Why Do People Even Want To Be Carried?

Again false. Visions were the catch up gear for 8.3.

Benthic was the catch up gear for 8.2. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

That’s funny because you can’t get the stuff you need to get done weekly by raid logging. All you’re doing is pushing false talking points by bad players.

Every guild I have been in during shadowlands as been active outside of raids with doing mythic plus and dailies.

Like I have repeated over and over, you have no idea what you’re taking about.

Actually I did. You just ignored it.

Pay to win requires an ingame advantage purchased only by gold.

As boosts aren’t purchased from blizzard and you aren’t required to buy tokens that alone shows it’s not pay to win.

…the gold for the boost is purchased from Blizzard.

It’s not a requirement. You aren’t forced to buy tokens for boosts

It’s an option Blizzard offers to buy in game products and services with cash. The very definition of pay-to-win.

Korthia is analog of nazj gear, which was in 8.2. 8.3 had nzoth assaults in pandaria and uldum rewarding boxes that contained gold\coalesced visions\ later echoes and a piece of 445 gear, that is your catch up.

Visions were solo progression rewarding up to 470 with guranteed corruption (mythic nylotha 475). “catch up” gear that is higher than your heroic raiding, right.

I’m speaking of players of with your mentality in general, as content creators like Preach represented you clearly, while quite good content creator that I enjoyed, he had no clue of what’s going on outside of his instanced content bubble.

And looking at you in paricular, your SL reps are friendly - honored, you have no wpvp achievements, your account is at least 13 years old, yet you have only 139 mounts. Sorry but it’s clear you don’t play the game outside of your bubble.

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Again its actually not. The definition of pay to win requires you to gain an advantage. Youre not gaining an advantage buy purchasing a boost.

Blizzard does not offer a gear boost service.

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Again Visions WAS A PART OF THE 8.3 catch up system. You had to famr uldum and the mop area to get the things to do the visions. It was all PART OF THE SAME SYSTEM.

I was 10/12 mythic in Nya actually and yes it was too high of an ilvl.

He knows more than you do.

They are friendly/honored because I didnt start playing this character till 9.1. At SL launch I played rogue and at 9.0.5 I played a warlock.

I dont care about mounts. Who cares about world pvp? My arena achievments > any world pvp achievments.

The answer to this question is the same answer to the question of why people buy boosts, or perhaps more pertinently why people pay money to skip through certain other games.

It’s because they don’t think playing through the game legitimately is fun enough.

“Earning” it isn’t important to many people. There are “things” they want, but the process to obtain said “things” is unpleasant and/or too difficult for them to accomplish. In some cases these “things” are time sensitive (that’s a whole other problem imo), such as mounts that can’t be acquired once a new expansion launches.

How someone gets the “things” they want is, more often than not, unimportant so long as they get their “things”.

In the case of gear being obsolete, I’d agree that it’s silly to pay for gear carries in regards to player power, but if it’s for aesthetics then I can understand why someone would. Transmog lasts as long as WoW lasts. So if you want that mythic plate set from Sanctum of Domination, but you don’t raid anything higher than LFR (if you raid at all), but you have a ton of gold, then paying for a carry to help complete the set for its visual aesthetics is understandable to me.

So why not just play the game and enjoy yourself?

That would require that aspect of the game to be enjoyable, and what is or isn’t enjoyable is entirely subjective. You might enjoy challenging content and despise cakewalk content. Someone else might enjoy cakewalk content and despise challenging content.

Why not experience the game yourself and not treat it like it’s some job that needs to be cheated by having others do it for you?

Because depending on the content required for the “thing” you want, the game oft times feels like it IS a “job” and paying for a carry is far preferable to getting the “thing” than jumping through the flaming hoops required to get it “legitimately.”

Personally, I’ve ended up snubbing content I don’t like despite the rewards, often due to obvious time gating or “intended to waste my time” design. The only case where I pay for carries are those above mentioned time sensitive mounts that go away when a new expansion launches. And I only pay for those carries if my guild’s raid group doesn’t offer to carry me through it.

I stopped raiding in MoP beyond the odd LFR to clear story quests and see the story play out, but if one of those time sensitive mounts appeals to me, I’m going to get it in the most expedient and least painful way possible. And that typically means a carry. Any other mount drop I can always wait until the point where I can solo the raid to get it.

The problem with this is that those that think you should work for what you get don’t believe that those that get carried have put forth the effort to earn said gear.

And those that don’t want to put for the effort are unwilling to except that unless they are willing to put forth said effort some gear would be unavailable to them.

Personally I will never set foot in a Mythic raid, so I have resigned myself to not having that gear.

This right here.

I don’t have mythic only mounts simply because i’m not good enough to get them and that is fine. I don’t have a single cutting edge achievement, nor a single gladiator achievement/mount because I’m not good enough to get them and I’m fine with that.

Know why I don’t care? Because I’m proud of the things I managed to get by myself, with my own effort. I’m proud of all my AoTC achievements, all my rep farms and the shenenigan achievements I’ve done over the years.

People should learn to find pride on what they can do while striving to become better, not become a lazy and stagnant blob. Many of the responses here on this thread simply make me disgusted with my fellow players.

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If I were to every pay for a carry, it would only be because my g/f has MS and requires my instant attention at random moments. Through years of trying, this makes raiding impossible because people don’t like waiting for 10 min let alone 3 hours for me to AFK.

I just wait for endgame content on Youtube.

Alot of you got carried and probably didnt even realize thru the yrs at one point or another from guilds friends. People who complain about carries alot of them are getting alts carried for quick gear but it’s better I dont buy a token I just use people.

I paid my friends 500k each for a +22 “carry” on my undergeared DK because I wanted to get into 15 pugs and I had the gold.

Sell carries, buy carries. It works out.

Mobile gaming generation. Easier to pay the way.

Guilds progressing together isn’t getting carried. Even if you’re the worst player in the raid, you’re still there and contributing.

So if you’re looking at this from a PVP perspective, you want to be carried because:

  1. Your capped by your score, and everyone is getting boosted
  2. You have to fight those boosted people with better gear, and it’s easier to do with comparable gear than it is with the BS gear
  3. It’s a long 6 months

How many people with tons of likes said “people are lazy lmao.” PVErs are dead dumb and blind to the struggles on the PVP side of the map, and saying “it’s always been bad” makes it stay that way - not sure how many brain cells you need to see that obvious truth but not too many posters have enough it would seem.

Same thing most people getting carried contribute except a few rare occasions.

Hardly. There is a process. You show up for one boss or one night and farm. They’re there thru the wipes and the learning process.