Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

do you not remember the 10000+ queues from 2 months ago?

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Wow, that’s pretty stupid. Que’s are not populations, and do you not remember how Blizzard is hiding true server populations?

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I do. Do you remember the 2 hour + queues in vanilla? I remember those too. The experiences were very similar for me. Difference is in the world itself. In vanilla I’d be in queue with (hypothetically) 300 people, with a 10k server cap, and it would take me an hour. This time I was in a queue with 1000 people with a 30k server cap, so it still took an hour.

This is not what a PvP server was, and you’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise. I’m one of the few people who has had a continuous wow subscription since launch (with a statue to prove it!), always on a PvP server. I know how ganking and corpse camping works, and I’ve been on both sides of it. Vanilla was nothing like this - it was a microcosm, sure, but you had options. You could escape for a bit. You could log on late at night to get questing done in high activity zones. You could go to less mob-dense areas that were empty and get your quest done. You could reasonably expect to get to a 5-man dungeon in a 5-man group and only run into 1-2 other 5-man groups on your way there. And i’m not talking about people who were camping - that happened. I mean just incidentally running into groups, whereas now you run into half a dozen or more.

PvP used to happen. PvP is now inevitable. You can argue that any / all PvP is fine on a PvP server, but don’t act like there was a precedent for this or that people should have done homework before rolling. Blizzard touted this as a way to meet and reconnect with your old guilds, friends, and experiences. Most of us rolled where we did because of friends, the reason Blizzard said this game would be great. Now all of us are being punished by an inability to play because of the original decision to roll here.

AND AGAIN, it was the deception that did it - an entire guild may have rerolled (maybe) if they got a glimpse of this without layering. They did not - they were able to level under the false pretenses then have it taken away. So they were tricked into investing hundreds of hours (literally) into their characters, then told “sorry, the game has now changed; reroll and reinvest that time or just suffer”.


If you rolled on heartseeker you wouldn’t have that opinion.


90% of people who play this game are Human. Unless you are gonna tell me that 5% spirit and perception hold a candle to escape artist/5% int or stoneform.



PVP servers are the whole reason we DON’T have them in retail, going to voluntary Warmode (as it should have been from the start.)

14 years of customer complaints caused the change, countless horrible threads on the forums, etc.

Sorry you’re right. Most are human or gnome. Just like most horde are undead or orc.

Thought you were going to bed…?

It’s funny because you think that parallel is equivalent. Yet the gap between racials is cosmic at best, universal at worst.

I know, so many humans.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here. You said “says the human” when he merely pointed out how Horde racials are better. This doesn’t disprove anything he said.


This why I said “says the human”

There are many great horde players for me to battle: you’re not one of them.

I can easily determine this by your comments.


Orc and Undead have the best racials for PvP. What is pointing out the majority race for Alliance meant to prove exactly? Sounds like you don’t have an argument, and don’t want to admit he’s right.


Says the guy who bailed the last thread. Plenty of good alliance racials, they’re just too scared so hide on pve servers.

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You just said “you need to go to bed” and that I should “go play a game that I would enjoy”. I didn’t respond because there was no need to reply to your transparent trolling attempt. You and the other apologists already exposed yourself.

I thought you needed to go to bed? Why make that lie to me?


“To satisfy this many players and maintain a better faction population they need to get rid of servers they added.“ I did add this to you but Ofc no response. Anyway for real, gn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t think it was complaints at all. I think a hard look at data would have shown consistently that people who rolled on a pvp server are less likely to reach max, more likely to quit, and have playstyles that less often include going out in the world and doing things there.

The legion switch to world questing exacerbated existing faction imbalances, as max level players were doing the same quests in the same zones as levelers.

Even worse, after they implemented crz on pvp servers without consideration of faction balance, a lot of people who were previously satisfied with their servers suddenly found them barely playable.

Pity? Nah. Pity from blowhards is their inner narcissist fantasy when in reality its just unchecked verbal abuse; like the drunk dudes at the NBA games.

You aren’t even trying to understand why people are disappointed with classic wpvp; and its not to seek pity.


You don’t go around them. You go through them!
You corpse drag yourself into the damn instance and you don’t let them stop you from your goal. You then log out in the instance and use the worldwide LFG channel to fill a new group. From the instance. You’re welcome.
You will get up that hill soldier! There’s no quit in this orc’s army!
Lok’tar Ogar- Victory with honor or death!

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