But isn’t there resistance when you have to pay real money for a WoW token? Or just grind the insane amounts of gold that carries cost? There’s still a cost to these things it’s just not a cost of finding a guild/group and clearing the content yourself.
I mean if you like making gold on the side and you don’t like looking for groups? Or dealing with guild drama? Gold seems like a more attractive option. If people have the extra income to buy the tokens after working there but off, let them… since they probably don’t have that much time to play anyway.
Because theres no asterisk next to the achievement, and they can then lord it over others who didnt pay to get it.
If the game is such a chore that you feel that you need to skip large parts of it by paying people then you shouldn’t be playing the video game at all. It’s an entertainment product, you don’t pay others to be entertained in your stead.
There is obviously a strong social element at play here motivating carries.
people dont grind gold lmao
they buy gold
This is the most boomer thing I’ve read on these forums in a long time.
And I read the political threads.
Eh, most of the carries I’ve sold for gear are from PvPers who want some busted item from PvE but don’t wanna dedicate the time into being in a guild and competing for that item.
So many Ra-den carries for slappyhands.
Because some people are lazy.
it has nothing to do with the post millennial generation - I am over 60 and I have bought carries for mounts because getting a ‘feeling of accomplishment’ for wasting my time playing a game is more sad in my opinion that something to be desired.
I much prefer to waste my time doing things in this game I enjoy and raiding and doing dungeons aren’t them.
Not even going to lie…I’d pay for a guaranteed bow and quiver for the right price. 400K for a run I get both no arguments? Hell I’d pass 410K, 10K tip.
Its a mog to me. Not a symbol of a life accomplishment. And I have the gold from grinding pve that sits there and does nothing anyway. Not 1 token would be harmed in the buying of that carry.
*stands with arms open waiting to b picked up n carried n loved…
I am sure Dairy farmers feel the same way about people that buy milk from them, when they could just raise their own cows.
What do you mean? I’ve made over 12,000,000 gold over the course of the game and I’ve never bought gold once.
this thread is about other people, not you
??? no, there was no LFR originally. There was just the raid
Molten core was 40 people and you couldn’t change the difficulty. Later they broke it into 20 and 40 man raids, then 10 and 25 man with normal and heroic.
You get mounts without having to spend 9-12 hours a week grinding progression on top of your daily chores to stay competitive. If you’re good at the auction house or just have a job for tokens it’s way more efficient to get a carry. If you don’t find end game fun it’s the most optimal solution.
Getting carried for gear/“prestige” is silly though I agree.
Not saying there aren’t a few members of my own generation with the “gimme” disease, but the post-millennials are ate up with it. Sorry, but that’s pretty much a known fact at this point. Business Week did a number of articles on the unrealistic expectations of the post-millennials coming out of college.
Sitting in a couple of +15 carries right now an an alt. why? because I want enough gear to dps/heal +15 alt keys, but I don’t want to slog through the awful 10-14 key range to get it
The tree is nice but the fruit it bore is so much sweeter.
Personally, I don’t give a flying F about presige, or “earning” stuff in a video game. It exists as a vehicle for my entertainment and nothing else. Posturing about what I’ve earned or how cool something I have is, is meaningless to me, and I don’t give a damn about what anyone else thinks about this.
Well, for me in WoD I wasn’t raiding and I wanted that moose mount.
BfA I bought one mythic+ just for my alt pally… I’m not one to buy carries as the only means of leveling…in the past I have ran people in deadmines etc during original TBC and I had people run me in same dungeons, but all those were done with guildies / friends. In current retail since I’m not playing until later in SL I might buy a run or two but that’s it, prices are crazy for mount runs anymore, I got that moose in WoD for only 45k, I had a few 100k just from playing the game all those years so it was nothing, I never flex on a mount I didn’t earn but the moose mount is probably my favorite mount I own besides Invincible.