to sound weird, and while I do empathize with the frustration that’s being expressed in this thread, this conversation still warms the cockles of my black little heart.

Why? Because for too long there was very little distinction between playing on a PvE realm and playing on a PvP realm. We had inadvertently created a situation where there was little risk when leveling in the world on a PvP realm. The experiences were, for all practical purposes, virtually identical, but that wasn’t what we had in mind.

Life on a PvP realm can be nasty, brutish and short. Justice is in very short supply. Every action you take in the world carries with it an added level of risk, from questing, to hunting down profession materials, to simply traveling from place to place. You can be attacked at any time, sometimes by an overwhelming force. Of course, the shoe can also be on the other foot, and you’ll be able to turn the tables on your attacker, or find clever ways to delay them or escape from them. Some will become roaming slayers, seeking out enemies to destroy.

In short, the experience on a PvP server is different. We want it to be different, and that includes everything from honorable conflict on the field of battle to horribly despicable ganking. It’s all part of the fabric that makes a PvP server what it is .

Let the blood be spilled ."


Lol you are on Earthfury!

I don’t believe this to be true for the majority of players. In my limited prior experience with world PvP on a PvP server, people attack if they outnumber or outlevel the opponent. But if it’s an even matchup or they are at a disadvantage, they usually run the other way.

Care bear

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I think we should stop pretending like the people playing Alliance are any different than the ones playing Horde. It’s simply a majority faction issue.

Playing on Heartseeker as Horde has shown me that the Alliance players thats transferred here because they hated the actions of the Horde (majority faction) on Skeram and Stalagg have started doing the exact same things they fled from on their native servers. And then they jump on the forums saying " Derrr PvP server bros, shouldnt have rolled PvP if you didnt want PvPserver bro, cuz pvp happens and pvpvpvpvpvpvpvvp".

Don’t believe me? Come check out the Heartseeker forums. No need to insult someone because they don’t want to play a human/human reskin in a fantasy game =p.


Kind of funny. They call us Care-bears because I rolled on a PVE server, then they come here posting crying that PVP happened on a PVP server.

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There was census data on reddit pre launch that indicated server balance by faction.

Guess what , Grobbulus polled 50/50 and that’s about what it is currently

There were also free transfers and the opportunity to reroll early on before people became invested in their servers, but a lot of people didn’t do that. They are the ones to blame.

Players are also to blame for faction imbalances

They are either trolling, or so deeply lost that they aren’t worth listening too but laughing at. :slight_smile:

queues are indicative of a servers population, it’s absurd to say otherwise.

It shames me knowing that so many of my alliance “comrades” are cowards and fools who cry over horde. Alliance must be purged of their weaklings.

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you must be trolling. there’s no way someone can be this ridiculously narrow-minded or ignorant as to the reality of things lol. people aren’t complaining about pvp, or even dying. they’re complaining about this game being dead VERY soon because of mongrels like you lol.


Faction imbalance didn’t just happen. It’s always been that way since day 1. Due to higher concentrations of populations, you have a higher degree (but not necessarily percentage) of faction imbalance.

Time will help to fix the problem. I expect that Blizzard may in the future, offer another round of faction-restricted transfers in an effort to help alleviate the problem. However, people are going to roll where they are going to roll.

I would suggest the following:

Reroll to the other faction OR
roll some alts to play while your main is being ganked/camped OR
roll on a PvE server

Its 2019 you can’t just assume that a server is PVP or PVE by its listing.

Uh no, Servers have a cap, and if 1 million people are in que, the population will always remain what Blizz sets it at. Wow, where did you go to school?

I feel sympathy for those that expected phase 2 in early december or later than it did release. Blizz kindof only gave a 10 day notice. For me personally the alarm bells rang when DM release was announced so i started leveling with a bit more urgency to get to 60 b4 p2. Did it with less than a week to spare (8th Nov) and 210 hrs played.

I feel zero sympathy for people who rolled on a pvp server.