Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

A) I didn’t. I knew the faction imbalance would become a major issue.
B) Another stupid, short-sighted view. People will leave and NEVER come back. Your PvP server will turn into a PvE server. Why do you not GET that?

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Oh no, you’re telling me that people will leave a mmorpg? Do go on please with you’re insightful information.

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Some great responses were given and this is what you respond with. Yikes


It’s easy to respond to most everyone here.

I’m just quoting you so more hopefully more people look at your post.

I dont think pity is the right way to describe what players are expecting. Some of us just want a fight or at least a fight with someone of a similar level. This becomes difficult when one faction grows much faster than the opposition. For me at least i didnt make it to 60 before phase 2 rolled out and unfortunately i give an “honorable” kill to players that outgear me by a longshot. So getting trolled relentlessly while finishing leveling just happens but you would hope to see at least SOME competition on a level playing field. So the complaints are not entirely dismissable. My guess is you dwell on the players QQing instead of giving some constructive intelligent insight on what is happening.


spoke like a true sith

opinion discarted


Fact reinstated.

Is it so hard to comprehend that players wanted world pvp, and also wanted to be on servers where there’s an even amount of players on both side?

People didn’t know their server was going to have 4x more Horde than Alliance on it after a few months when they started, not everyone can see the future.


what future, it has been going on since as long as I can remember that the majority of horde players have always chosen that faction simply because they know that is the side to be on when you want the numbers advantage. I fully expected this lopsidedness.
But I also know the horde players put AV on their do not queue list in retail for the very reason I look forward to it. Those same numbnuts who enjoy ganking will be the first to perish and quit AV when things square up and then our side begins to out gear them and eventually quit the game altogether, when they realize they can’t leave Org anymore without being chased down and slaughtered like the mutts they are.

No pity, no crying, just let us pay to play like we’re already doing: Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed - #50 by Ilarra-turalyon

Yeah. We signed up for PvP. And most of us enjoy it. But there does come a time when you can’t move in world any more because of PvP and too many players. GY rezzing gets you camped. There’s no flight master so you can’t get away. You log out dead(my wife just did this).

And then we don’t log in, and the problem gets worse, Really fast.

We need a loading screen tip about the strawman fallacy. That’s as much energy as I’m willing to expend on this thread. Quality troll though, hmmm 8/10.

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The short and honest answer is that these players that complain are sore losers.

But they don’t want to admit they are losers- so instead they pretend that the opposite faction are a$$holes - instead of their opponents who just whopped their a$$

You’re actually a moron :joy:

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authentication servers have throughput limits, this is what causes queues, the more people trying to play on a given server at a time the longer the queue.

Is OP mad about BGs coming out because now he/she won’t be able to gang-gank folks trying to do weekly content that they need to be more competitive in PvP in raids and dungeons?

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Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

because 2008… that is why.

Almost every game is designed to be fair. No one would play chess if one person got 4 queens to your one, or 8 rooks to your 2 etc. No one would play on a pvp server at that level of unfairness. We can only hope that those in that situation don’t quit before bg’s come out. The simple fact is that wpvp in wow is a very badly designed game.