OP thinks ally and horde are seahorses and believes that once all the ally are gone that horde will reroll ally to fill in the gap.
Beause it’s fun I want to do both. What’s wrong with that?
It just baffles my mind that you guys think the game needs to be changed because you’re getting camped on a pvp server.
this krog dude has to be trolling right? lmao
Nah, I think he just doesn’t have the capacity to understand that there’s an actual problem.
Nope just stating facts. That people rolled on a pvp server and can’t handle it.
let me put it in a way you MIGHT comprehend this. imagine flying into any zone and then getting camped by a raid of 10-15 every zone you went to. then trying to farm or quest in any zone but getting jumped by 3-10 people every 2-5 minutes. youd call that acutal pvp and youd slap yourself in the forehead and say to yourself “opp guess i shouldnt have expected better on a pvp server”
especially if you actually ARE skilled pvper
You mean what happened to me 2 hours ago?
He won’t understand. He’s in a server where there’s about 50/50 horde (a bit more horde) alliance ratio. He can’t imagine what the imbalance would be like
… says the Human
yeah pretty sure the most basic idiot would see the issue here
Yea the issue here are pve players playing on pvp realm and coming to the forums to complain about it now that they are finally getting attacked due to the pvp system coming online.
Might hold water if this was WotLK, but in Vanilla that’s meaningless.
Like 90% of Alliance are Human.
I mean honestly who rolls a human mage in classic? Gnomes racials are just too good.
Sorry I want to actually SEE the gear I equip.
Krognoc. Serious question. Can you imagine being in a realm like Stalagg where there’s a bit more than 5 horde to 3 alliance ratio? So you walk around as alliance and 6 hordes come and gank you. We both agree there’s nothing wrong with the ganking because that’s part of the game but you see nothing wrong with the 5:3 ratio? AND there’s no way for the alliance in that faction to leave. No way. Not right now anyways. Maybe in the future
Just don’t let servers that are that unbalanced let so many of one side log on. Problem solved. Then see who complains!
Pvp has never been fair or will ever be fair. Any competitive game/hobby would have taught you. Take this as a learning experience.
I don’t care, I’m fine with pvp on a pvp server. Regardless of imbalance. It’s what the people chose.