Why do people expect pity for rolling on a pvp server?

So you’re saying for those people who are in those servers, they knew ahead of time that there’s an imbalance of factions. Like when blizz announced classic, they knew right away which servers will have an uneven faction?

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Doesn’t matter they chose a pvp server and that’s what they got.

Got it. Just checking your capacity to understand. Clearly you don’t.


Clearly YOU don’t understand.

  1. Do you mean outnumbered in 20:5 or 80:20 is a solution for being outnumbered 4:1?

It’s not a pvp problem, it’s a population problem. The community QQ “No Changes”, “No Changes”, yet Blizz allowed a huge server population. This is not Classic WoW, This is 2019 Classic WoW.


This is pvp happening on a pvp server.

Clap! Clap! Clap! That’s a really good argument


It’s not an argument lol. It’s what happened.

Krognoc, you’re trying to explain better than “pvp happens on pvp server” and end up to the same statement


Correct. Good on you.

Because that’s all he can really say.


Oh boy, OP is as bright as box of rocks. You just don’t get it man.


Yeah, shame on those people who dislike 30:70 or worse ratios. They’re just a bunch of dumb dumbs, right?


Filthy casuals is the correct term my good chum.

Playing on a PvP server is adapting to your environment. Not derp derping while wandering around.

If you walk up and there is a mob of people blocking a path ya better find another route. If you run into a group of people ya better find some people to group with to fight your way through.

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Tell that to alliance players in Stalagg who can’t even do BRD because it’s camped by a group of hordes. How do you go around that?

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Reroll as horde on that realm or reroll on a pve server.

OP stopped posting for a few minutes so I can fill in for him: “PvP happened bro lol”.

Doesn’t matter that Blizzard doesn’t announce / post official faction balances when you’re rolling. Doesn’t matter that the problem is overpopulation + imbalance*. Doesn’t matter that if you made the mistake to roll on a PvP server, you are now expected to give up another 360-480 hours of playtime to level your character / regear on a new server. You made one mistake, and you deserve to be punished to the fullest extent. Got a single gram or a single kilo of weed? Doesn’t matter - you deserve the same punishment.

*This is the key issue. Even if we did “research” or played in vanilla, no one could have expected the overpopulation to be this problematic. They tricked us during leveling with layering. You could go 100 feet and not see the opposing faction, just like in vanilla. You could hide and level if you didn’t wanna fight, and you could escape if you needed to. With layering gone and 10x the population, there is no safe spot. no where to hide and rez and lick your wounds for round 2. You get killed once, you are unlikely to be able to get to full hp / buffs before someone with those perks is able to get you again. Unless you’re a stealth class, once you’ve died once, you are a goner, because there aren’t tricks you can do. When I was leveling if I’d get ganked, i could usually find a safe terrain spot, or at the very least a cliff to rez and jump off so I could bandage, armor, eat/drink, summon pet, healthstone, eat/drink, then find the dick who ganked me and try for round 2. Win or lose, I know I could try. And sure, sometimes during my regen someone would gank me, but it was rare. And sure, sometimes after rez I’d run into someone while trying to escape, but it was rare. It was like my vanilla experience. But ever since phase 2 - that’s a forgotten memory.


that’s exactly what a pvp server is. your expectations were wrong.